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Flake aversion techniques

Flake aversion techniques

Quote: (03-24-2015 08:09 AM)YoungAngel1 Wrote:  

I'm not sure if it is possible to avoid it. Prrtty much every single girl I've dated has flaked on me at some point. My problem is when they text me when I'm on the way to the venue and they talk about how they can't make it at the last minute. That shit gets my blood boiling.

Maybe the best way to avoid it is to date high quality, older, educated women(master degrees, doctors, lawyers, Etc ). They seem the least likely to flake.

If you're dating girls 25 and under, then you're pretty much guaranteed a flake. Just brace for it.

So you're saying date lower quality women with more mileage so they're less likely to flake on you? Makes sense, they're no longer being inundated with offers, they have to take what they can get.

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