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Pipelining Tools Thread

Pipelining Tools Thread

I like Skout, even more than Tinder - at least in Taiwan - and I had a lot of good results with it. But "prostitute/scam free" it is definitely not, not even in Taiwan. There are usually two types of scams run here, one is part time or full time prostitutes offering their service under what they call "compensated dating" in Northeast Asia. Another is fake profiles operated by actual people with the intent to get you to sign up and pay at another (scam) site to view pictures/contact info etc. Both are usually easy to spot. Anyone who has a Line or Wechat ID in their profile name (usually something like a829739823) or profile description, who has extremely revealing pictures (usually added very recently, because they get deleted all the time), who immediately pushes you to add them on Line/Wechat early in the conversation, etc., is very likely not going to be real. Really it's just common sense, if it's too good to be true then it usually is.

Although there are definitely girls on Skout that are open to sexualizing early in the conversation or even initiate it. But exercise some caution and look for tells that they're real (pictures with friends, pictures that are more than a week old on their Skout timeline, written entries, etc). I almost fell for one of them once - dude behind the profile talked a whole hour to me before dropping the scam link.

This is where Tinder has the upper hand, since you don't have to deal with all the BS.

Another good app for Taiwan is Beetalk, which is a weird combination of a Tinder like matching feature, WeChat's "look around" and interest-specific group forums. Yet another one is iAround. You will definitely need to know how to type Chinese for those, but you can usually avoid the thirsty foreigners that crowd Tinder and Skout.

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