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Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-25-2012 09:48 PM)txbeachbum Wrote:  

Quote: (06-25-2012 12:16 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Bottom line: It's a fuckfest here. Trust no one. The worst society I've been around. Sickening. Unless Emech can shed a ray of sunshine I'll finish my time and go to a fucking place that has some similance of fucking honor and integrity. DONE. Watch how quick I'll bounce.

My #1 advice to anyone coming to DR trust no one, even the gringos that live here long enough take on that fuck over you mentality, the city won't really make much difference santiago and country side may be a bit better but it is an culture thing, no such thing as win-win here.

The only thing here is the women and weather and I am beginning to question if that's enough..

I was a bit pissed when writing that post. I was hanging out at bar in ZC because the owner had given me some good insight and intel round here. Then he called in 3 hookers to torment me. At first I thought he was straight hustling. And the reason being is one of the girls had been working at a cafe I frequent. She lost her job there and is now peddling pussy.

He wasn't hustling me, and was joking that I was a lucky guy that suddenly had 3 girls that wanted to go home with me at the same time. Now for the grift. I bought beers for them and wouldn't make a decision. The beautiful tall morena cafe girl thought she had it pinned up, but I said I wasn't sure yet when the other 2 wanted to leave.

The other 2 were attractive, one having green eyes and red hair with a thick ass. 3 hours later I called my driver to come rescue me from making a bad decision. Green eyes tried to hustle me through my driver, and got shot down. The morena, a solid thin 8 gave in and gave me her number to give it up for free.

I left solo and threw her number out the window. I now regret that because she at least rated a dinner. [Image: confused.gif]

Damn. It's ok, because ZC is small and you'll always see them again.

The moral of the story is I effectively cockblocked 3 hookers and shored one. The things I do here when I'm bored.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-22-2012 05:56 PM)AlphaTravel Wrote:  

That's what we're here for though to give out information useful to the rest of the forum not just to tell people what we're up to.

I also limit my information due to the dangerous nature of the barrios I'm running through. Zona Colonial, Gazcue, Bella Vista, Naco, and Gomez are safer for gringos. I've walked though these areas half drunk at night and never felt threatened, but I'm a badass to so take that into account.

Villa Juana, Villa Conseula, Villa Maria, are no go's unless you have a local to walk you through. Go to these places by yourself especially at night and you will get robbed or worse. These places are pussy goldmines but tread with caution.

I've even been to the outskirts of Gauchupita:

The locals fear this place. There is no law down there and even taxis refuse to take people. Think of it like the Depths of Mordor. It was stupid for me and my driver to get anywhere near this place, but I like the thrill. Guys down there kidnap drug dealers for ransom. WOW.

Yesterday we rolled through Villa Conseula looking for jewelry. Him and his wife stayed real close to me, and she went off when I jumped outta the car to an atm. It's so bad there even in the day she shows up on a motorconcho with no cell phone or wallet, and her money hidden in her bra. Honestly, it's amazing something hasn't happened to me thus far.

So I'm back to my old tricks:

Bartender game here is much faster and effective than in the states. I got the number last night of a nice looking girl. Three weeks ago I got another number, but blew her off. 2 days ago she called and wanted to go out, but flaked yesterday. I'm sure I'll see her, and guarantee to get the bang the same night.

I met the girl I'm currently banging at the bar where the first bartender worked. A fine ass waitress came up and immediately started fucking with my hair. When they do that it's a guaranteed bang, but I had to let it go due to the girl showing up.

We've also been trying to get some extra girls lined up for emech in other towns. I'm dreading his arrival because I'll see no sleep for 5 days.

Online Game

I've spent a little time dicking around with Badoo, and only got 1 bang from it, and the girl is playing the game. And it goes like this:

You'll see their profile under Santo Domingo. Hit them up and they'll say their actually in Santiago. LIES. They will eventually want to meet, saying that they are in town for some bullshit reason like paperwork. In actuality they live here, but create a facade to only meet you for a couple days to see what they can get.

The girl I met online pulled the same bullshit. She was living in Guachupita, and nows swears she is in La Romana, which is complete bullshit. Her story was exactly as above, which my driver explained well before meeting her. She was extremely intelligent, but was wasn't singing the same song as the other girls down there. This is why it's good to have a competent local guide explain the game.

It's dangerous to date girls from Guachupita, because they'll set you up for robbing, and disappear back to the river and the cops can do nothing. Locals guys here don't date these girls. So the lesson for online chicas is to meet in a public place and drill them. My driver is a playa and puts all chicks through the ringer to keep me safe. It's worth the $50 a day I'm dropping.

