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Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

And it wasn't $800 that they stiffed her, it was about $40. There are no $800 hookers in Colombia. As usual, all of the commentary everywhere is about secret service agents screwing hookers. That's what the media is pushing. But how many people honestly care about that? Men get serviced by hookers every day. Not only is it the oldest profession, one day it will be the last profession.

I've known quite a few hookers. Most of them don't want it widely known that they're hookers. Most hookers don't want to make a scene, because making scenes is typically bad for business. There are two things you can do to a hooker to cause her to make a scene. Deliberately trying to break her rules, and not paying the contracted amount. And even the first one isn't very likely to cause a scene unless the customer gets very aggressive. But not paying a hooker after she renders services, is akin to stealing. It's no different than you trying to walk out of store without paying for an item. You can bet the store clerk or manager is going to make a scene.

What people should be pissed about is that this is yet another example of government employees using everyone and everything as their toilet. The secret service is supposed to be the best of the best, and here they are acting like common street trash. They make all Americans look bad. And not because they're screwing hookers. But because they're making a scene while engaging an activity where discretion has always been the number one rule. These guys threw away some of the most secure careers you could possibly have over $45. That kind of stupidity is almost criminal. And they look out for the president?

Charlie Sheen once said "I pay them to go away." Many whoremongers pay for sex because they can't get it otherwise. For others, they're paying to get some poon on the side with minimal fear of the wife finding out. Whatever the reason for payment, it all boils down to paying to get something you want that involves the least amount of hassle before and after the fact.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

There are definitely $800 hookers in Colombia. You could probably add another zero onto the end of that figure and there are still guys that will pay. The chick needs to be very exclusive and scarce. Think narco customers paying for TV presenters and bikini models.

The amount in dispute was never $40. I don't think you were paying close attention to the story. At the beginning, when hard facts were not available, a Colombian news source reported that the going rate in Cartagena was $47, or whatever the peso equivalent is. Foreign news outlets started to pick that up and quote each other using the $47 figure. But that just shows how little they knew about the background.

The price is fixed by time spent, in what venue she was found, if she owes commission to anyone else for the hookup, the financial status of the client and whether she thinks he is going to be hard work or not. You can't honestly think a dude is going to keep her at a 5 star hotel all night and she wants to charge him 47 bucks.

A hooker's earnings are highly opportunistic. The same way we talk to each other about girls we scored, hoes brag to each other about how much cash they made this one time for how little work. A hooker will comfortably charge the highest amount she's ever heard one of her gal pals mention, if she thinks the guy might sign off on it.

Let's say for whatever reason she thought she was due $800. Mentally she already has that money spent before she's even received it. Once the guy decides to stiff her, loss aversion kicks in and she fights for what she considers rightfully hers.

The SS guys made several bad judgment calls on that night. Most obvious was choosing their work provided hotel instead of an anonymous love hotel. As well as not clearly fixing the price in advance.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

That broad pictured, there is no way she is an $800 whore. Not in Columbia and not in the US. I wouldn't give her $50 and that's not due to an aversion for paying for pussy. Just being honest.

And SS agents don't make THAT much money, so there it is not likely any of them are going to be searching out high dollar whores anyway.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Sure, they never set out to find $800 whores. By their actions, that's the situation they got into.

In Europe, you can run into clip joints where they charge you hundreds for a couple of drinks. A local girl you just met chooses the place, orders in the local language without looking at the menu. When you leave, the check comes for hundreds of euros. You ask them to fix the check. They show you the menu where your drink is 15 euro and hers is 150 euro. A gorilla sized bouncer appears and suggests you pay it. That friendly girl you just met turns her back and disappears behind the bar without saying a word.

Kamaki recently talked about getting caught in that scam somewhere in FSU. It's also well known in Budapest and Paris.

We can look at it in the cold hard light of day and say "no way that glass of cheap champagne is worth 150 euros". But that's beside the point, wouldn't you agree?

