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What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

Quote: (05-14-2012 01:42 PM)houston Wrote:  


Do y'all think it's a good idea to have females in the military?

Absolutely absurd. I might as well hire a bear to do open-heart surgery, or try to have a conversation with a dining room table.

If you can't trust them in marriage, why would you trust them with your life and a gun? They have no honor with their cunts and their families, they'll get divorced and damage the lives of their kids just for money and to be sluts, so why would they have honor with a flag and an M-16? Besides, doesn't the world need to have at least some male-only environments? 5,000 years of men, sweat, blood, and iron is a long and successful tradition.

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

Female cop.

Epic fail.


What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

Lol "get in the car, baby I can't go to jail"

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

Female soldiers is only what cultures on the brink do. When kids and women get rifles it's sudden death overtime. Men have to fight. Women in the military makes no sense.

But I always hear that they are there just to fuck the troops!?

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

Quote: (05-15-2012 09:46 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Female soldiers is only what cultures on the brink do. When kids and women get rifles it's sudden death overtime.

If it's due to a shortage of manpower, yes.

If it's due to letting them in because "it's the right thing to do", it's just another example of feminism overriding common sense.

Another step down the path to failure.

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

Quote: (05-15-2012 10:14 AM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

If it's due to a shortage of manpower, yes.

If it's due to letting them in because "it's the right thing to do", it's just another example of feminism overriding common sense.

Another step down the path to failure.

You know the dude stuck in a manhole with a chick to get his back during combat is thinking "Fuck, I'm going to die."

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

Anyone should be free to do any job providing there is one and only one standard for entry. No leg ups based on gender - this goes both ways. Take soldiers, cops and fire fighters - they have different fitness standards for men and women. This is bullshit.

For the sake of balance, however, I don't think my mate should have got his job at a women's clothing store just because they "needed a guy to avoid getting sued" (his words).

21 y/o brit.

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

They make pretty bad male prostitutes.

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

Quote: (05-14-2012 01:42 PM)houston Wrote:  

Do y'all think it's a good idea to have females in the military?

Comment from The Spearhead that's stuck with me:


I am reminded of a comment by a german friend in a bar. He said:

“Women want ‘equality’? For two generations most german men were slaughtered in wars. They are welcome to it.”

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

I don't think women should be allowed to teach during the formative years. It teaches young boys that they should be submissive to women, which I've seen in more than a few of my classmates now that we're in our early 20's. The one sexist teacher I remember from 7th grade physical science class regularly put down adolescent dudes for not being as perfect as women are. She'd blather on about her nephew (she's too fat to have her own kids) for the first 20 minutes of class in a 45ish minute class period. I told her to shut up about her nephew and teach the class.

I think I got a detention for it, if I'm not mistaken.

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

this all comes back down to feminists wanting false equality. they don't want real equality, they want the upsides without the downsides like spoilt fucking children.

Everyone on earth knows that men and women are not equal. men dominate in every sport because they are physically much stronger and athletic. That's a fact.

Men are also more logical and therefore dominate all the technical fields like science, medicine and engineering.

shit, i can drop these bombs all day but come on guys [Image: smiley_beat_dead_horse2.gif]

Edit: the more i think about it, the more feminism seems like a giant shit test. i think it was even another members sig.

but think about it, if a women shit tests a beta, what happens? he isn't man enough to stand his ground and the woman walks all over him.
shit test an alpha male and he will put the bitch in her place.

Women will always get away with as much as you allow them to. if nobody stops them, they will keep pushing. western society is evidently failing this massive organised shit test and we are the only ones that can see it burning.

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

Quote: (05-17-2012 09:14 AM)Walnuts Wrote:  

Edit: the more i think about it, the more feminism seems like a giant shit test. i think it was even another members sig.

That's been my motto since joining the game/quasi-mra part of the internet.

Feminism is something to be utterly ignored.

What jobs should women not be allowed to perform?

Quote: (05-17-2012 09:14 AM)Walnuts Wrote:  

western society is evidently failing this massive organised shit test and we are the only ones that can see it burning.

When it's all said and done, at least we can say, "I fucking told you so!"

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

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