[Image: attachment.jpg6628]   

My MO with online is to get into a convo for a couple days, then drop my digletts. The flake factor is high. Take into account I can't stand online game. Maybe emech can fare better.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Get rid of your driver. That is why you are having a bad time in the DR. You are letting him run the show. My friend, My friend...thats all the taxi cab driver knows how to say. He has probably never eaten in a good restaurant in his entire life. Girls with class don't want to be with you and your buddy who is a taxi driver and lives in the barrio.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 09:05 AM)patron Wrote:  

Get rid of your driver. That is why you are having a bad time in the DR. You are letting him run the show. My friend, My friend...thats all the taxi cab driver knows how to say. He has probably never eaten in a good restaurant in his entire life. Girls with class don't want to be with you and your buddy who is a taxi driver and lives in the barrio.
I know his driver he's a fucking pimp that could easily pull 7+ quality girls on a daily basis with ease and lives in a 2 million dollar house.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 09:28 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2012 09:05 AM)patron Wrote:  

Get rid of your driver. That is why you are having a bad time in the DR. You are letting him run the show. My friend, My friend...thats all the taxi cab driver knows how to say. He has probably never eaten in a good restaurant in his entire life. Girls with class don't want to be with you and your buddy who is a taxi driver and lives in the barrio.
I know his driver he's a fucking pimp that could easily pull 7+ quality girls on a daily basis with ease and lives in a 2 million dollar house.

I hope you mean pesos? A dominican that lives in a 2 million dollar house damn sure wouldn't be an taxi driver. Hell a dominican that lives in a 2 million pesos ($51k usd) house wouldn't either.

I agree with patron anytime someone starts a sentence here with "my friend" you're about to get fucked.

And 9/10 times the driver is talking to shit to the girl in spanish and is playing both sides.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 10:24 AM)txbeachbum Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2012 09:28 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2012 09:05 AM)patron Wrote:  

Get rid of your driver. That is why you are having a bad time in the DR. You are letting him run the show. My friend, My friend...thats all the taxi cab driver knows how to say. He has probably never eaten in a good restaurant in his entire life. Girls with class don't want to be with you and your buddy who is a taxi driver and lives in the barrio.
I know his driver he's a fucking pimp that could easily pull 7+ quality girls on a daily basis with ease and lives in a 2 million dollar house.

I hope you mean pesos? A dominican that lives in a 2 million dollar house damn sure wouldn't be an taxi driver. Hell a dominican that lives in a 2 million pesos ($51k usd) house wouldn't either.

I agree with patron anytime someone starts a sentence here with "my friend" you're about to get fucked.

And 9/10 times the driver is talking to shit to the girl in spanish and is playing both sides.

This guy lives in the house for free to keep it from getting stripped out. He has a loyal customer base of expats that live here on biz. I've met some of them. He also grew up in the U.S. and speaks fluent English. Most taxi's here are shit but he's a different breed, and makes a hell of a wingman. Had it not been for him I'd never gotten the barkeeps numbers.

The game is he proofs me as a good guy that lives here. That is gold in itself. Then he makes me work on the girl in Spanish, and when I hit a brick wall he steps in and bridges the gap. THEN, he goes in for the number and closes most of the time. If that's not enough he does all the calling to set up dates and times. He actually complained the other day because a chick called him early waking him up, and said if it gets any worse I'll have to buy a separate sim card for the ho's. LOL.

I also get home cooked meals at his house, and his wife hooked me up with the girl I'm banging now. She has a real job and hasn't once asked me for money.

He showed me a car wash where people go drink and hangout. It is a goldmine and I got a number last night. There is NO WAY that anyone coming down here would find it, and NO expats go there, which ups the exotic factor.

Pussy aside, I've experienced the real deal Santo Domingo, and covered more ground in 3 weeks than I would have in 3 months running solo.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

You are paying 50 dollars per day for this guy to drive you around? Jeez, if i was in his place i would even give you my wife for you to fuck her. I dont think you should pay more than 1000 pesos a day for a private driver to drive you around, 50 dollars is a lot of money to be spending in DR for a private driver. Guys like TXbeachbum and patron have lots of experience about DR, im sure they also think thats a lot of money to be spent on one driver.

Thanks for mentioning the barrios. I wanted to check out places like Vila juana but nobody wanted to go with me. Is it a very busy area where you can be approaching chicks left and right?

