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Approach invitation advice please

Approach invitation advice please

Since I upgrading my threads and working on my body and body language, I'm noticing I'm getting a lot of chicks 18-30s giving me really strong eye contact as I walk around in the day and in bars / clubs. As a newbie I am just about confident enough to approach on my terms during day or night, and have trouble figuring out how to respond to an "invitation".

Can I get your advice on day and night responses?

I guess at night I would normally just open over my shoulder with a witty comment or opinion opener, or maybe walk past tangentially and do the same. Although I find it much more congruent with my personality to go direct, I suppose I don't want to scare the cat.

Approach invitation advice please

"It's not polite to stare"

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Approach invitation advice please

If you're not quick-witted, you're going to struggle in this game. Get yourself a couple canned openers, as a crutch, if necessary. Myself, I prefer to keep everything situational. That way you don't psyche yourself out or come off as awkward by trying to recite some lines you memorized, but forget that you'd be saying them after a beer or two.

Watch shows like Seinfeld before you go out to get you in a conversational/funny mood. Then when you pick up on a strong IOI, just walk over and say 'anything' it almost doesn't matter what you say ("Hi, I'm going to make you drink my babies", might not work), but how you present yourself.

Approach invitation advice please

Chad - thanks, I like that.

CJ, good tips. I'm quick witted when I'm feeling relaxed, but as I still have some AA I'm not always relaxed before opening.

How about in the day time, when you notice a girl walking past in the opposite direction, giving you the stare? She's now behind you. Now what?

Approach invitation advice please

Quote: (02-13-2012 04:09 AM)Rocket Wrote:  

How about in the day time, when you notice a girl walking past in the opposite direction, giving you the stare? She's now behind you. Now what?

Stop in your tracks, face her and give your opener. Even if she ignores you at first, keep on going. If she turns around and sees you talking to her, you're golden. If she keeps walking, she wasn't that interested in the first place.

Approach invitation advice please

Gold. Thanks man, appreciate it.

Approach invitation advice please

Get out a pen and pad for this one. Look her in the eye, smile and say "how's it going?".

Approach invitation advice please

Quote: (02-14-2012 01:57 AM)houston Wrote:  

Get out a pen and pad for this one. Look her in the eye, smile and say "how's it going?".

Really that easy, huh? Okay, I'll give it a go.

Approach invitation advice please

I would start with elderly openers. If you don't know what I mean, then read "Day Bang."

Approach invitation advice please

Shorty giving me the eye in the daytime?

If i'm suited (i'm 36 and a professional)
- look her dead in the eye
- two hand handshake and hold.
- "how are you doing young lady..."
- *commences bull shit*

When I'm suited, I think that I can actually come on much stronger and much more formal than I can when i'm in jeans and a t-shirt. The suit has an authority to it that demands respect generally.

Not suited? or night time
1) if she looks playful, call her out, like the brothers have suggested above.
2) if you're not sure, go observational and then witty

Approach invitation advice please


Then slow down and say...

"hey whats up"
"hey how are you"
"hi how are you today"

Now, the ice is broken. Next, move into your situational conversation..

"any good places to eat around here"
"where is the sun today"
"god, its cold out here"
"those shoes are different"
"where do we know each other from"

Or Roosh's "Pet Shop" opener..

Quote: (02-12-2012 08:08 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

"It's not polite to stare"

I like it. I'm using this!

Approach invitation advice please

Quote: (02-14-2012 01:58 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

"where do we know each other from"

This line works real well in any situation with a new girl. I'll use that, or some variation, such as: "I swear we've met before." or "Something about you seems so familiar."

Approach invitation advice please

There is a rule in that:Girls cannot give approach invitations to specific guys because they do it wrong and in a way that totally escapes the guy's attention.For example she may look at you and then move her head quickly away when you look at her so what?Or she may smile at you.This does not mean a thing.She may smile to overcompensate for her fear caused by your appearance.So she tries to be calm.In general women give very confusing signs and you never know what is really going on because the same thing can mean a lot of different things depending on her emotions during the day,her menses and a whole lot other things.

So how to know if a girl will respond good or not before you approach her:Just watch if she generally responds good.For example some dudes tried to pick her up.What did she do?If she looked in other direction and did not even talk to them your chances are very limited.If she started caressing the biceps of one of them your chances are gross.Because girls respond in a ladder.For example if she is responsive Brad Pitt will lay her in a minute.A good pick up artist will need some hours and the average Jo will need three dates.She will be laid one time or another the end result is the same.To put more accurate.If she is receptive she will give some minutes to a very ugly dude with no game till she rejects him.She will respond very good to a handsome dude with no game at the beginning and she will respond extremely well to a guy with game.

Generally there are 4 categories of girls:

1.Extremely easy(10-20%):They sleep with everyone.What matters is who will talk to them first and who has the greatest physical presence to scare the others of approaching her.These girls are not picky at all.In 90% they have already boyfriends.

2.Medium easiness(50%).They sleep only with guys who meet their standards but their standards are reasonable.(Sligthly above the average guy in the city)

3.Difficult(20%):They have very high standards.They usually have long lasting relationships and when alone they prefer to remain without boyfriend for a very long time till they meet someone who meets their standards(they want sb in the top 5% of guys)

4.Virgins:They simply do not sleep with anyone.No matter how your looks are,how much money you have or the level of your game they refuse to sleep with men and generally remain virgins till old age.

So it is not always your failure.You may very well have landed on a very difficult girl or a virgin.

Practical application in club:

1.Screen out the very difficult girls and the virgins by the way they behave in their company by their clothes etc

2.Find out the easiest ones(again there are some hints)

3.If you get in conflict with other men about the easiest ones and you cannot turn the situation to your favor or if every easy one has boyfriend next to her,hit on the medium difficulty ones by showing some high value.Generally when you run pick up blindly it is the medium difficulty women you come across because they are the most numerable.

Approach invitation advice please

Best opener (works better if you're at least mildly attractive) "Hi I'm Rocket" with gentle eyes but firm eye contact

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Approach invitation advice please

"Did you see anything you like?" [Image: cool.gif]

Or you just call her over with a finger gesture...

"Made you come with one finger" - from David Deangelo.

Approach invitation advice please

Thanks guys, a lot of this is really good. Looks like I've got an arsenal to try out!

Approach invitation advice please

Where do we knoe each other from is a great one. Simple yet effective.

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