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What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

I ask this question because I just read a compelling article in an Australian paper about a projected demographic crisis for women of this generation. In short, within the next 10-15 years, there are going to be a TON of unmarried, childless women in the Western world. And they aren't going to be happy. Precisely what impact this will have on society at large is uncertain, but it will be profound.

I'll get to the article in a minute but first, allow me to sum up how I got thinking about this topic. I just spent my first weekend in ages in my "home" town - Washington, DC. (I've posted many threads on the wonders of DC before in other threads). But I'm so seldom here I often forget how bad it really is. The differences with other cities in the U.S. are striking.

I can pick up some 8/8.5s out in LA or Vegas, some 8s in New York, but I will seldom get anything CLOSE to that here. (Granted, a 9 is tough no matter where you are, but it too can be done). In DC, you don't even get the chance. I'm a decent-looking dude and have received the hand-in-the-face response from 6's/7's on multiple occasions here, within the first minute! Yes, from a 6. Within the first five minutes, they'll offer the standard DC-shit test on school/job. Of course, that's child's play since I'm able to outgun 99 percent of DC girls on that account. Doesn't seem to help though. If you don't even get past the first minute, you can't even demonstrate value.

So you have the strange dynamic of decidedly average girls rejecting men of superior looks, superior intelligence, and superior wealth right off the bat. Men of clearly superior value being rejected hands down in less than a minute. Even more stunning - Women in DC constantly moan about the lack of men in this town! I hear it in my office every single day. It's their main topic of conversation! What the hell are the looking for?

My question is mainly philosophical: What on earth happens to the DC 6/6.5s when they are 35? Do they eventually find a partner and settle down? They can't offer superior looks, they can't offer superior personality (if any), they can't offer superior money, and they can't offer superior intelligence. DC, for all its flaws, is packed full of intelligent high-earning dudes in the mid 100k range. What can these girls bring to the table?

Apologies if this has been posted here before. Take a look at this article. Makes you think. Until then as always, see you in the airport:

Why Women Lose the Dating Game

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

I've noticed a trend with some women in the area that I live, suddenly around their mid-thirties, they know that their biological clock is about to wind down, often unmarried and feeling like they are "missing something" in their life, they go into a sudden frantic "baby-crazed mode."

Typically, if they are decent looking and not a complete cow, they are able to quickly find a beta guy, often a very desperate beta that is sometimes even a few years younger than them, shack up, and get pregnant within a short period of time.

Now I don't have many examples in mind, one was a cougar that worked as a personal trainer that my friend was banging, another was the chef at a restaurant I eat at.

Either way, I think 30, especially the mid-thirties can hit a woman hard, not only do they drop off in the looks department, but they question their self-worth if they are unmarried, and don't have a child, this is especially true for women the lack great careers.

However, the way I see things, outside of maybe certain pockets, the sexual market is so heavily skewed towards women, with so many hopeless, AFC, beta, or "blue pill" guys out there, that either lack game, confidence, or come from a serious "scarcity" mentality when it comes to get pussy, that there will always be some guy out there that will shack up with a over the hill mid-thirties 6.

This is because there are a lot of guys out there that don't get laid, especially if they themselves are 30+ they start thinking a lot like women as far as what mainstream society dictates, find a husband/wife, establish career, have children, buy house, raise kids, pay for college, retire, play golf, then die.

Ideally, as a man, as you age into your thirties, you learn game, understand female psychology, improve yourself, work on your look (gym, grooming, wardrobe), and get your financial situation and lifestyle handled. That way once you're in your mid-thirties, you have a superior lifestyle that can allow you to date the cream of the crop of women your age, or ideally women that are younger. It's the guys' that never grow out of their betadom, that shack up with an over the hill slag, who rode the "alpa cock carosel" for years, then all of a sudden decides to settle down with a beta provider and have babies in her mid thirties.

Some women in this day in age ignore their basic biological nature, and truly choose not to have children, because they don't want to have that responsibility in their lives. Others, got too focused on career, and that became their complete obcession and motivation that drowned out the desire for children. Then their are the women who will be cougars and utter sluts that go to swinger parties, and let 5 different fat guys fuck them. While still others will be the single woman with 3 dogs who are "her babies", take up knitting and quilting, and blame men always, and claim she just never found the "right guy."

