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Dubai vs Singapore

Dubai vs Singapore

sup fellas

it looks like my employer will allow me to spend 6 months working in either our Dubai or Singapore office.

is there anyone on here that knows both and can comment on the differences between the two? i'm looking for any insights into general lifestyle, and especially ease of getting laid of course.

i like some asian girls but i def don't have an asian obsession.
i went to Kuala Lumpur couple of years ago for long weekend and wasn't all that impressed by either the city or the girls. I don't know to what extent Singapore and KL are comparable...


Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"

Dubai vs Singapore

I would definitely say Dubai. There are tonnes of Eastern European girls from Russia, Ukraine and also the 'Stan countries.

Dubai vs Singapore

They are more or less the same, what Singapore has going for it is that Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur are a short flight away.

Dubai vs Singapore

I have been to both, but have much more time in Singapore than Dubai.

I loved Singapore, very clean, no crime, you can drink in the street (just don't litter or piss in public), you shouldn't have any problems with the chicks. Mostly Asians but you'll meet some white girls from UK, Australia, NZ, maybe USA and also some Indian girls. There will be girls with bitch shields, but that's to be expected as Singapore is a 1st world country. I would have no hesitation moving to Singapore. Also an excellent opportunity to network as there is a lot of money in Singapore. Good spot to go out is Clarke Quay. Many opportunities for daygame too, I recommend daygame and bring your girl out at night, but night game works too. Cons - pretty expensive, beers aren't cheap, just be smart with your money. You can't pick up a taxi in the street, you have to wait at a designated "Taxi queue". Taxis are pretty cheap, but I know the fares go up after Midnight, they also may go up during rush hour but I forget. Also, it's hot as balls there. You are also very close to Thailand if you want to fly out of there for the weekend. Also, Singapore has the best airport I've ever been to.

Dubai - do not have much time there, but I would also love the opportunity to live/work there. I am not kidding you, the hottest chicks I have ever seen in my life were in the malls in Dubai. I would say 95% chance there were whores, but you know the bitches go after the money. Also the best malls I have ever seen in my life, everything was 1st class. Money everywhere. Taxis were fairly cheap and easy to get, drinks are expensive, but like I said - hot chicks are there from all over the world. European, Asian, and don't sleep on the African chicks. If you're just a normal dude I'm sure you can pick one up a working girl for free if they're just looking for chill dude. Cons - hot as balls also. I wasn't there long enough to experience any Middle East bullshit, but alcohol might be difficult to get, but I'm sure it's not an issue. Also very wealthy people there, good for networking.

I don't think you can go wrong with either choice and I hope some of this info helps.

Dubai vs Singapore

Singapore easily.

6 months of 40 degree plus weather,
Need a car to go everywhere and the traffic is shit,
The only decent looking women you'll meet are hos.
If you bounce a check you go to jail for 3 years

Dubai vs Singapore

I've been to both and would pick Dubai easily. Just be careful, as you'll bleed funds quick there.

Dubai vs Singapore

To meet chicks I would avoid Islamic countries in the GCC period. Other countries like Egypt or Tunisia and Lebanon you can actually date Muslim locals. Will you close easily, no but it sure beats out Dubai or Doha and Saudi. The Russian whores in Dubai, well there are way cheaper places in the world to find them.

Good luck!

Dubai vs Singapore

I live in Dubai. Amazing City; lavish life styles; even easy to own a sports car and do yacht trips. October till April is the best time to be in Dubai; lots and lots of Toursits. Really hot girls; honestly i have been to a lot of countries including US and Europe; the quality here beats NY or LA or even Hollywood. You can find real '9s' and 10s' here if you know where to go exactly; and no these 9s and 10s are not hookers. I have seen Kiev high end clubs beat this quality only. Good night life, you can party every night of the week; pool parties; fashion bikini parties etc.

Downside; male to female ratio is totally fucked up. You can expect easily a ratio of 6 guys to 1 girl at normal nights - the extraordinary best ratio you might get would be 3 guys to 1 girls. Game and competition is 'tough'; tough like a mother fucker. Flip side of the coin is if you make it in Dubai game wise; you will make it anywhere guaranteed.

If you do like 'Asian' girls; I would suggest to go to Singapore; I Have been there, never gamed but I think it would be smooth and not that challenging.

Dubai vs Singapore

thanks guys - some very helpful views

i'll let you know where i end up going

Detective Rust Cohle: "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"

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