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If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Marijuana should be legal everywhere, immediately.
It makes my life so much more pleasant. Taking some bong hits before walking through the woods taking pictures, or going on a beach walk with my dogs, or banging the shit out of some hippy chick after I make her take a shower, is just fantastic. It is also perfect for my back pain, which can be severe, and since aspirin/acetaminophen doesn't cut it, my only other choice would be to fry my liver and brain with high dose prescription narcotics.


NEW YORK - According to a real shocker from the world of bona fide science, smoking marijuana is tied to less motivation at the office.

The author of the study said it can't prove whether that's due to the drug's effects, the social environment in which it's used or whether pot smokers are just more likely to be laid-back from the get-go.

Though researcher Christer Hyggen suspects pot is the culprit, another possible explanation is that people who aren't so happy with their work situation or motivated on the job are more likely turn to drugs.

"There's a popular belief that people who smoke cannabis are slackers and that they don't want to work," Hyggen, from the Oslo-based social research institute NOVA, told Reuters Health.

To see how well that perception held up, he analyzed data from a 25-year-long study of close to 1,500 Norwegians. Starting in 1987, when they were in their late teens and early 20s, participants filled out surveys that included questions on their recent pot use on five different occasions, into their 40s.

They also rated their attitudes on statements that reflected work commitment, such as "It is very important for me to have a job" and "I feel restless when I have no work to do," ranked on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 reflecting the most commitment.

People who reported smoking in the past year generally reported less dedication to work than abstainers, according to findings published in the journal Addiction.

The pattern held after Hyggen took into account their mental health, satisfaction with their work environment, their economic background and how much alcohol they drank.

He also found that those who only reported recent smoking on one survey — the "experimenters" — tended to be as committed as abstainers as they got older. That wasn't the case for participants who repeatedly acknowledged marijuana use: their work commitment continued to decline into adulthood, and remained significantly below that of never-smokers.

By the last survey, in 2010, the 63 repeat users had an average score of 3.9 on questions of work commitment. That compared to scores between 4.2 and 4.3 in participants who had only experimented with marijuana or never tried it, including those who said their friends used the drug but they didn't.

The findings suggested that over time, "people who quit smoking cannabis increase their work commitment, and people who take up smoking cannabis reduce their work commitment," Hyggen said.

While his results can't prove a cause-and-effect relationship, "we were able to at least close in on this association."

Such a link fits logically, according to another researcher not involved in the study.

"For adolescents who are engaged in marijuana use and substance use, to the extent that that decreases or limits the academic achievement they would have achieved otherwise, that would limit their employment opportunities," said Kimberly Henry, from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, who has studied marijuana and truancy in adolescents.

Still, she told Reuters Health, "I think like many of these kinds of behaviors, there is kind of a spiral cycle where one reinforces the other."

Hyggen said that it's not a bad idea to stay away from drugs including marijuana.

"At the same time I don't think we should be overly afraid of people experimenting with drugs in youth," he said, as young people with that type of marijuana use didn't end up with a diminished work ethic as adults.

Henry agreed that heavier marijuana use is what's worrisome when it comes to school and work performance.

"This idea that makes sense from theory and just conventional wisdom is that it's the higher-level use that's probably causing the most problems," she said.

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If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

[Image: xaNzA.jpg]

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Also, the curative powers of cannabis have been suppressed for so long that it's pathetic. It's an anti-cancer, anti-anxiety, anti-depressive and the list goes so long that I can't post it all here. Read this article, it even helps lung function when smoked...


A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.
Apocalypse Cometh

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee


"They also rated their attitudes on statements that reflected work commitment, such as "It is very important for me to have a job" and "I feel restless when I have no work to do," ranked on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 reflecting the most commitment.

People who reported smoking in the past year generally reported less dedication to work than abstainers, according to findings published in the journal Addiction."
The findings suggested that over time, "people who quit smoking cannabis increase their work commitment, and people who take up smoking cannabis reduce their work commitment," Hyggen said.