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-02-2012 04:15 PM)JackHammer11 Wrote:  

Within the first five minutes, they'll offer the standard DC-shit test on school/job. Of course, that's child's play since I'm able to outgun 99 percent of DC girls on that account. Doesn't seem to help though. If you don't even get past the first minute, you can't even demonstrate value.

You stated that you can outgun 99% of the DC girls in terms of school/job The question is can you outgun 99% of the GUYS you are competing against. The fact that you went to a better school, or have a better job than a woman means nothing if there are tons of guys interested in her that can outgun you.

I used to live in DC too and I can say with certainty, relative to other cities, DC has the most skewed relationship between successful guys and attractive girls. Contrary to what girls inside of DC believe, it is NOT common for a 5 or 6 with a bullshit job at a non-profit to be able to REGULARLY date successful attorneys. That shit just doesn't happen that often anywhere else.

Quote: (06-02-2012 04:15 PM)JackHammer11 Wrote:  

So you have the strange dynamic of decidedly average girls rejecting men of superior looks, superior intelligence, and superior wealth right off the bat. Men of clearly superior value being rejected hands down in less than a minute. Even more stunning - Women in DC constantly moan about the lack of men in this town! I hear it in my office every single day. It's their main topic of conversation! What the hell are the looking for?

They want the lawyer/lobbyist that their best friend got. The phenomena that you are witnessing is interesting. While there are a ton of VERY successful guys in DC, there is not enough for all of the average girls. HOWEVER, there is enough to screw up the average girls PERCEPTION of what she can get. Thus, they reject you outright because they have this mistaken belief that if they just wait a little longer they can get prince charming.

It is like if two people in your neighborhood won the lottery. Everyone in the neighborhood would start playing the lottery a lot more, even though their odds haven't gone up.

A better example would be guys who get athletic scholarships to college and think that they are going to be a pro football or basketball player. They ignore studying things that could land them a good job because "I don't need a job, I'm going to the NBA/NFL." When reality kicks them in the ass and the realize that they won't be drafted and won't be the next Lebron, Kobe, or Tim Tebow, its too late. College is over for them.

Quote: (06-02-2012 04:15 PM)JackHammer11 Wrote:  

My question is mainly philosophical: What on earth happens to the DC 6/6.5s when they are 35?

Simple. It is a game of musical chairs. At 35 the music stops for these women and a lot are left standing.

Many stay single. A lot of the single ones are bitter. Some get married late. The irony is that, in many cases, those that do get married late wind up settling for a guy that is WORSE than they could have done had they settled down at an earlier age. I have personally seen chicks who were the typical unrealistic standards DC girls marrying down 7 years later.

A surprising number just become fuck toys for successful guys who refused to get married. My uncle ran through A TON of chicks in this age group when he was in DC. Whereas at 27 these girls threw up shit test after shit test, at 37 they are DTF for any guy who looks successful and has even a little game.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Interesting article pretty much echoes the thoughts of people on this board and across the manosphere as a whole. Now this is getting mainstream recognition and coverage.


''I can't believe how many men my age are only interested in younger women,'' wails Gail, a 34-year-old advertising executive as she describes her first search through men's profiles on the RSVP internet dating site.

Can't deny basic biology baby.

Feminism tried its best and now it will leave these women very depressed while the men who adapt, i.e. learn game clean up.

It's been also widely covered that many women in the West are on anti-depressants, that's because they're following a male orientated way of life - chasing the paper, career, etc. Women are not made for this, they're made to have a family and raise children.

Again, once women stop denying this basic fact to themselves they might end up being happier. But as we know women are the masters of self-delusion.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

At least with respect to large N. American cities, this article is way off.

When 6s turn 35, they will still have a army of men who want to have a LTR with them. As women's economic independence makes them increasingly pickier, this means that there will be an increasing number of men (including young men) who aren't getting laid, and this in turn means that there will increasingly be more men who are willing to settle even for a woman past her child bearing years. (Most men 35+ don't have the financial resources needed to date younger.) Most men want children, but they want to get laid more than they want to have kids. Having a LTR with a woman in her last child bearing years or past them is one way to secure a regular sex partner. This may mean that the woman will have to relax her standards, but even so she will still have options. Again, even if she ultimately doesn't have a child, and this affects her well-being, she will still have options. In short, as we age, women still win and most men still lose. I don't know if there is anything that will reverse this trend, but this is the current trend.