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 01:13 PM)pitt Wrote:  

You are paying 50 dollars per day for this guy to drive you around? Jeez, if i was in his place i would even give you my wife for you to fuck her. I dont think you should pay more than 1000 pesos a day for a private driver to drive you around, 50 dollars is a lot of money to be spending in DR for a private driver. Guys like TXbeachbum and patron have lots of experience about DR, im sure they also think thats a lot of money to be spent on one driver.

Thanks for mentioning the barrios. I wanted to check out places like Vila juana but nobody wanted to go with me. Is it a very busy area where you can be approaching chicks left and right?
Who wants to negotiate cabs and buses all day? Feel like going to Boca chica for an hour? No problem. Want to troll the supermarkets in Cristobal? No problem. 24 hrs a day whatever you want to do or go isn't worth 50$?

How do you guys get around in SD and how much running around a day do you do?

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 01:39 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2012 01:13 PM)pitt Wrote:  

You are paying 50 dollars per day for this guy to drive you around? Jeez, if i was in his place i would even give you my wife for you to fuck her. I dont think you should pay more than 1000 pesos a day for a private driver to drive you around, 50 dollars is a lot of money to be spending in DR for a private driver. Guys like TXbeachbum and patron have lots of experience about DR, im sure they also think thats a lot of money to be spent on one driver.

Thanks for mentioning the barrios. I wanted to check out places like Vila juana but nobody wanted to go with me. Is it a very busy area where you can be approaching chicks left and right?
Who wants to negotiate cabs and buses all day? Feel like going to Boca chica for an hour? No problem. Want to troll the supermarkets in Cristobal? No problem. 24 hrs a day whatever you want to do or go isn't worth 50$?

How do you guys get around in SD and how much running around a day do you do?

I would say $50 is pretty damn cheap.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 01:39 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2012 01:13 PM)pitt Wrote:  

You are paying 50 dollars per day for this guy to drive you around? Jeez, if i was in his place i would even give you my wife for you to fuck her. I dont think you should pay more than 1000 pesos a day for a private driver to drive you around, 50 dollars is a lot of money to be spending in DR for a private driver. Guys like TXbeachbum and patron have lots of experience about DR, im sure they also think thats a lot of money to be spent on one driver.

Thanks for mentioning the barrios. I wanted to check out places like Vila juana but nobody wanted to go with me. Is it a very busy area where you can be approaching chicks left and right?
Who wants to negotiate cabs and buses all day? Feel like going to Boca chica for an hour? No problem. Want to troll the supermarkets in Cristobal? No problem. 24 hrs a day whatever you want to do or go isn't worth 50$?

How do you guys get around in SD and how much running around a day do you do?

Exactly. The buses are usually packed, and stop frequently to pickup/drop. Pickpockets are somewhat common, and you need decent Spanish to figure the buses out, or end up in the middle of nowhere, and then have to get a cab.

The metro is simple, but you have to know what's on the surface in order to know which station to get off of.

@Pitt- Petrol is fucking expensive here. You won't find a driver for 1K pesos. I'm getting a discount due to us running business. He normally charges 3k daily, and more for longer trips, like to Boca Chica, due to gas prices.

He's also been crucial in helping me with Spanish. The other day he refused to speak English while in the grocery store. His wife and my girl were along and I was able to keep up. Last night he made me open the bartender, then stepped out to smoke so I'd have to stand on my own. Only when necessary will he step in, and pushes me to learn more every day.

If the guy was hustling he wouldn't be concerned about my Spanish.

Pitt, you need a reason to be in Villa Juana. The girls will know what's up if your just loitering and don't know anyone or live there. Just a head's up. Colonial Zone, Zona Universiteria, and Gazcue are a little different.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic


I also limit my information due to the dangerous nature of the barrios I'm running through. Zona Colonial, Gazcue, Bella Vista, Naco, and Gomez are safer for gringos. I've walked though these areas half drunk at night and never felt threatened, but I'm a badass to so take that into account.

I don't understand your reasoning that you can't drop some useful information for the rest of the forum because you're hanging out in bad areas. Are you being sarcastic with that 'badass' comment?


The game is he proofs me as a good guy that lives here. That is gold in itself. Then he makes me work on the girl in Spanish, and when I hit a brick wall he steps in and bridges the gap. THEN, he goes in for the number and closes most of the time. If that's not enough he does all the calling to set up dates and times. He actually complained the other day because a chick called him early waking him up, and said if it gets any worse I'll have to buy a separate sim card for the ho's. LOL.

