I follow the below blog and today there was a post comparing NYC and Toronto.
The verdict?
There are better quality women in NYC, it's far easier to meet women in NYC, women in NYC are friendlier and actually -- gasp! -- go out with the intention of meeting men, among other things.
Does this sound right to those who have been to both cities (never been to NYC)? NYC is one of the places I'd like to move to when I move out of here, though I'll ultimately go where I find a job.
The verdict?
There are better quality women in NYC, it's far easier to meet women in NYC, women in NYC are friendlier and actually -- gasp! -- go out with the intention of meeting men, among other things.
Does this sound right to those who have been to both cities (never been to NYC)? NYC is one of the places I'd like to move to when I move out of here, though I'll ultimately go where I find a job.
New York City is often described as a place where people rarely give you the time of day. Yours truly put it to the test.
On a solo mission, comparing T-Dot and NYC scene with regards to dating, texting, calling, fucking, hooking up. The results are in. Note, this will not necessarily work for everyone. But, if you have medium to solid game, decent looks and a bubbly personality (lookup: you like to have a good time), this is what you'll experience.
1 - The quality in looks is far better in Manhattan as the center for Fashion of North america is home to lots of models.
2 - The Quantity is also much better. There are literally tons of way hotter women patrolling the streets, restaurants, coffee shops, park, night venues
3 - Eye contact is slightly better during daytime in NYC, much better at night venues. Women go out with the specific task of hooking up
4 - If you ask a question during the day at a cafe, the girl will not only turn towards you, draw you a map of where you want to go but also give you her favorite places and where you could "bump into her" in case you wanted to. Asking the same at Chapters in Toronto, will get you an "i don't know!"
5 - Getting a number is much quicker and expect to hear back in the next few minutes from her. You go out, you get numbers, they text, you say where you will be, they follow. Whoever complains about the Meat Packing district scene as pretentious has clearly never lived in TO partying on King West!
6 - Guy to girl ratio is a sausage Fest in T-Dot, whereas in NYC you are constantly surrounded by women. Everywhere.
7 - The cliquey culture that stands out at Toronto clubs is unseen in Manhattan. Girls are always on the lookout for a guy. They are secure in their pursuit and make an attempt to stay closer to you so you can isolate easier.
8 - The ERA of "openings" is OVER! That's right. No indirect/direct etc. Simply say "Hello!" this will generate a response. Toronto based players are so accustomed to getting shut down here, that they have to write a book (literally) in order to go out on a Saturday night and spit their best game. Well boys, all you need to do there to "open" someone is say your name. She will give you the time of day/night and up to you where you take it from there.
9 - More professional bouncers. Less of a drug scene. Bouncers in T-Dot are in constant need of picking up themselves and tolerate whales to get in ahead of the testicle festival that is the Toronto nightclub lineup. In NYC, very hot girls are seen waiting in line.
10 - Hot Toronto girls in their 20's work as waitresses, models, bartender, hookers. NYC girls in their 20's who actually model part time and live in SOHO district, have a degree in finance from an Ivy League school, are lawyers, studying medicine or are pursuing another professional designation. The women are far more intelligent and you can actually have a conversation about more than breast size. (Not that I would disagree with the latter)
11 - Making out, having sex, fondling body parts, sex-dancing is far easier in NYC. No jealousy from her friend will drive you to stop what you are doing. If a girl senses you are into her friend she will leave and let you get down to business. In T-Dot the chubby friend third wheel has become a guys nightmare!
12 - No sexual tension between the sexes. Regardless of how many hot girls enter a bar, most guys don't give them a lot of attention in NYC. The local players are all immune to models. In T-Dot venues, you see a spark in the faces of men and a change in their body language as soon as a "higher" being strolls in after her hard shift at the Keg as a hostess!
13 - Older women are nowhere to be seen! Whereas in Toronto, hordes of "cougars" are prancing around to be wined and dined way past their expiration date, NYC older women (true MILFS, hot as hell) had trouble getting in nightclubs and had to be content with a bar scene which more often than not left them the option of dating down.
14 - Lower prices. Most places have a happy hour that gets you buzzed on two shots of whiskey [$3 each] (one shot here equals two there, so you're getting 4 shots for $6). The bartenders at classy places don't short change you on the vodka. The most expensive place (we are talking $5k bottle service/booth) has $15 gin tonics. A lot of clubs are free to get into before a certain hour.
15 - the party keeps going till 5am. The official last call in TO is 2am, in NYC 4:30am with many places opened till morning time. If you get numbers during dinner (9pm) you have 8 hours of fun, meetups, hookups and dancing ahead of you
16 - Ethnicity/background etc is not a big deal in NYC. Manhattan is a melting pot of cool interesting people. By comparison T-Dot is a salad of cliquish 1st and 2nd generation immigrants that stick together like dog shit on a shoe!
17 - Not hitting on women at nightclubs in NYC makes others think you are GAY. You might be even be approached by a gay guy. In stark contrast to T-Dot where men band together like a sad "band of brothers" in arms drinking as much as possible to fill the void that a clear lack of beautiful female companionship has left.
18 - Sad Part for Toronto Based players. NYC is actually looked down by Americans in southern states as an unfriendly place! That's right. After all the points you read, the complaining about how NYC is unfriendly by locals and new arrivals is abysmal. One wonders just what they would dub the society we live in.....