Also, note that the article is not saying that women in their mid-30s can't find men; they're saying that the small number of single desirable men they want are dating younger women.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

I recently just spent time in the DMV and Maryland. And being from Toronto the biggest thing I got out of DC was it was just full of mediocre women. I found DC women way easier to game tho vs. Toronto. I was dealing with uglier broads but in all honestly the City was like 90% 4-6's. This rating thing is all subjective but in reality when I seen couples in DC I seen people more or less with their equals: Geeky dudes with average women. I did not see the rampant dating down where successful good looking men we're walking with trolls like Toronto. Most of the men I came across in DC were goofs, had little swag and just had credentials and degrees to vouch for. I was a alien with no pedigree and would dismiss DC females shit tests, I simply did not care about their degrees or jobs and they we're either deeply offended or turned on by this. The only scene were I got eaten alive was was with Hill-type African-American women in DC, I was brutalized by them, and they left me for dead lol. [DC vs. Toronto thread is in the works.. stay tuned for it]

In regards to the threads premise things will eventually hit a wall. If these females continue to get more economic and political clout they won't need men to fill the void. I have been saying the State will replace men for these empty and single women in due time. When these females hit 40 and are alone with all this money they will start to change the laws and regulations in their favor. I really don't see a give-or-take happening. Beta men will continue to face hardships as jobs become more and more feminized, and if they don't learn game or escape they will get nothing. It will be up to women to chill the fuck out and take this whole feminism package they vouched for but I don't know if that will ever happen. Women more-so then men will be in delusion and locked in that career wheel. And as people have noted they wake up at 37 and there isn't shit they can do. I have no sympathy.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Hmm I am utterly confused by all these odd ball "what happens to American girl" threads or derivatives of such. Who cares?

If you're really sick of it? Leave. Ie roosh.
If you're having "trouble here" go fix yourself.

Maybe I'm too harsh but really, just seems like ny accepting reality. Your competition will always go up. What happens when someone like all the g manifestos leave to slay abroad? Competion goes up. Might as well not worry about it and make yourself the best you, fuck the rest.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-02-2012 05:52 PM)kosko Wrote:  

I recently just spent time in the DMV and Maryland. And being from Toronto the biggest thing I got out of DC was it was just full of mediocre women. I found DC women way easier to game tho vs. Toronto. I was dealing with uglier broads but in all honestly the City was like 90% 4-6's. This rating thing is all subjective but in reality when I seen couples in DC I seen people more or less with their equals: Geeky dudes with average women. I did not see the rampant dating down where successful good looking men we're walking with trolls like Toronto. Most of the men I came across in DC were goofs, had little swag and just had credentials and degrees to vouch for. I was a alien with no pedigree and would dismiss DC females shit tests, I simply did not care about their degrees or jobs and they we're either deeply offended or turned on by this. The only scene were I got eaten alive was was with Hill-type African-American women in DC, I was brutalized by them, and they left me for dead lol. [DC vs. Toronto thread is in the works.. stay tuned for it]

In regards to the threads premise things will eventually hit a wall. If these females continue to get more economic and political clout they won't need men to fill the void. I have been saying the State will replace men for these empty and single women in due time. When these females hit 40 and are alone with all this money they will start to change the laws and regulations in their favor. I really don't see a give-or-take happening. Beta men will continue to face hardships as jobs become more and more feminized, and if they don't learn game or escape they will get nothing. It will be up to women to chill the fuck out and take this whole feminism package they vouched for but I don't know if that will ever happen. Women more-so then men will be in delusion and locked in that career wheel. And as people have noted they wake up at 37 and there isn't shit they can do. I have no sympathy.

As a DC native who lived in Ontario for 5 years and visits Toronto regularly, this is by far the best comparison of Toronto vs. DC that I have ever read. I really cannot find any flaws with this except minor quibbles that come down to personal taste or where zero begins on the scale (someone's 7 is another's 5).