Given this result, I think you pulled out your own conclusion out of thin air. I would be more likely to call "dedication to work" as "not lazy" rather than "beta worker bee". Since when is working bad? It depends on the job and earnings.

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If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

I want the bomb:

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

I'd rather go up than down. Weed makes me comatose. I'll take a hit here and there to be social. I keep a stash of assorted party favors at the crib.

Team Nachos

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Not a weedsmoker, but I see no legitimate reason why it shouldn't be legal. It's far less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Quote: (02-25-2012 01:31 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Not a weedsmoker, but I see no legitimate reason why it shouldn't be legal. It's far less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco.

Me neither, but I like songs about weed, and girls--especially ones on the younger side--seem to smoke weed almost universally. I'm kind of surprised some times how the nerdiest prude still smokes weed. I may have to start keeping some at the house for just-in-case situations. Wouldn't want to let a little thing like that to get in the way.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Quote: (02-25-2012 01:24 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  


"They also rated their attitudes on statements that reflected work commitment, such as "It is very important for me to have a job" and "I feel restless when I have no work to do," ranked on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 reflecting the most commitment.

People who reported smoking in the past year generally reported less dedication to work than abstainers, according to findings published in the journal Addiction."
The findings suggested that over time, "people who quit smoking cannabis increase their work commitment, and people who take up smoking cannabis reduce their work commitment," Hyggen said.

Given this result, I think you pulled out your own conclusion out of thin air. I would be more likely to call "dedication to work" as "not lazy" rather than "beta worker bee". Since when is working bad? It depends on the job and earnings.

My definition of beta worker bee encompasses a strong majority of the population.
Alphas are born to control betas.
The idea of being forced to go to an office everyday at a certain time, and to have to follow the orders of someone else, and to have to conform to a thousand different stupid rules designed to limit freedom and improve productivity, seems to me pure hell. I would never live like that.
If you are a young pup and don't have the startup cash or credit history to secure a loan and start a business, then you need to get a labor job preferably in construction which gets you out in the open air, and save every goddamn penny you can, and then never work for anyone else, ever again.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Quote: (02-25-2012 01:19 PM)SimonRierdon Wrote:  

Also, the curative powers of cannabis have been suppressed for so long that it's pathetic. It's an anti-cancer, anti-anxiety, anti-depressive and the list goes so long that I can't post it all here. Read this article, it even helps lung function when smoked...


So true. Amazing how human ignorance frequently disrupts science.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Or you work in an industry that gives random whiz quizzes....

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Quote: (02-25-2012 01:34 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I may have to start keeping some at the house for just-in-case situations. Wouldn't want to let a little thing like that to get in the way.

The "let's go to my house for a drink and a toke" venue change works wonder on college-age bitches. Highly recommended that you keep a stash, even if you don't smoke it on the reg - or at all.

Also helps to have a nice glass smoking piece, or to be a handy joint roller. Among pot chicks a high-end bong or a well-rolled blunt or jay can be a DHV.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

from my experience... pot makes you the cool kid in school. chicks fucking love it. i wouldn't want to tell anyone to NOT smoke weed.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

I don't do weed, I don't like the high, but I can't help sympathizing with this (brilliant) guy:

(especially at 4:00 or so)


If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

OK, I really have to find out what the deal is with weed. When I was 15, I tried it, a few times, and it did not do shit for me except STINK UP MY SHIRT. I tried it again with a girl I was banging' when I was 20, NOTHING - a whole fucking joint, nothing.... 2 joints, nothing....3 joints NADA! I felt nothing!!!! The joints were on different occasions and cities. Even tried it again in Colombia, NADA!! I felt nothing and at that point said "Whomever invented marijuana is a genius...he got all of these idiots worldwide to think they are high, when what they are is delusional!"

The only thing I felt was a disgusting after-taste in my mouth. I was not high, I was not shitfaced or anything except pissed off my mouth tasted like ass for hours.

At this point I made a decision, I much rather experience the high of 2 girls fighting over my cock, than a mouth that tastes like ass after smoking bullshit weed.

