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False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

This shit made me punch a wall in anger.

LONG BEACH, Calif. -- The kidnap-rape conviction of a once-promising prep football star was dismissed Thursday following a recantation by his accuser.

Brian Banks collapsed in sobs on the counsel table during a court hearing where a prosecutor quickly conceded the decade-old case and moved for the dismissal.

In the summer of 2002, Banks' future looked bright: He was a 17-year-old high school football star being heavily recruited by a number of colleges. But in a single day that changed with the accusations of kidnapping and rape by a female student.

He maintained there was no rape and their sexual contact was consensual, but his lawyer urged him to plead no contest rather than risk a sentence of 41 years to life in prison if convicted. He followed the advice and went to prison for six years, shattering his dreams of gridiron glory.

Lawyers for the California Innocence Project were prepared Thursday to argue he should be exonerated.

In a strange turn of events, the woman who accused him a decade ago friended him on Facebook when he got out of prison. Wanetta Gibson explained she wanted to "let bygones be bygones."

According to documents in the case, she met with Banks and said she had lied; there had been no kidnap and no rape and she offered to help him clear his record.

But she subsequently refused to repeat the story to prosecutors because she feared she would have to return a $1.5 million payment from a civil suit brought by her mother against Long Beach schools.

She was quoted as telling Banks: "I will go through with helping you but it's like at the same time all that money they gave us, I mean gave me, I don't want to have to pay it back."

Justin Brooks, a lawyer who heads the innocence project, said that Banks has remained on probation, under electronic monitoring, has had to register as a sex offender and has had trouble getting a job.

He said Banks continues to train for what he hopes will be a future chance at a football career.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Paging Old Nemesis: You have no idea how the court system works in America.

If you get accused of a rape crime, and it's your word against hers, you WILL BE SCREWED, just like my Uncle was.

Not only did this guy serve time in prison unlawfully, but now he will be denied any decent job for the rest of his days on account of having been in prison, accused and convicted of rape. The exoneration will mean nothing, except that he leaves prison.

I have yet to see a single case where a false rape accusation ends in justice.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

How could she go unpunished for this??? What is stopping other opportunists to scam school boards, businesses and people in trumping up a false charge of rape and cashing in the civil suit.

This is ridiculous!!!!!!!

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

If I were in charge, I would solve this simply:

Take the 1.5million back, give it to the falsely accused man. If they don't have it, set it up like child support is done so he will get it eventually.
Have the girl serve 6 years in prison.

Then she'll have her wish to make 'bygones be bygones.'

Oh, and make all the legal people who failed to bring justice the first time around have to resit all their legal exams as they failed to get it right the first time.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Quote: (05-24-2012 02:31 PM)Kitsune Wrote:  

If I were in charge, I would solve this simply:

Take the 1.5million back, give it to the falsely accused man. If they don't have it, set it up like child support is done so he will get it eventually.
Have the girl serve 6 years in prison.

Then she'll have her wish to make 'bygones be bygones.'

Oh, and make all the legal people who failed to bring justice the first time around have to resit all their legal exams as they failed to get it right the first time.

[Image: potd.gif]

Technically, the 1.5 million should go to the tax payers. But I would hope he could sue her in civil court for a similar amount to the 1.5 million dollars she profited from this lie. Excellent post though.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

She ruined that mans life. He would have atleast played college football an had the best 4 years of his life, an he may have made it into the NFL.

Now hes gonna have to be a whopper flopper at Burger King.

Im sure hes happy to be out of prison, but i dont think i would ever be happy having knowing what was taken from me an what could have been

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

I think I would lose it if some shit like this happened to me. I'd get my passport and everything ready, take her out quietly and get the hell out of the country.

Relevant thread

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Shit is scary. There are some seriously unstable people out there, especially women. I never realized how easy something like this could happen until I fucked around with a couple of girls who I was like "Wow, this girl is completely out of her mind.". I know a few girls I went to high school with that I would not be shocked in the slightest if they did something like this. Hell, one of them did do something kind of like this, though not as bad.

And now, nothing will happen to this woman because they don't want to discourage legitimate rape victims from coming forward. That is such a terrible argument though. If a woman claims rape, and it can't be proven one way or the other, then you don't prosecute her for false allegations obviously. BUT, if a girl claims rape, and it is proven that she lied about it, THEN you prosecute her. How is this not clear?

Of course you want to do everything in your power to get LEGITIMATE rape victims to come forward, and put those pieces of shit in prison. However, by not prosecuting a woman who 100% lied about her allegations you are encouraging more women to make false accusations, ESPECIALLY when she ends up with 1.5 mil.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Quote: (05-25-2012 01:01 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

And now, nothing will happen to this woman because they don't want to discourage legitimate rape victims from coming forward. That is such a terrible argument though.

Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of this idiotic argument. They used the same one in that case of the girl who had her father imprisoned for like eight years, and then came forward out of no where to say it was all made-up. This new case is worse, because at least the other one happened when the girl was really young.

This we-don't-want-discourage-future-admissions argument is the stupidest, most unevenly applied reasoning I've ever heard. By this logic, they should never punish confessed killers, so as to not discourage other would-be confessors from coming forward with their crimes and giving "closure" to families of cold-case victims.

Bottom line: this is a sexist argument leveled against men to the benefit of women. If the roles were reversed, they would punish the man for "making a false report." This is an example of the white-knight establishment protecting women (especially white women) against men (especially minority men) at all costs.

Fuck this shit.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

To continue my rant, this also shows how fucked our US legal system is. Oh, so you say you didn't rape this woman? Ok, if you fight it and lose, we are giving you 41 to life in prison motherfucker. However, if you plead no contest and accept some punishment to save us time and money and because our case isn't 100% solid but we still want to keep our conviction rate up and make ourselves look good, you only have to serve 6. What ya say there, pal?