If Roosh went to Toronto, I'm betting that this is what he would say.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-02-2012 04:51 PM)joehoya Wrote:  

You stated that you can outgun 99% of the DC girls in terms of school/job The question is can you outgun 99% of the GUYS you are competing against. The fact that you went to a better school, or have a better job than a woman means nothing if there are tons of guys interested in her that can outgun you.

JoeHoya - Great analysis on all things DC-related. To answer your question - Can I outgun 99 percent of the guys I'm competing with on those counts? To be fair, probably 1 out of 20 guys will be able to outgun me on those counts. So 5 percent will have me beat on that front, but not by much. I figure I can make up for that 5 percent with good looks, good game, and wit [Image: wink.gif]

Seriously though, on the broader question of what happens to them, I don't think many of the DC 6s-7s are able to settle with beta providers. You may be overestimating that. I think the beta providers may settle for an 8 after she's been cycled through 25 alpha male rotations during her prime when she was a promo girl or a hired gun at McFadden's. But if you're that wealthy, settling for a washed up 7... Well, it's a depressing thought. Hopefully most betas won't take the bait.

I'm convinced, as the article noted, we are headed for a HUGE spike in the number of childless women. This will be exacerbated to a dangerous level within Washington, DC. As you correctly point out, the city has BY FAR the most skewed relationship dynamic in the country. You do indeed see successful lawyers and brokers with overweight 5s/6s. That won't remain constant though. As the women get worse and the dudes get more proficient at game, earn more, get more fit, something will have to break (Roosh has a great posting on this on the homepage). Strictly referring to DC - While a small number of men will settle for the 6s, most highly successful men will have too much pride to stomach such a fate and will either move or remain single forever. The 6's, in turn, will remain forever bitter because their one friend was actually able to land the wealthy, well-built, 8.5 attorney. Either way, the marriage rate in DC will plummet. Fast.

Personal example from this weekend -- As I've noted many times before it's RARE for me to spend a weekend here, but when I do I'll go to work on a few 7's, if only to set up some action during the week. (Would be nice to actually have some action Monday-Thursday). Below is a typical text exchange from a 6.5 whose number I picked up because I had nothing better to do. I fire off a text 3 days later:

Me: Hey! Good meeting you! Now you have my number. Btw I'll be highly offended if I'm any lower than 3 on the speed dial [Image: wink.gif]

(I get an Immediate response)

Her: Daniel Craig! Nice to hear from you!! A top three spot on my speed dial is highly coveted... It must be earned [Image: wink.gif]

(She thought I looked like Daniel Craig)

Me: Provided we attend plenty of black tie affairs w vodka martinis in exotic locations, I guarantee you I'll earn it [Image: wink.gif] Monte Carlo to start?

And... No response. End of story. WITH A 6.5!!

In any other city, that text would work wonders and would probably eventually get me laid. Or at least keep the interaction going! It encompasses all the necessary fundamentals: Touches upon your initial conversation, her first impression of you, conjures up an adventure in her mind, etc. etc, you all know the drill with texting. But not here. Why? Probably because she has 15 other dudes texting her, who knows... Exhibit 24456, for Washington, DC.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

I'm moving from DC to Miami Beach in two weeks! I got the job here and now its time to GTFO!

[Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif]

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-07-2012 11:10 PM)JackHammer11 Wrote:  

Her: Daniel Craig! Nice to hear from you!! A top three spot on my speed dial is highly coveted... It must be earned [Image: wink.gif]

She's qualifying you?! It's rare when girls in Japan are playful like this, so I like it, and it's fun when a hot girl plays this game. But an entitled 6.5? Fuck off...

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

I'm not so sure about this. For example, Dalrock has pointed out repeatedly that there is no such thing as a "marriage strike", i.e. men refusing to marry aging spinsters in large numbers. Perhaps there will be in the future, but given that male populations are becoming more and more Beta by the year, who is willing to bet on that?

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-07-2012 11:10 PM)JackHammer11 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-02-2012 04:51 PM)joehoya Wrote:  

You stated that you can outgun 99% of the DC girls in terms of school/job The question is can you outgun 99% of the GUYS you are competing against. The fact that you went to a better school, or have a better job than a woman means nothing if there are tons of guys interested in her that can outgun you.