Your driver chats the girl up, gets her number, calls her and arranges the dates. Does he fuck her for you too?


I would say $50 is pretty damn cheap.

I was under the impression DR was supposed to be dirt cheap so $50 a day for a driver seems quite high if that's the case. In most third world countries you can hire a driver for the day and go where ever you want for much less than that. Maybe it's not as cheap as I thought?

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

I know his driver he's a fucking pimp that could easily pull 7+ quality girls on a daily basis with ease and lives in a 2 million dollar house.
Yeah right, he lives in a 2 million dollar house and drives a taxi. jajaja I live in a shitty apartment and have no money, but I don't drive a taxi

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

I know his driver he's a fucking pimp that could easily pull 7+ quality girls on a daily basis with ease and lives in a 2 million dollar house.
Yeah right, he lives in a 2 million dollar house and drives a taxi. jajaja I live in a shitty apartment and have no money, but I don't drive a taxi
So both of us are lying? we've both been there. The dude's legit and he's a fucking pimp.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Having a driver would be cool but taking him on dates, letting him chat up the women, getting numbers and arranging your plans would be too much for me.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

You are using the taxi cab driver as a crutch. Get out and do things on your own. Quit spending time in the barrio, carwashes and messing with pros. Go meet real Dominicans.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 02:36 PM)AlphaTravel Wrote:  


I also limit my information due to the dangerous nature of the barrios I'm running through. Zona Colonial, Gazcue, Bella Vista, Naco, and Gomez are safer for gringos. I've walked though these areas half drunk at night and never felt threatened, but I'm a badass to so take that into account.

I don't understand your reasoning that you can't drop some useful information for the rest of the forum because you're hanging out in bad areas. Are you being sarcastic with that 'badass' comment?

I wasn't being sarcastic. I'm more experienced and formally trained than you. But here's the intel you requested: Go to Villa Juana on a weekend around 2200 hrs. The lights go out on the smaller streets. It gets real dark. People congregate by the main roads where the street lights stay on all night. Perfect place to run game. Girls dressed slutty everywhere. Let me know how it works out for you. I'm sure even if you hired a driver not from Villa Juana you'll be ok. [Image: dodgy.gif] There's a reason I don't live there, and opted for more rent in a safer area.


The game is he proofs me as a good guy that lives here. That is gold in itself. Then he makes me work on the girl in Spanish, and when I hit a brick wall he steps in and bridges the gap. THEN, he goes in for the number and closes most of the time. If that's not enough he does all the calling to set up dates and times. He actually complained the other day because a chick called him early waking him up, and said if it gets any worse I'll have to buy a separate sim card for the ho's. LOL.

Your driver chats the girl up, gets her number, calls her and arranges the dates. Does he fuck her for you too?

No, I fuck them. But while I sit in my apartment right now he is lining up dates. Since most of you guys are so hung up on "Alpha", isn't is Alpha to have someone bring bitches to your doorstep to fuck? I learned it by reading the 4HWW. I'm making my $50 stretch far. And right now I'm studying Dominican slang. That's called multi-tasking.[Image: sleepy.gif]


I would say $50 is pretty damn cheap.

I was under the impression DR was supposed to be dirt cheap so $50 a day for a driver seems quite high if that's the case. In most third world countries you can hire a driver for the day and go where ever you want for much less than that. Maybe it's not as cheap as I thought?

The DR isn't as cheap as you'd think. But I'm not on a backpacker budget here either.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 02:59 PM)patron Wrote:  

You are using the taxi cab driver as a crutch. Get out and do things on your own. Quit spending time in the barrio, carwashes and messing with pros. Go meet real Dominicans.
Real Dominicans don't loiter in Barrios and party in Car washes?

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 02:59 PM)patron Wrote:  

You are using the taxi cab driver as a crutch. Get out and do things on your own. Quit spending time in the barrio, carwashes and messing with pros. Go meet real Dominicans.

Yes, because my Spanish isn't good enough to walk into a business and find out what's going on in certain markets. Or talk to a girl without English about tariffs, shipping, penalties, taxes, ect. Or fill the paperwork out.

The only pro's I've encountered are in Colonial Zone and around the casino's in Gazcue. Not once have I been approached by a hooker in Naco, Gomez, Bella Vista, University Zone, Villa Juana, ect.

Where do I find real Dominicans? What are the Dominicans in the barrios?

