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$500K For 5 Years - Need %5/annum

0K For 5 Years - Need %5/annum

Alright, I'm gonna play the devil's advocate and say real estate. Find a generating property and sit on it, don't buy for appreciation, buy for the rental potential and cash-flow on a monthly basis, and hold it long term.

Also, if you are wanting to invest, for god's sake, be willing to lose. You don't play the market unless you know that it's lead by emotion, and that emotion turns on a dime. People that play stocks (myself included) know that there are going to be years the market climbs and then falls, but the trend is always upwards. You don't make money when you sell anything, by the way, you make it when you make smart purchases (companies that are undervalued, and homes that are below market evaluation).

For those saying 500k liquid is a lot, consider the guy's age, and that he's doing a massive sell off. Anyone over 30 can probably have 500k liquid quite easily, if you own a car, a home, a couple toys, and potentially some other assets.

Why is nobody just telling this guy to put his money in a mutual fund? At 500k you'll have access to a lot of the funds that most people cannot get into. My dad for example has over a mil in one fund in particular that returns between 15-80% per annum.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

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