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Pipelining Tools Thread - elcidcampeador - 02-28-2015

Not to get caught up in the 'gaming' aspect of pipelining, this thread is meant to be a resource of what tools one can use to pipeline, not how to game the girls. I think that when we mention pipelining the answer is always 'Tinder is good' or 'Tinder was average', without considering valuable alternatives. I don't drink a lot, and am not a huge club person, so I rely on pipelining a lot, and have had success way beyond Tinder.

It is worth mentioning that the key to using these tools in advance of a visit often requires a decent smartphone and a 'Fake GPS' app that will allow one to spoof their location to the one they will be traveling to. This is huge. I saw a European guy next to me on the plane landing in the Dominican Republic rapidly swiping his Tinder in hopes of an easy lay. I already had a girl meeting me at the airport and another girl meeting me for dinner.

1. Tinder - This app is the leader, and has a massive thread in the Game forum because of its popularity. Tinder is, in my experience, not as strong of a tool in the USA as it was 2013 and early 2014. The girls have gotten noticeably uglier stateside.

Tinder results are highly varied among users. A good-looking guy will always do better than an ugly one, and a guy in Manila will do well regardless of his appearance. If someone is bragging about their Tinder prowess, make sure to ask their location and level of looks before assuming anything. I've had success in Europe, Latin America, USA, and Asia with this app.

2. Skout - This one is my favorite because of two reasons. First, the girls will come to you. See this post of mine for an example of what this app can do.

What I also like about it is that none of the thirsty foreign betas use this app. I used this app in Santo Domingo and managed to have a very cute girl come over. Not surprisingly, she didn't use Tinder. The guys on this app are pathetic, and practically every girl that is actively using the app has shown interest in me quickly. You can initiate contact without 'matching'.

This app isn't that useful in the USA, only kind of useful in Europe, but very useful in Asia and Latin America.

3. Badoo - I hate this app because it's hard to use, but like Skout, the girls will come to you. Unfortunately it is more popular than Skout and doesn't require a match to chat, so it's a bit of a clusterfuck. You can run Badoo on a computer too so it's an option for those who don't have a phone that is decent.

I have had success with this app all over the place, and the girls are getting hit on by less guys than on Tinder. This is where I met my Dominican virgin from my trip last week.

4. Tagged - This app is similar to Badoo. It's annoying to use and I don't think I've ever had a lay off of it, but there are girls and they are active. It's worth checking out depending on where you travel.

5. Hinge - This is my go-to app in the US, since all the hotties have seemingly left Tinder. Great to use, but it matches you with your facebook friends, so it's a bit useless for pipelining.

6. Happn - This app sucks, although is popular in Europe apparently. Worth downloading to see what action is like in your area.

7. Websites - The usefulness of dating websites can vary depending on where you are traveling. We all know how useful Thai Friendly is when traveling to Thailand. I haven't used a dating website other than TF, although others report success. Possibly better for the older crowd.

8. OK Cupid - I forgot this website/app, but the quality is largely lower and lots of thirsty beta foreign tourists are all over it

Feel free to add others that you have used successfully, and remember to note the location where you were successful.

Pipelining Tools Thread - Satoshi - 02-28-2015

So far I didn't hear about one single person who had success pipelining girls using GPS spoofing and tinder for a county they will go to. However I've found two scenarios when the GPS spoof actually is good:

1) To check responses in a country where one is about to travel or thinking about travelling. However to do this, one should choose another city where one is not about to go, as that would waste suggestions for when one actually arrives.

2) To try openers and ways of leading the conversation.

Regarding badoo:
As a default setting badoo will leave your profile open to the public and make your pictures searchable on google. One must change this setting himself.

Pipelining Tools Thread - LINUX - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 07:09 PM)Satoshi Wrote:  

So far I didn't hear about one single person who had success pipelining girls using GPS spoofing and tinder for a county they will go to. However I've found two scenarios when the GPS spoof actually is good:

I have had nurmerous over the years. I think I got 7 or 8 lays in Rio from GPS spoofing my last trip. When I did it, you had to use an android phone but now you can do it with iphone and the app "tools for tinder"

Pipelining Tools Thread - elcidcampeador - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 07:09 PM)Satoshi Wrote:  

So far I didn't hear about one single person who had success pipelining girls using GPS spoofing and tinder for a county they will go to.