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Ali, thanks for the ground level intel and the details of everything you're doing. Personally, I think I'd be nervous doing some of the shit you're doing because I definitely do not have the training you have (Marine, etc.) and the DR, at least the way you're experiencing it, sounds a little bit Hobbesian. If I were to go down there, I'd def want to hit it up with someone bigger, stronger, and more experienced than me.

Also, I don't get some of the hating going on here. Like if someone doesn't do things the way you say you would, they are full of shit, or not alpha or something? As if there was only one authentic way to experience any country, and if you don't do it, you suck. We should be thankful that there's guys here who will go to these places and tell us what they're up to.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 03:50 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Also, I don't get some of the hating going on here.

People sometimes hate on here when people spend money.

You are only a true player if you sleep on the streets and have a ball of lint in your pocket.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Clearly Ali is a ForceRecon element doing god's work in advance of Operation Dominican Pussy.

Carry on Marine. Pls continue to send coordinates and intel. Don't let the propaganda from communists and homosexuals deter you from your duties.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 04:05 PM)LostGringo Wrote:  

Clearly Ali is a ForceRecon element doing god's work in advance of Operation Dominican Pussy.

Carry on Marine. Pls continue to send coordinates and intel. Don't let the propaganda from communists and homosexuals deter you from your duties.

Carry on aye aye sir!

I sent some pics to HC to proof the quality. Am also dreading the arrival of emech. It's gonna be like a class 5 hurricane making landfall.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Good stuff Alibaba, I did wonder about the driver when you kept mentioning him. What kind of car is he taking you around in and can you get him to put on a black suit and cap to make it look more impressive?

I've often thought there should be more of scene for hiring locals in poorer countries to leverage your time. For example how about hiring a young guy to be your party organizer? To get the job he's got to prove that he has a big social network and is happy to bring you in, he could also tell you the best places to go and get you on the guest list. You could even send him over to make approaches for you along the lines of hey my boss thinks you're cute come over and talk to him, that's a hell of a dhv right there, the girl will immediately think that you're some kind of a big shot.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

^^ It's kinda hot there. But he should really get dressed up and get a nice black car for that kinda jack per day.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-28-2012 02:23 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2012 01:39 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2012 01:13 PM)pitt Wrote:  

You are paying 50 dollars per day for this guy to drive you around? Jeez, if i was in his place i would even give you my wife for you to fuck her. I dont think you should pay more than 1000 pesos a day for a private driver to drive you around, 50 dollars is a lot of money to be spending in DR for a private driver. Guys like TXbeachbum and patron have lots of experience about DR, im sure they also think thats a lot of money to be spent on one driver.

Thanks for mentioning the barrios. I wanted to check out places like Vila juana but nobody wanted to go with me. Is it a very busy area where you can be approaching chicks left and right?
Who wants to negotiate cabs and buses all day? Feel like going to Boca chica for an hour? No problem. Want to troll the supermarkets in Cristobal? No problem. 24 hrs a day whatever you want to do or go isn't worth 50$?

How do you guys get around in SD and how much running around a day do you do?

Exactly. The buses are usually packed, and stop frequently to pickup/drop. Pickpockets are somewhat common, and you need decent Spanish to figure the buses out, or end up in the middle of nowhere, and then have to get a cab.

The metro is simple, but you have to know what's on the surface in order to know which station to get off of.

@Pitt- Petrol is fucking expensive here. You won't find a driver for 1K pesos. I'm getting a discount due to us running business. He normally charges 3k daily, and more for longer trips, like to Boca Chica, due to gas prices.

99% of the cabs here DO NOT use gasoline they are using propane gas which is about $90 pesos ($2 usd gallon) and it last for weeks. if you look close next time the trunk is open you will see a tank sitting back there, and some of them are using natural gas tanks which natural gas is about 25 pesos (about .50 cents a gallon) I'm about 99% sure he is not using regular unleaded gas here which is expensive.

$50 a day is a bit much price to pay for a taxi even all day, I usually pay no more than $1000 pesos a day if that,to run around and my taxi guy has a newer honda CRV suv and goes grocery shopping with me picks up my food, etc.

My back up is apolo taxi company.

$3k pesos a day i bet he had one customer in 5 years pay him that. Most taxi drivers are lucky to make $8k pesos a MONTH!!

Since you seem comfortable with the guy and can afford it why not, but just know that is more than double what it should be.

No matter what, remember he IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!! you are just a $$ sign to him, and do not trust him especially since he knows you are probably here alone and cannot speak spanish.

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