These guys are in a tropical country, looking at sultry women all day during work. They have free time after dark, far away from their families. They're rolling in a group of 20, which takes on a flow of its own. They probably don't speak the language. Booze is cheap and they have a few drinks under their belt.

Every guy probably thinks some other guy in the group has events under control. In a group of high-T military and bodyguard guys, who wants to be the softcock without a girl on his arm?

Like I said above, they could have mitigated this by agreeing the price or taking them to an anonymous hotel. But that is not what happened.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

That makes sense Tigre.

Well, sense in that shit like 150 euro drinks happen to guys not in the know in countries where fleecing tourists is a big business.

And, it's pretty obvious from the previous actions of the guy that caused the scene (He's the one with the FB post talking about checking out Palin IIRC), he "t'ain't too smart".

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Quote: (04-30-2012 09:54 AM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

That makes sense Tigre.

Well, sense in that shit like 150 euro drinks happen to guys not in the know in countries where fleecing tourists is a big business.

And, it's pretty obvious from the previous actions of the guy that caused the scene (He's the one with the FB post talking about checking out Palin IIRC), he "t'ain't too smart".

You wouldn't check out Palin's ass?

I am starting to feel this whole 'hookergate' thing is a honey trap. This is not the first time hookers have been involved with intelligence or sectruity and won't be the last. Generally its a 'wink wink.. nudge..nudge' thing that local officials bury since its of no real convince to let little bones out of the closet since it will happen to you as well.

I always study the chess games in regards to politics and the backroom system versus the crafted and polished public version. The narrative in the press about this situation is leaving out to many important issues.

1. The heat this brings around Obama. If things do get to hot in regards to this scandal and investigations are launched which get close to Obama in any way he will be forced to dump his agents and throw them to the wolves.

2. If #1 becomes a scenario then Obama leaves himself open to being ratted on in the press by the dismissed agents. These agents spend more time with Obama daily then his wife or own kids. You learn "secrets" as much as you are supposed to be a secret.

3. The Israeli connection: Israeli intelligence has been meddling in Coloumbia affairs for quite some time[U.S. Firms saw Israeli firms rise in Latin America as a threat]. This is not news if you study geo-politics. Nentenyahu is a good friend of Mitt Romney, they worked together in the younger days at some swanky Boston firm in the 70's and have kept contact ever since [Cartagena Israeli-run prostitution rings...Romney and Netanyahu old chums NYT]

Obama and Netanyahu openly have a strained relationship and its quite obvious whom Nethyahu will throw his support (overtly or covertly) behind in the election. A situation like this means Israel can regain the chess piece and arm-twist Obama on sensitive issues such as Iran which has been a deleciate situation with an election leading up.

Honey traps have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years, the Russians are probably the best at it. If people can remember Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the dubious maid who turned out to be a spotty witness with ties to the mafia. Which is convenient to bring up because DSK was seen as Sarkozy biggest threat in the current French elections as he was planning to run. These types of things go down in politics as politics isn't a clean game.

I think the price was irrelevant. The Female would of switched it regardless. $80 or $800 or $8000 she was going to rat.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

I'd check out Palin's ass.

Hell, if given a chance I'd try and hit it.

But I wouldn't post about it on FB if I was detailed to protect her.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

There are $800 hookers in Colombia- for that money, you can get a cute girl for a month and she will cook and clean, too. There isn't much of the way of pimping in Colombia, either. And no way there weren't guys who speak spanish and read up on the subject among the 20. Anyway, one wonders whether part of the hoopla is because Hillary, who has a true 24/7 job, was drunk

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Don't get too focused on the $800 number. A hooker in Latin America will try to get as much as she can from her customer. Sure, there are standard prices they USUALLY start out with. But all of that goes out of the window if they think you are new and that they can con you.

This dude went with a group of other Americans, was a first timer, during an event that brings in a lot of foreigners, and was drunk. Any one of these things will cause a girl to attempt to gouge you on price. She probably threw out the $800 number to see if he was a big enough sucker to take it. I've seen it MANY times before. These women prey upon dudes that are either too drunk or too naive to know the local prices.

Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?


Secret Service Agents & Colombian Hookers?

Secret Service Sex Scandal: Dania Londono Suarez, Colombian Escort, To Open Foundation For Prostitutes

Dania Londoño Suarez, the escort at the center of the U.S. Secret Service sex scandal in Colombia is planning on opening a non-profit organization to support women affected by prostitution, reports La W Radio, a Colombian Radio Station.

Colombia’s famous escort, who previously rejected a $500,000 dollar contract offer by Vivid Entertainment Group, a pornographic film production company, is taking her life to the small screen after signing a deal with a local TV network. She’s also sealed a modelling contract and will soon grace the covers of SoHo Magazine, a monthly Colombian magazine geared towards a male audience.

With the money earned from these business ventures, Londoño will invest in her son’s education, a new house and a non-profit organization for women involved in prostitution, according to local reports.

News of her business plans were announced by Abelardo De La Espriella, director of De La Espriella Lawyers Enterprise, of the lawyer firm that represents Londoño since the sex scandal broke.

“After the incident with president Barack Obama’s secret service, the San Andres native decided to leave the country and listen to all the offers coming her way... she is aware she's been given a new opportunity to change the course of her life and because of that she asks that all Colombians support her in her upcoming projects,” said the public statement in Spanish sent by Londoño’s lawyers.

"The foundation will be based in Bogota, but it could operate anywhere and Dania will funnel to it part (of the money) she receives and has received," the public statement continued.

The series of events--television deals, interviews with big news sources including an exclusive with MSNBC and thousands of dollars in new business endeavors-- that have followed Londoño’s scandal have misrepresented the prostitution experience. In fact, it has glamorized prostitution in Cartagena.

But the reality is Cartagena’s sex trade comes in many forms. On one hand, there are the "Danias"--call girls who hang out in the fanciest night spots in the city-- who receive clients in their own apartment charging up to $500. Some are even brought in from other places around the country into Cartagena specifically for events that bring foreigners to the coastal city.

There are also the more common story of girls who who receive their clients in shady hostels and don’t charge anything close to $500 dollars.

Adult prostitution in Colombia is legal in designated "tolerance zones," but restriction to the zones remains difficult. The law does prohibit organizing or facilitating sexual tourism and provides penalties of up to eight years' imprisonment.

But facilitating sexual tourism is an entire underground industry in Colombia. The business is specifically targeted towards underage prostitution which has haunted the coastal city for many years. In the city that has been deemed the newest tourist destination for the rich and famous and en route to becoming the “St Tropez of Latin America”, children as young as 12 years-old are part of the prostitution business.

There’s no exact data, but estimates suggest there’s 2,000 exploited kids working in the sex trade, according to El espectador, a Colombia daily newspaper.

"I think prostitution is part of the city's culture. That is, a tourist comes to Cartagena and it's part of his plan to look for company," said Gerardo Javier May, a security industry executive according to The Associated Press.

While the city of Cartagena hosts cultural events that attract literates, intellectuals and high class attendees from all over the world, the activities on the streets and behind closed doors is quite the opposite. Many of these tourists find their company in plazas around the city where pimps handle the business and put them in contact with prostitues-female and male- who many times are not even 15 years-old.

This common form of child prostitution is known colloquially as 'pre-pagos,' or escort services, according to Insight Crime Organization. In these cases minors usually work with pre-arranged clients in sexual encounters organized by pimps.

70 percent of Cartagena's population, which is over 850,000 people, lives in poverty. From there many children seek for income in the prostitution business. These girls usually come from broken homes and are coerced by acquaintances into the sex trade business, for fees as low as 2,000 or 5,000 pesos (between US$1.70 and US$2.70).

Londoño's non-profit might offer a new opportunity for these girls. The foundation will aim at helping women who want to get out of prostitution by providing job opportunities and proper training, according to reports. Women will also be able to receive psychological and medical assistance.

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