JoeHoya - Great analysis on all things DC-related. To answer your question - Can I outgun 99 percent of the guys I'm competing with on those counts? To be fair, probably 1 out of 20 guys will be able to outgun me on those counts. So 5 percent will have me beat on that front, but not by much. I figure I can make up for that 5 percent with good looks, good game, and wit [Image: wink.gif]

Seriously though, on the broader question of what happens to them, I don't think many of the DC 6s-7s are able to settle with beta providers. You may be overestimating that. I think the beta providers may settle for an 8 after she's been cycled through 25 alpha male rotations during her prime when she was a promo girl or a hired gun at McFadden's. But if you're that wealthy, settling for a washed up 7... Well, it's a depressing thought. Hopefully most betas won't take the bait.

I'm convinced, as the article noted, we are headed for a HUGE spike in the number of childless women. This will be exacerbated to a dangerous level within Washington, DC. As you correctly point out, the city has BY FAR the most skewed relationship dynamic in the country. You do indeed see successful lawyers and brokers with overweight 5s/6s. That won't remain constant though. As the women get worse and the dudes get more proficient at game, earn more, get more fit, something will have to break (Roosh has a great posting on this on the homepage). Strictly referring to DC - While a small number of men will settle for the 6s, most highly successful men will have too much pride to stomach such a fate and will either move or remain single forever. The 6's, in turn, will remain forever bitter because their one friend was actually able to land the wealthy, well-built, 8.5 attorney. Either way, the marriage rate in DC will plummet. Fast.

Personal example from this weekend -- As I've noted many times before it's RARE for me to spend a weekend here, but when I do I'll go to work on a few 7's, if only to set up some action during the week. (Would be nice to actually have some action Monday-Thursday). Below is a typical text exchange from a 6.5 whose number I picked up because I had nothing better to do. I fire off a text 3 days later:

Me: Hey! Good meeting you! Now you have my number. Btw I'll be highly offended if I'm any lower than 3 on the speed dial [Image: wink.gif]

(I get an Immediate response)

Her: Daniel Craig! Nice to hear from you!! A top three spot on my speed dial is highly coveted... It must be earned [Image: wink.gif]

(She thought I looked like Daniel Craig)

Me: Provided we attend plenty of black tie affairs w vodka martinis in exotic locations, I guarantee you I'll earn it [Image: wink.gif] Monte Carlo to start?

And... No response. End of story. WITH A 6.5!!

In any other city, that text would work wonders and would probably eventually get me laid. Or at least keep the interaction going! It encompasses all the necessary fundamentals: Touches upon your initial conversation, her first impression of you, conjures up an adventure in her mind, etc. etc, you all know the drill with texting. But not here. Why? Probably because she has 15 other dudes texting her, who knows... Exhibit 24456, for Washington, DC.

I had a similar case with a 6, maybe 6.5 in DC. 3-set, 2 girls/1 guy, and I ran into the other two a few weeks later, who were pretty cool and liked me from when I was gaming the friend. They volunteered (I wasn't going to ask, didn't care) that she was dating somebody else and that they didn't like him. I think they said "douchebag." Seriously, these girls shouldn't have one suitor, let alone multiple suitors, even if one did just want to bang and move on. Crazy city.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-08-2012 05:58 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I'm not so sure about this. For example, Dalrock has pointed out repeatedly that there is no such thing as a "marriage strike", i.e. men refusing to marry aging spinsters in large numbers. Perhaps there will be in the future, but given that male populations are becoming more and more Beta by the year, who is willing to bet on that?

Handsome - I'm not so sure. Do you really think the general make population is becoming more and more beta at large? If anything, I think it's the opposite. Frustrated with their results, particularly in DC, more and more dudes are learning game. So much so that game is becoming the new normal. In my opinion (yes even in DC haha) there are less betas than ever since more and more dudes are shooting for the same goals (i.e. - Regularly rotating 8-9s. A near-impossible feat in DC)

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-14-2012 03:39 AM)JackHammer11 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2012 05:58 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

I'm not so sure about this. For example, Dalrock has pointed out repeatedly that there is no such thing as a "marriage strike", i.e. men refusing to marry aging spinsters in large numbers. Perhaps there will be in the future, but given that male populations are becoming more and more Beta by the year, who is willing to bet on that?