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Here's comedian Patrice O'neals story about serving time for a false rape charge turned statutory rape conviction.


False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Jesus. She stole six of the best years of his life, most of his future, and a promising career and now she wants to let "bygones be bygones"? What an asshole.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Really man? Like is there ever going to be a way to find the difference between tweaks who actually want their pussies knocked out and the tweaks who actually got raped?

What does this mean for the rest of us?

Law isn't blind, it's beta [Image: sad.gif]


False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Took this from Wiki:

"At the age of 17, O'Neal was convicted of statutory rape of a 15 year old girl and sentenced to 60 days in prison, served during his summer break, so as not to disrupt his schooling.[3] The act, which occurred when O'Neal was still 16, would have been legal in most states, but Massachusetts lacks a close-in-age exception, and has an age of consent of 16.[4] O'Neal said his humor helped him to negotiate the harsh realities of prison."

How fucked up is that?

And who is the faggot ass DJ who says "That happens that much that your really need to make does?......realllllllllyyyyy?" like he thinks Patrice is full of shit when he says he wants to see women locked up for false rape allegations.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

The people who fed her this bullshit story and encouraged her to go through with it should be debarred, at the very least.

They will never make her pay, but he should sue the state. I'm all for suing the state in cases like this. It isn't exact justice but guys who have to go through with this shit deserve to get paid, and I'd rather the money go to them then somewhere else.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

What ever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty?"

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Just reading shit like this makes me want to kill this woman with my bare hands. And I'm not even personally affected. If something like this ever happened to me....fuck. God help the woman, her entire family, and the city block she lives on if it does.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Here we go:

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Quote: (05-25-2012 12:58 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

What ever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty?"

If you presume that the man is innocent, then you must also presume that the woman is lying.

Jurors and others should say, "I think you're lying. Convince me otherwise."

Unless she can present a case that is beliveable beyond a reasonable doubt, then the man should go free.

Yet if you took that attitude towards a complaining witness, you'd be shredded.

Hell, every girl on a college campus has been "raped" or knows someone who has been "raped."

Next time someone mentions one of these rapes, ask: "So were you bruised, beaten, and did your clothes tear? How long were you hospitalized with injuries?"

Ask that question and see how quickly even the men turn on you.

In America, you simply cannot question a woman's claim of rape. You must presume that she is telling the truth - which means you must presume the man guilty.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Typical attitude about rape.

Girl says, "I was raped."

You say, "OK. Did you have vaginal tears? Bruising? Do you have any ripped clothing?"

In nearly every college "date rape" case, there is no physical evidence of rape.

When the law was sane, a prosecutor couldn't get a conviction for rape unless the woman's testimony was corroborated by physical evidence of abuse.

Then feminists said, "Women getting raped freeze up. They don't fight back. So it's natural for rape victims to lack physical injuries."

Well, sure. Maybe if a guy jumps out from behind a bush and puts a knife to a girl's neck, she will freeze up.

Now-a-days, though, that "she'll freeze up" line applies to college girls hooking up with friends. "I was too terrified to fight back. I was afraid what he'd do to me."

Today you ask about physical injuries, and everyone says, "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION HER!?"

All a girl has to say is that she felt "uncomfortable" or "taken advantage of," and you'll have a lynch mob of women and beta males (90% of American men) hunting you down.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Males are expendable.

It's why little boys are ass-fucked in Afghanistan, while little girls' virginity will be protected by bloodshed.

It's why a girl's male friends & family will mess with you if she likes you.

It's why husbands and fathers become second-class citizens in their own families.

It's why society doesn't mind fucking over dads.

It's why we're wired to be more protective of our daughters than our sons.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Quote: (05-25-2012 04:12 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Just reading shit like this makes me want to kill this woman with my bare hands. And I'm not even personally affected. If something like this ever happened to me....fuck. God help the woman, her entire family, and the city block she lives on if it does.
Fuck yeah! Everyone is going down! I would go down in a ball of flames before I did any time for that but there would be a high body count. I think I put off that vibe. Maybe why I've never been there.

Also he had a shit Lawyer.

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Quote: (05-25-2012 01:56 AM)Laser Wrote:  

Here's comedian Patrice O'neals story about serving time for a false rape charge turned statutory rape conviction.

I highly recommend that you click through to Youtube and listen to all five parts of Patrice O'Neal's false-rape accusation story. You can run it in the background while you do other things. Very raw and compelling.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Does double jeopardy extend to rape?

If he hasn't been compensated for wrongful imprisonment, then he has nothing.

I wonder if he raped her now, would the time served will match the double jeopardy provisions?

False Rape Victim Exonerated after 10 years.

Quote: (05-25-2012 04:20 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (05-25-2012 12:58 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

What ever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty?"

If you presume that the man is innocent, then you must also presume that the woman is lying.

Jurors and others should say, "I think you're lying. Convince me otherwise."

Unless she can present a case that is beliveable beyond a reasonable doubt, then the man should go free.

Yet if you took that attitude towards a complaining witness, you'd be shredded.

Hell, every girl on a college campus has been "raped" or knows someone who has been "raped."

Next time someone mentions one of these rapes, ask: "So were you bruised, beaten, and did your clothes tear? How long were you hospitalized with injuries?"

Ask that question and see how quickly even the men turn on you.

In America, you simply cannot question a woman's claim of rape. You must presume that she is telling the truth - which means you must presume the man guilty.

It's fucking bullshit, is what it is. Totally unjust.

And yet I can't even imagine this changing in our lifetimes.

Too many men are idiots with no clue.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

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