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Flake aversion techniques

Flake aversion techniques

^ Blurred, I've been meaning to ask, with girls on Tinder, have you noticed a correlation between the time you're taking to build comfort and the number of flakes you're getting? Early on over Tinder, I'd spend up to 4-5 weeks talking to a girl before we meet up; I wasn't texting her 30 times a day, but several basic texts and often some Snapchat. Not a single one of those girls flaked. Now, I'm doing more of a quicker game when I'm pushing for the meet-up 2-3 days after we start talking/exchange numbers (mainly due to advice I read on the Tinder thread), and I feel like my flake rate has become ridiculous over the past month. It makes me think that the best way to reduce flakes is to build more comfort over time, hence making you a higher priority in her mind. However, that obviously takes more effort, so its questionable whether the extra effort is worth the reduced flaking. Have you noticed this?

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