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Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Cool pics of Santo Domingo......Have no idea what the site's about

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

The lion, The Bitch, and the Toilet Bowl

I went into the drinkie bar to follow up on a biz lead. The night before was my birthday and the general manager told the girl to take care of me. This I didn't know and realized the following night she was playing the game. No big deal but she insisted I eat some of her shrimp. I put up resistance but got tired of a fork in my face and gave in. That night I couldn't sleep from the lack of sex and dysentery.

The next day my driver asked me to hang with him and his wife/friends. I was shaky but went and was Shanghai'd by a blind date. A cute "flaca" 7 that I escalated to cheek kissing and holding hands within and hour. She attacked me in the car after 2-3 in the bar. We ate and returned to my crib for some excellent sex. My cock hurt for 2 days due to her tight pussy. It was a stressful pull due to the chance my bowels could have given out, and the bar only had pissers. Luckily the pinto beans and rice for lunch settled my stomach enough to push through.

I was working on the internet and was fucking with badoo on the side, and set up a date the same day. My driver went to make sure she wasn't gonna try and set me up for being robbed. She was a nice flaca 8, and I smashed it that night. Unfortunately, I did like her but she is hustling and I had to drop her before the bullshit started.

I can promise you that if a person here is Dominican you can't trust them. This isn't a stereotype. The locals will tell you this. It's a lonely feeling that will wear on you over time.

Every single girl I fucked, which is 6 in a month, was SNL's...or ONS's....whatever that means. None required a second date. Now I have moved into an apartment and will figure out how to crack the college girls. Starting today.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Ali, if you've ever been to South America, are these chicks in the DR on par with SA chicks, on average? How do they compare to girls in other countries you've visited?


Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-22-2012 05:11 PM)UgSlayer Wrote:  

Ali, if you've ever been to South America, are these chicks in the DR on par with SA chicks, on average? How do they compare to girls in other countries you've visited?


Girls in El Salvador were cutier in the face but not as filled out. I fucked chick 6 on day 30 here. The pussy is easy if you have some game and speak a little Spanish.

So as we speak I have one girl that wants to come over and cook then fuck, then another that want to go to the movies then fuck, and another online that wants to go dancing.

Chick 1- Hustler girl from the worst neighborhood in the city. I am intrigued by her but know something is coming. This is actually fun if for the jaded like myself.

Chick 2- Wholesome girl that is cute. BORING.

Chick 3- Online and don't count.

So there you have it. I scratched out all chicks last night to go chase something that turned out to be a hooker. Then ignored a girl I thought was underage and just found out she just turned 18, and last night was all about me. This island isn't short on pussy.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

I think I'm going to be there on Thursday. Should I or we start a new thread?

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-22-2012 05:38 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I think I'm going to be there on Thursday. Should I or we start a new thread?

We'll just tack it onto this one. Shit's gonna get wild down here.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

This thread kinda sucks. Keeps getting derailed and you're not busting out proper data sheets or showing pics of yourself banging girls

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-22-2012 05:50 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

This thread kinda sucks. Keeps getting derailed and you're not busting out proper data sheets or showing pics of yourself banging girls

Proper data sheets means pinpointing my location, and since I stick out here it could bite me in the ass.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

That's what we're here for though to give out information useful to the rest of the forum not just to tell people what we're up to.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-22-2012 05:56 PM)AlphaTravel Wrote:  

That's what we're here for though to give out information useful to the rest of the forum not just to tell people what we're up to.
That's what I'm sayin' maybe my trip should be on a more reputable thread.

I'm just kidding but I do plan on running over prostitutes on a quad in Boca Chica with Ali on the back

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-22-2012 06:00 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (06-22-2012 05:56 PM)AlphaTravel Wrote:  

That's what we're here for though to give out information useful to the rest of the forum not just to tell people what we're up to.
That's what I'm sayin' maybe my trip should be on a more reputable thread.

I'm just kidding but I do plan on running over prostitutes on a quad in Boca Chica with Ali on the back

What? Two guys running over hookers on a quad seems gay to me. I only run over hookers in taxis.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-22-2012 06:00 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (06-22-2012 05:56 PM)AlphaTravel Wrote:  

That's what we're here for though to give out information useful to the rest of the forum not just to tell people what we're up to.
That's what I'm sayin' maybe my trip should be on a more reputable thread.

I'm just kidding but I do plan on running over prostitutes on a quad in Boca Chica with Ali on the back

mechanic...wait for meeeeee



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-22-2012 06:39 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (06-22-2012 06:00 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (06-22-2012 05:56 PM)AlphaTravel Wrote:  

That's what we're here for though to give out information useful to the rest of the forum not just to tell people what we're up to.
That's what I'm sayin' maybe my trip should be on a more reputable thread.

I'm just kidding but I do plan on running over prostitutes on a quad in Boca Chica with Ali on the back

What? Two guys running over hookers on a quad seems gay to me. I only run over hookers in taxis.
Start a new thread..

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

My buddy and I are going down here in late December through January and I couldn't be more excited.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

I'm going to start a new thread and call it "How to become a cell phone mule and free sex in Santo domingo"

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Ended up with the good girl last night, and dissed the hustler chick. Problem is, I don't think she is "malo", but is very intelligent and called me out for being a player.

