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The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

This one was more of a soft flake that I ended up hard flaking on. I'm double booked tonight with two OKC women. The first one I'm meeting tonight at 6:30 at a wine bar and we've already spoken on the phone and texted the last few days. She promptly replied to my "looking forward to seeing you tonight" confirmation text so by all accounts this one looks solid. The second date was for 8:30 tonight at a bar down the street from date #1. This woman is much hotter in her photos but she did not reply to my confirmation text this morning however she did view my OKC profile again. I'm guessing I am her backup plan and she was waiting to see if her first choice worked out before confirming with me.

Since I've been burned in the past by double booking I'm going to play the odds and go all in with date #1. I texted date #2 saying I need to work late and lo and behold she quickly replied with "no problem". Funny how they quickly respond when we're giving them a way out [Image: dodgy.gif]

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