Handsome - I'm not so sure. Do you really think the general make population is becoming more and more beta at large? If anything, I think it's the opposite. Frustrated with their results, particularly in DC, more and more dudes are learning game. So much so that game is becoming the new normal. In my opinion (yes even in DC haha) there are less betas than ever since more and more dudes are shooting for the same goals (i.e. - Regularly rotating 8-9s. A near-impossible feat in DC)

" there are less betas than ever since more and more dudes are shooting for the same goals (i.e. - Regularly rotating 8-9s. A near-impossible feat in DC)"
Just because dude's shoot for the same goal does not mean they become alpha. DC has a ton of beta's (many married to their jobs) and that is not changing at all, the only thing that is happening is that these afc's get hitched with heffers (fat women) who are at least a rung or two below them. Also compared to other large cities DC is sorely lacking in 8-9s and most of them by the time they are 30+ are married and expecting a kid or two around here. I have quite a few friends including some who make 150k+/year and go out like crazy every weekend however if they get a model look-alike in DC more than once a month it is a miracle! More often than not they either go home with fake numbers or have to resort to online game. If you're a single guy in your 30s and still trying to get 8+s in DC I feel sorry for you (actually I am in the same group but nowadays I no longer sweat getting dissed as I travel out of DC for game almost every weekend) 'cause the competition here is intense...If you want to see just how bad DC is visit Georgetown Waterfront on a Friday night. You'll see dozens of drunk, millionaire "captains" hollering like crazy at the few decent looking chicks emerging from Sequoias (local watering hole which borders the pier) and trying to get them on their boats to party to no avail. For those "keyboard quarterbacks" in this thread who do not live in Washington, DC and claim that game can overcome these obstacles you obviously do not understand the scene down here.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-14-2012 07:50 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

If you want to see just how bad DC is visit Georgetown Waterfront on a Friday night. You'll see dozens of drunk, millionaire "captains" hollering like crazy at the few decent looking chicks emerging from Sequoias (local watering hole which borders the pier) and trying to get them on their boats to party to no avail. For those "keyboard quarterbacks" in this thread who do not live in Washington, DC and claim that game can overcome these obstacles of talent scarcity you cannot possibly understand the scene down here.

Even more reason why I think it's strange there is not a off the hook hot gold digger/hot escort girl scene there out in the open.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-14-2012 07:50 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

(actually I am in the same group but nowadays I no longer sweat getting dissed as I travel out of DC for game almost every weekend) 'cause the competition here is intense...

Where are you heading on the weekends? NYC?

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-14-2012 07:57 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (06-14-2012 07:50 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

If you want to see just how bad DC is visit Georgetown Waterfront on a Friday night. You'll see dozens of drunk, millionaire "captains" hollering like crazy at the few decent looking chicks emerging from Sequoias (local watering hole which borders the pier) and trying to get them on their boats to party to no avail. For those "keyboard quarterbacks" in this thread who do not live in Washington, DC and claim that game can overcome these obstacles of talent scarcity you cannot possibly understand the scene down here.

Even more reason why I think it's strange there is not a off the hook hot gold digger/hot escort girl scene there out in the open.

Sure there are Gold Diggers but DC has so many successful, single guys that there's not enough gold diggers to go around. It is really the East Coast version of San Jose, plenty of male-dominated jobs to go around (especially in IT and the gov't-defense sector) yet even successful guys getting by with "bread crumbs".
The escort scene I can't comment on as that does not appeal to me.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-14-2012 08:05 PM)rakishness Wrote:  

Quote: (06-14-2012 07:50 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

(actually I am in the same group but nowadays I no longer sweat getting dissed as I travel out of DC for game almost every weekend) 'cause the competition here is intense...

Where are you heading on the weekends? NYC?

Primarily Delaware Beaches (Dewey) or Atlantic City

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-14-2012 08:35 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

It is really the East Coast version of San Jose, plenty of male-dominated jobs to go around (especially in IT and the gov't-defense sector)

Even happy hours here are 90 percent guys. Sometimes I try to be unconventional and hunt off hours(happy hours/post HH/ Weekdays)..STILL full of dudes.