I got a great home cooked dinner last night, and she made me short stroke during sex b/c I was hurting her. She's not as cute as hustler girl but it's hard to turn away pussy like that. Whew.

Game tip- Dominican girls only see what's in front of them. Think of it as The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg. If this country was full of those geese none would be alive.

In game, showing higher value will cause her to give up the goods. This society is status driven. If you want to tap the top talent your wardrobe, accommodations, and cover story better be good. I wouldn't say you need to be fluent in Spanish, because these girls I encounter like to belt out English to show value.

Proof of this is in the # of fuck hotels in the city, and how full they get on weekends. Everybody is fucking everybody behind everyone's back.

One girl I banged I guarantee had a boyfriend, but was happy to just spend one passionate night with a rubio and be done with it. Even if a chick says she is committed, but is giving you ANY IoI's, keep pushing through.

Another only asked for cab fare, and is now in another town because her mom is sick. I was waiting for the cash hustle but she never did. There are decent girls here, you just gotta know the hustle, and it takes a little time. They aren't the smartest hustlers out there. It's so bad they'll tell the same story 3 different ways. Shit like that clues you in to hit it and quit it.

The uni I'm hanging around isn't getting me results, but found another that my driver said should be better. We've been hanging out a little too early also, when most of the chicks aren't drinking. That makes a difference.

One last thought: Every girl I've banged was on the first date. Things move quick here, including the pussy. Keep that in mind. Every girl that was into me made it obvious. Basic physical escalation is easy here. I'll let them start by touching my hand or forearm, then take the offensive. Obviously something is working.

Street game is hard b/c of the hustle. Locals get hustled just like foreigners. If you approach, be fucking indirect. Go very non-threatening, and start off with asking for directions. Once they see your not spitting some bullshit, you may have a chance.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Thanks for continuing the thread Ali. Enjoying it and the info is really useful

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Bottom line: It's a fuckfest here. Trust no one. The worst society I've been around. Sickening. Unless Emech can shed a ray of sunshine I'll finish my time and go to a fucking place that has some similance of fucking honor and integrity. DONE. Watch how quick I'll bounce.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-25-2012 12:16 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Bottom line: It's a fuckfest here. Trust no one. The worst society I've been around. Sickening. Unless Emech can shed a ray of sunshine I'll finish my time and go to a fucking place that has some similance of fucking honor and integrity. DONE. Watch how quick I'll bounce.

You sound like one of my friends from the states that is now living there. He hated how unloyal dominicans were. Reason number one why i am very careful with who i am going to roll with while im there.

If i were you, i would just understand that this is how their culture works. Enjoy the women, the food, the music, the weather and avoid familiarising with people that dont seem trustable.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Ok unless this storm fucks my house up I'm going to be there on Friday and I have a plan. I'm going to the thrift store and I'm going to get two McDonalds hats and shirts. Me and Ali are going to put them on and go to the Mcdees near the college and sit next to the ladies room in a booth and mix rum and cokes in our cups and holla at girls until we pull.

Good idea?

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-25-2012 03:04 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Ok unless this storm fucks my house up I'm going to be there on Friday and I have a plan. I'm going to the thrift store and I'm going to get two McDonalds hats and shirts. Me and Ali are going to put them on and go to the Mcdees near the college and sit next to the ladies room in a booth and mix rum and cokes in our cups and holla at girls until we pull.

Good idea?


Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-25-2012 12:16 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Bottom line: It's a fuckfest here. Trust no one. The worst society I've been around. Sickening. Unless Emech can shed a ray of sunshine I'll finish my time and go to a fucking place that has some similance of fucking honor and integrity. DONE. Watch how quick I'll bounce.

I guess you haven't been in Colombia yet...Those cats must be the biggest liars on this planet. Coming from europe that was a real eye-opener for me. At times i liked the "raw" colombian vibe, but at some moments it was frustrating watch you back all the time.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-25-2012 12:16 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Bottom line: It's a fuckfest here. Trust no one. The worst society I've been around. Sickening. Unless Emech can shed a ray of sunshine I'll finish my time and go to a fucking place that has some similance of fucking honor and integrity. DONE. Watch how quick I'll bounce.

Why not go to another city like Santiago? Has to be regional differences, just like say NYC/DC/Chicago/LA/Miami compared to the rest of the USA. From other threads it sounded like guys liked Santiago.

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

Quote: (06-25-2012 12:16 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Bottom line: It's a fuckfest here. Trust no one. The worst society I've been around. Sickening. Unless Emech can shed a ray of sunshine I'll finish my time and go to a fucking place that has some similance of fucking honor and integrity. DONE. Watch how quick I'll bounce.

My #1 advice to anyone coming to DR trust no one, even the gringos that live here long enough take on that fuck over you mentality, the city won't really make much difference santiago and country side may be a bit better but it is an culture thing, no such thing as win-win here.

The only thing here is the women and weather and I am beginning to question if that's enough..

Ali-B Conquests the Dominican Republic

I'm heading to Santo Domingo in the very near future. I'll be sure to drop a recap upon my return. As I am still planning the remaining logistics, what areas of Santo Domingo would you recommend for getting an apartment? I understand the major nightlife venues are centered around Avenida Venezuela, so I assume it would be prudent to lock down a spot within close distance from there. Any information/links would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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