I do this successfully all the time, although admittedly I travel a bit more than most on here.

Just alone in the past year - Finland, Sweden, Holland, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Panama, DR, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico. The difficulty with this is that they will want to meet before you arrive, so I try to just do it a couple of days in advance.

My phone is currently in Manila even though I'm in NYC. Not sure if I'm going to actually show up for my ticket booked next week yet, but I know that girls across Manila are swiping right or left to my Tinder profile already so I can just get the matches on the spot. I am getting a lot of hits on Badoo and Skout too, which conveniently don't require any effort on my part. Of course, the Philippines don't require much effort compared to some other places.

I simply do this so that I don't find myself having to run around all night at some club trying to get laid.

Pipelining Tools Thread - LINUX - 02-28-2015

Smart man.^^

Pipelining Tools Thread - elcidcampeador - 02-28-2015

EDIT: Just realized I forgot Wechat

This Chinese app is essential if you are running around Yuncheng and want to experience the local women. You can get away with Tinder in Beijing, but those women aren't impressed enough by your foreign-ness to blindly show up at your hotel room with a bag full of 三鲜包子 and condoms.

It also will get you matches where you might not expect them, such as Phnom Penh and Bangkok. As I mentioned in the original post, the key here is that these girls aren't already dealing with 10000 losers looking for an easy lay on Tinder.

It is hard to filter, but you can send messages to girls nearby you quite easily. I just ask them for a picture after this since it's usually hard to tell from the profile. If I was planning a China trip, I'd have 100 girls pipelined from this app.

Pipelining Tools Thread - Carlos100 - 02-28-2015

If this is going to be the master pipelining thread, which I think is a good idea, then SeekingArrangement should probably also be mentioned. Using this website may require a different type of approach, but some regulars on the forum have done a good job of explaining it here.

Pipelining Tools Thread - Cattle Rustler - 03-01-2015

You can use Imacros to send messages on online dating sites.

Just record the macros. Select the profiles. Let it run every day.

I want a script that can do this every 24 hours automatically.

Pipelining Tools Thread - Brodiaga - 03-01-2015

A technical question about fake location. I used the Fake GPS app for Android to get Tinder matches in other countries, but somehow Tinder reset the location to my current location after getting matches, so girls would ask something like "oh, you are 4000 miles away now, how come?". How do you avoid this? Do you keep the fake location app on all the time before the trip? Disable Tinder and not let it autostart if fake location is off?

Pipelining Tools Thread - elcidcampeador - 03-02-2015

Quote: (03-01-2015 11:52 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

A technical question about fake location. I used the Fake GPS app for Android to get Tinder matches in other countries, but somehow Tinder reset the location to my current location after getting matches, so girls would ask something like "oh, you are 4000 miles away now, how come?". How do you avoid this? Do you keep the fake location app on all the time before the trip? Disable Tinder and not let it autostart if fake location is off?

I used to have this same problem, and now it seems to work better. I use 'FakeGPS Free'. The newest update helped a lot.

Always combat their questions with 'How can I be 4000 miles away, I'm at XXX?'

This is annoying, since I'm flying to Manila in 4 days, and the girls are so easy they want to hang out immediately. I think 24 hours before swiping is fair for Manila, but definitely a week in advance for a semi-difficult Latin country.

Pipelining Tools Thread - elcidcampeador - 03-02-2015

[Image: 24b9cp2.png]

Here's an example of Skout. I didn't initiate this at all. I'm also not working I'm in NYC.

Note wechat and my fakegps app running at the top of the screen.

This chick wants to bang after work, no strings attached. I like it when they at least expect coffee or something.

Pipelining Tools Thread - Malo - 03-04-2015

^ You're being a bit naive.

Your girl (Shane) just initiated a chat me on Skout. I'm in Manila now. Screenshot attached.

She wants to have "fun now". Refuses to meet at a public place first (the mall), firmly insists on coming straight to my place.

I have slept with quick girls here and NOBODY acts like that unless they're up to no good.

Watch your step because there are plenty of scams here of various shapes and forms.

You can have fun here but I hope you also use your common sense.

Personally, if something smells fishy I don't get closer to see if it tastes fishy too. I just move on.

Quote: (03-02-2015 05:38 AM)elcidcampeador Wrote:  

I like it when they at least expect coffee or something.

Yep, exactly. Unless your looks are very high on the scale, the below screenshot is not typical and doesn't feel right, Manila or otherwise.


