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Is it possible to get more beta than this?

Is it possible to get more beta than this?

I hate that this board has devolved into a beta/alpha match, but this is a certifiable 100% beta. Just don't ever become this guy no matter what. This is the reason why I'm learning game and not settling on being a beta.


Is it possible to get more beta than this?

It's hard to go wrong checking out other bitches when you're with whatever girl.

That chick has the dude on mega-lockdown. Unbelievable.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Is it possible to get more beta than this?

Was this Alpha?

Is it possible to get more beta than this?

Holy shit, that's bad. The only way I would tolerate that sort of shit from a woman is if she was the hottest chick in the World, and banged me whenever I wanted.

Is it possible to get more beta than this?

She looks young enough that she'll tolerate and even like a guy that beta. When they're younger, it seems like they can control the guy and still be into him. Give her 5 years though, and she'd have nothing but contempt for a guy like that.

^May be different outside America.

Is it possible to get more beta than this?

I don't consider that guy a beta, he's a guy with zero other options and willing to take anything he can get.

Is it possible to get more beta than this?

Maybe he's crying because his team is doing poorly.

Is it possible to get more beta than this?

Quote: (02-22-2012 03:53 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

She looks young enough that she'll tolerate and even like a guy that beta. When they're younger, it seems like they can control the guy and still be into him. Give her 5 years though, and she'd have nothing but contempt for a guy like that.

^May be different outside America.

^This. Plus I hope in that time this dude grows a pair and finds his inner Alpha. No matter the age its still a pathetic display on this dudes part and on TV no less (its going to be hard to live that down) But he seems very young, 14 or 15, so Im more forgiving then if this guy was 24 or 25. But at best lets hope the kids in his school are making fun of him now so that it forces him to question his actions/beta-hood.

Is it possible to get more beta than this?

you saw the guy, got mad and had to talk about online. hm....is it alpha?

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