What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-14-2012 07:57 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (06-14-2012 07:50 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

If you want to see just how bad DC is visit Georgetown Waterfront on a Friday night. You'll see dozens of drunk, millionaire "captains" hollering like crazy at the few decent looking chicks emerging from Sequoias (local watering hole which borders the pier) and trying to get them on their boats to party to no avail. For those "keyboard quarterbacks" in this thread who do not live in Washington, DC and claim that game can overcome these obstacles of talent scarcity you cannot possibly understand the scene down here.

Even more reason why I think it's strange there is not a off the hook hot gold digger/hot escort girl scene there out in the open.

Most of the lucrative jobs involve politics or security clearances. Not the best professions to be hiring escorts.

DC is definitely not a good place - the decline since the summer of 2010 has been really shocking to me. That being said, there are worse cities to be in the US and Canada.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-08-2012 01:15 AM)_DC_ Wrote:  

I'm moving from DC to Miami Beach in two weeks! I got the job here and now its time to GTFO!

[Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif]

Jaaaaaackkkkpottt brooo!!! [Image: banana.gif]
Atleast some of us are making it

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-14-2012 08:35 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

Quote: (06-14-2012 07:57 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (06-14-2012 07:50 PM)BCZalgyris Wrote:  

If you want to see just how bad DC is visit Georgetown Waterfront on a Friday night. You'll see dozens of drunk, millionaire "captains" hollering like crazy at the few decent looking chicks emerging from Sequoias (local watering hole which borders the pier) and trying to get them on their boats to party to no avail. For those "keyboard quarterbacks" in this thread who do not live in Washington, DC and claim that game can overcome these obstacles of talent scarcity you cannot possibly understand the scene down here.

Even more reason why I think it's strange there is not a off the hook hot gold digger/hot escort girl scene there out in the open.

Sure there are Gold Diggers but DC has so many successful, single guys that there's not enough gold diggers to go around. It is really the East Coast version of San Jose, plenty of male-dominated jobs to go around (especially in IT and the gov't-defense sector) yet even successful guys getting by with "bread crumbs".
The escort scene I can't comment on as that does not appeal to me.

Right, Supply and Demand.

The place should be full of them.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

@ BCZalgyris You make DC sound like a Dubai workcamp. I find it tough to beilive its as bad as Man Jose and Silicon Valley. Even so I did find ratoos off when I went out in DC but DC kats by and large are so dorky I really can'r even see how anybody with a ounce of game would even be worried or acknowledge these kats. I don't really think it matters of a City is 40% men or 60% men IMO what matters is you or the females. Them kats ain't your competition if your on a different level of game.

What Happens to a 6 in Washington, DC?

Quote: (06-15-2012 09:56 AM)kosko Wrote:  

@ BCZalgyris You make DC sound like a Dubai workcamp. I find it tough to beilive its as bad as Man Jose and Silicon Valley. Even so I did find ratoos off when I went out in DC but DC kats by and large are so dorky I really can'r even see how anybody with a ounce of game would even be worried or acknowledge these kats. I don't really think it matters of a City is 40% men or 60% men IMO what matters is you or the females. Them kats ain't your competition if your on a different level of game.

Yes. It's important to remember that DC only seems so terrible, because this is a game blog. We know what's possible in other places and compare it to what's possible in DC. Tight game in NY will get the average guy steady access to 6s and 7s, with legitimate shots at 8s and occasional shots at 9s. Tight game in DC will get the average guy steady access (with a lot hassle) at 5s and 6s and an occasional shot at 7s or 8s. The girls are less feminine, more aggressive, and the flaking seems worse. Most of the frustration with DC is knowing that, with the same effort, I could be doing much better in other places.

That being said, DC is still a city and still has lots of cute, bangable women in their 20s and early 30s. It's better than living somewhere in the 'burbs.

Also, for a guy without any game, DC probably doesn't seem that bad at all. Chicks are flaky, but eventually they do pick a guy. If that guy is a hopeless herb, he probably considers himself lucky.

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