Pipelining Tools Thread - Shimmy - 03-04-2015

[quote] (03-02-2015 12:01 AM)elcidcampeador Wrote:  

[quote='Brodiaga' pid='969512' dateline='1425271941']
A technical question about fake location. I used the Fake GPS app for Android to get Tinder matches in other countries, but somehow Tinder reset the location to my current location after getting matches, so girls would ask something like "oh, you are 4000 miles away now, how come?". How do you avoid this? Do you keep the fake location app on all the time before the trip? Disable Tinder and not let it autostart if fake location is off?[/quote]

Not only that but also make sure you change your "location services" to GPS only under android location settings. The GPS can change if it's set with wifi, etc which would be "excellent" setting.

What are you doing to contact these girls when you are in the country? If I were to buy a phone would that be the best way by calling/texting if I'm not worried about paying for a sim card/minutes?

A trick I can recommend with calling online girls to keep track of them is to do a screen shot of their profile picture and picking the screen shot when you add their contact. It will let you crop their face. That way if you end up getting a ton of girls numbers in your phone you can remember what they look like.

Pipelining Tools Thread - elcidcampeador - 03-04-2015

Quote: (03-04-2015 03:15 AM)Malo Wrote:  

^ You're being a bit naive.

Your girl (Shane) just initiated a chat me on Skout. I'm in Manila now. Screenshot attached.

Yeah, I posted that picture pretty quickly - I figured she was a prostitute, but regardless I wasn't going to even bother with her after she was that easy.

This app is still usually safe, and prostitute free, everywhere I've been.

WeChat in Manila is like a brothel, which is a shame.

Pipelining Tools Thread - Malo - 03-04-2015

Yes I tried Skout and it's ok in that regard, tinder is also ok here prostitutes wise, but you have to weed out a lot of ladyboys on tinder. The pictures often don't tell the tale. Sometimes they state they are lady boys, sometimes they don't..

PS in my chat with 'Shane' I actually asked her 'what do you want in return for the fun' and she said she doesn't want money. She's just up to something else, I don't even want to know what that is.

There's the chance she's a legit nympho who knows. In general though, this is very atypical behavior even for super sluts and I would be wary.

Pipelining Tools Thread - atlant - 03-04-2015

I like Skout, even more than Tinder - at least in Taiwan - and I had a lot of good results with it. But "prostitute/scam free" it is definitely not, not even in Taiwan. There are usually two types of scams run here, one is part time or full time prostitutes offering their service under what they call "compensated dating" in Northeast Asia. Another is fake profiles operated by actual people with the intent to get you to sign up and pay at another (scam) site to view pictures/contact info etc. Both are usually easy to spot. Anyone who has a Line or Wechat ID in their profile name (usually something like a829739823) or profile description, who has extremely revealing pictures (usually added very recently, because they get deleted all the time), who immediately pushes you to add them on Line/Wechat early in the conversation, etc., is very likely not going to be real. Really it's just common sense, if it's too good to be true then it usually is.

Although there are definitely girls on Skout that are open to sexualizing early in the conversation or even initiate it. But exercise some caution and look for tells that they're real (pictures with friends, pictures that are more than a week old on their Skout timeline, written entries, etc). I almost fell for one of them once - dude behind the profile talked a whole hour to me before dropping the scam link.

This is where Tinder has the upper hand, since you don't have to deal with all the BS.

Another good app for Taiwan is Beetalk, which is a weird combination of a Tinder like matching feature, WeChat's "look around" and interest-specific group forums. Yet another one is iAround. You will definitely need to know how to type Chinese for those, but you can usually avoid the thirsty foreigners that crowd Tinder and Skout.

Pipelining Tools Thread - Malo - 03-04-2015

By the way, Tinder's latest version, in an attempt to improve service I suppose, lets you mention a 'reason' for unmatching people.

For example 'this appears like scam' or 'inappropriate photos'.

One of the reasons is 'bad offline behavior'. Which I will definitely specify, when unmatching girls who don't put out quickly.

Because if that's not bad offline behavior, I don't know what is.

Pipelining Tools Thread - walmer88 - 03-04-2015

Tinder used to be great spend half an hour swiping everyone and get lots of matches back especially in the philippines. in europe now they limit it to 100 likes 1 day or they charge you £9 a month for unlimited so i guess you got to be more selective now