So, what gives?


If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

hit a bong

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Quote: (02-25-2012 02:54 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

OK, I really have to find out what the deal is with weed. When I was 15, I tried it, a few times, and it did not do shit for me except STINK UP MY SHIRT. I tried it again with a girl I was banging' when I was 20, NOTHING - a whole fucking joint, nothing.... 2 joints, nothing....3 joints NADA! I felt nothing!!!! The joins were on different occasions.

The only thing I felt was a disgusting after-taste in my mouth. I was not high, I was not shit but pissed off my mouth tasted like ass.

So, what gives?


Well, some people get high the first time they smoke, but many don't.
I remember the summer when I was 17, I tried smoking 3 times, and like you got nothing. I was ready to give up, when a friend of mine invited me to smoke in his car. We hot boxed it, ie roll up the windows and fill the space with dense smoke.
I was out of my mind stoned, and it was great. We drove to a dunkin donuts and I gorged myself on Boston Creme donuts.
Also, different people experience highs in different ways. There is also a notable difference in the strength and the characteristics of the high from different strains.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

I don't smoke weed and actually never smoked weed. As a result, I don't know what the big hype about it is. I still have no desire to smoke weed....or smoke anything else but some ribs or chicken.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Quote: (02-25-2012 02:56 PM)the chef Wrote:  

hit a bong

Nope. Bong won't do shit either!! I smoked 2 of them ALONE as a bet I made with this skateboarding weed kid 10 years ago. He bet me 300USD that if I smoked 2 bongs, I would be so high, I would not know my own name.

2hrs, and 2 bongs later...

MIxx:" This is such a waste of time, gimme my money and your sisters phone number, maybe her Blow job will get me high"

To me, it's officially stupid.

For all yo mofos out there thinking weed gets you high..[Image: bsflag.gif] it does not do shit!!!


If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Funny, for me weed just gives me bad trips and even anexiety attacks, and people don't believe me when I say I react that way so I don't even discuss it.

I had a pothead friend of mine live in a room here on my apt, so I had my share of the thing, and I really don't like it, but that is how my organism reacts.

I'm sure there are many out there having a jolly good time, and I hope they keep it that way.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

I like weed. I smoke it once in a while. I like the whole idea of weed. I like smelling good weed and looking at it. I'm happy when I have a stash of sticky kind buds. I love eating pot brownies and going on the water with some cold drinks. I love banging girls with a pot brownie buzz in the water with my polarized sunglasses on. I like mushroom tea also. Weed slows my drinking down.

I don't like...Looking for my shit all the time. People always wanting to smoke or borrow my weed. I don't like hanging out with stoners and playing video games. I smoked some and tried a cold approach in Wal-mart. FAIL! Weed alone kills game. In order. Some shroom tea then start drinking. After 5 drinks add a few hits of weed. Go out. Pull. Have sex.

*At 42 I've never met anyone who did not like weed cookies or brownies even if they hate smoking the shit. Never! Try it.

@Mixx you have to inhale it.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

I don't mess with drugs, period

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:07 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

@Mixx you have to inhale it.

You actually think I did not? I inhaled it so much, I blew it out my anus!! Still, nothing!

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:44 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:07 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

@Mixx you have to inhale it.

You actually think I did not? I inhaled it so much, I blew it out my anus!! Still, nothing!
When you make it up this way I'll get some weed cookies. We can walk around the Casino and score chicks. I guarantee you an asian flag that day.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee

I think weed should be legalized, along with every other drug for the sole reason that people should have the freedom to do what they want with their lives. I don't glorify this shit though. Many of my good friends growing up started smoking weed around 12-13 years old.. it lead to a sharp decline. Fucking with harder shit, pills, etc. Even some of my friends that started older, around 15, they couldn't handle it. It will always carry the stigma of being a "drug" and although it's not as harmful as alcohol for your body, it has a completely different psychological impact.
Personally I don't fuck w/ it. Waste of money that can be better spent elsewhere.

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