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Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Quote: (03-31-2012 07:01 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

The hapa chicks, however, tend to go for the white guys--whenever they can. It's not surprising that Asian guys would pursue hapa chicks. Asian culture--especially Japanese--celebrates European features to no end. It's almost disgusting how much they do it. Just watch two seconds of anime or play video games made in Japan. Both genders, but the girls especially, have blue eyes, light hair, and (very) marginally Asian features. I'd argue that many of these idealized representations appear "hapa." Let's not even talk about "Asian Eye-lid Surgery," which as another discussion entirely.

Just as one example: how "Asian" does the drawing of the girl below look to you? She's a character named Sakura who's supposed to be Japanese. You may recognize her from the Street Fighter franchise. The Final Fantasy franchise is one of the worst offenders, presenting the spectacle of blonde Asian people and other odd hybrids that rarely appear in nature.

Here's an even better example: Dragonball Z, specifically the Saiyan.

[Image: tumblr_m1b3m7ajpr1rs6nr8o1_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_lrscavyEp91r2ptcjo1_500.png]
[Image: tumblr_lztk79Usa21rq0olko1_500.png]
[Image: tumblr_lqrcwooThg1ql2x37o1_500.jpg]

As you can see, what with the dark hair and dark eyes, they look pretty Japanese when in their normal states (the purple haired one there is sort of an exception to this rule-that comes from his non-saiyan ancestry).

But when they tap into their "hidden potential" and power up...

[Image: tumblr_m1dkw5VZlf1r7l2mwo1_400.gif]
[Image: tumblr_lwkjezbhIL1qbs5azo1_500.png]
[Image: tumblr_lviaithYTD1r5gs25o2_250.gif]
[Image: tumblr_m1qcxkTALe1rs0ngto1_250.gif]
[Image: tumblr_m1o6ll6qD41qjct6io1_250.gif]
[Image: tumblr_m1pmoidnUU1rr7g4po1_500.png]

...they become practically the most powerful beings in the universe. They go from pretty buff Japanese-looking dudes to lighter skinned, blonde supermen with blue-green eyes. The whiter they look, the more powerful they are.

I love DBZ, and I actually think Super Saiyans are pretty badass, but the whole dynamic there is still tough to miss...

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

More cute blasian girls:

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Athlone - Are the blasians punanies as tight as the Asian side or do they inherit the black side or is it a dice roll?





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Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Quote: (04-11-2012 11:28 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Athlone - Are the blasians punanies as tight as the Asian side or do they inherit the black side or is it a dice roll?

Question of the day!

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Quote: (04-11-2012 11:28 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Athlone - Are the blasians punanies as tight as the Asian side or do they inherit the black side or is it a dice roll?

My sample size isn't large enough to resolve this question, unfortunately.

One more Blasian, btw-this time a Ghanaian-Filipina (Afro-Pinay). This one has a really interesting accent-she looks more or less like a Pinay, but speaks with a distinctly African (Ghanaian) tone.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Saw a picture of a fly chinese/black girl in my hometown's local magazine when I was visiting my parents. I read the name and realized it's the little sister of a guy I went to elementary school with. We used to roast her to no end about being ugly.

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

how does "half japanese" become hapa? I see no resemble

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Quote: (04-14-2012 02:55 PM)HiFlo Wrote:  

how does "half japanese" become hapa? I see no resemble

"half japanese"

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Quote: (04-15-2012 06:34 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2012 02:55 PM)HiFlo Wrote:  

how does "half japanese" become hapa? I see no resemble

"half japanese"

That's incorrect. It's short for hapa haloe, a Hawaiian term to describe someone of:


part-white ancestry or origin; especially : of white and Hawaiian ancestry



Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Quote: (04-15-2012 06:36 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2012 06:34 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2012 02:55 PM)HiFlo Wrote:  

how does "half japanese" become hapa? I see no resemble

"half japanese"

That's incorrect. It's short for hapa haloe, a Hawaiian term to describe someone of:


part-white ancestry or origin; especially : of white and Hawaiian ancestry



My bad. Regardless, the origins of the term definitely do add up.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Quote: (04-15-2012 06:36 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

That's incorrect. It's short for hapa haloe


Hapa means "half" or "part."

