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Flake aversion techniques

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-26-2015 09:34 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Obviously there is some truth to that. The more comfort you build with a girl the more history and familiarity you have with her so you are less like a "stranger" when you go to meet. It really all depends on your end game and how much effort and time you are willing to put in based on your return.

Are you looking to get a girlfriend, rail and bail on some randos, or somewhere inbetween? If you are looking to get quick sex then marinating a girl for weeks on end via text and snapchat is a long damn time, and you run the risk of coming off as a chump as opposed to an aloof sex-machine with a busy life and other girls lined up. This also has a lot to do with the types of girls you're going after too.

Very good point - that's what it comes down to. For me its somewhere in between - I'm always going for sex on the first date, and if the girl has many positive traits (sexy body, good personality, etc) and we actually had a very good time together, she'd be somebody who I'd want to keep fucking on a semi-regular basis and maybe do some cool shit with. If not, +1, and that's it. I'm definitely not looking to get a girlfriend or any sort of commitment. To your point, two of the girls who I marinated on for several weeks ended up wanting a relationship after our second hangout, which I'm thinking occurred partially because I gave out the "potential boyfriend" card in the texting.

Then again, I wouldn't say that I'm putting in extraordinary effort into maintenance texts. We will maybe have 4-5 exchanges in total per day, and I almost never text before the afternoon or anytime after 10pm. I'm not serenading these girls all day. I guess I'm more so frustrated by flakes and can't really decide which route to take. It also does depend on the vibe I'm getting from the girl; if she actually seems down to come right over and drink, no point in building too much comfort. There's just a wide variety of girls on Tinder so no one strategy seems to be perfect.

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