Using the word hapa in it's original meaning is only to supposed to describe someone who is half Polynesian/Hawaiian and the rest something else. You can throw all kinds of other words behind hapa like hapa haole to describe someone who's part Polynesian part white.

Myself, I am hapa kanaka which just means part (and a small part) Native Hawaiian.

Blasians should not be described as hapa because they have no Polynesian blood.

This girl is hapa kepani aka Polynesian/Japanese:
[Image: attachment.jpg5792]   

Here's her ass:
[Image: attachment.jpg5793]   

This girl is hapa portogee aka Polynesian/Portuguese:
[Image: attachment.jpg5794]   

Here's her ass:
[Image: attachment.jpg5795]   

I hope that helps.


Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Ya I do find Hapa girls love there white guys. I didn't even realize I have had minor success with these broads. I do agree they do kinda look awkward but I like females with a unique type look tho so its no issue. Each Hapa girls I've come across ya had something effed up bout her. First one was half Jap and Irish and was cute as hell but her voice sounded like a frog ejaculated 50 times in her throat lol I nearly banged but got cockblocked by her homosexual friend (typical in Toronto). Next up was a geek whom was a upper year in my program she was half Asian and polish with a heart-shaped face. My friends dogged me that she didn't look good but these kats were fools my dick approved and they chased gutter rats I wouldn't evdn acknowledge. This was pre-game and a fumbled this girl mightily. Her being a geek, she had little game herself and gave me a million chances and I never sealed it up, she was a good girl but had hairy as hell arms, whom am I to judge tho I still would of hit it. She moved to Korea tho after school. Yea last was a Half and Buddhist Chinese. I met this broad at a swingers club and she was to much a headcase. You can't escalate at these places like at regular parts and she kept blowing me out for it each time I did. She had goofed up eyes tho but her body was bangin'. I wanted to tie the bitch up and fuck her in those BDSM swings. Then back out west I fucked around with a Half Asian - Half Native broad for a min. She had a kid but you would of never known she was bangin and since she had native in her she had nice sleek eyes that didn't look typical of Hapa girls. She got wild when she drank tho lol.

Kosko approves of Hapa girls. Underrated are Blasians and Nasians (native-asian), and metis-asian (native+French+Asian)., pinay and native makes a good mix too. You will find these native mixes in Western Canada most often.

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

What are the best cities to find Hapas and Blasians?
Hapas might have the sexiest faces out of anyone.

Hapas: SoCal, NorCal, Vancouver, Hawaii any others?

I am not a big fan of the Mongolian mix in countries like Kazakhstan. ( I don't know if they can be lumped in with Hapas)

Blasians: No idea? Maybe Atlanta?

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

These girls look wonderful. My experience, at least here in the states, these girls are hard to game simply because they are so popular. They have some real princess mentality in the places I've been to because they have their pick of all the men around basically. Are there places in the states with a large population of these types that would make them seem less novel?

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

Quote: (07-13-2016 04:46 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

These girls look wonderful. My experience, at least here in the states, these girls are hard to game simply because they are so popular. They have some real princess mentality in the places I've been to because they have their pick of all the men around basically. Are there places in the states with a large population of these types that would make them seem less novel?

Los Angeles? They're not rare in LA.

Personally I prefer pure white or full east Asian - a lot of mixes seem to have a "washed out" look to them. There's a ugly ones out there too - their mothers are probably 4s.

I game them the same as white women - the vast majority of them have a white father and are raised American.

I remember banging a white/Korean mix from the mid west and she had a lot of issues. She told me that she never felt accepted by white people so she didn't like them very much. Consequently she was more into black/brown guys (I'm British-Indian). She told me used to be a member of a band and it turned out that she was a raging slut. She had incredible skin!

Tips for Picking Up Hapa Girls

The best place for hapa girls is Hawaii. Look at my post above from years ago.

Racially, the best thing to be to make it easier is to be a part of one of the things that makes her hapa. If she is samoan/Filipino, be Samoan or a mix thereof. Make sense?

Game the same way you would a Latina. Have balls, but values. A alpha, as we say here,

I've had sex with a litany of hapas, feel free to ask me anything.


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