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How selfish is it to bang other girls, but don't want your main girl to do the same?

How selfish is it to bang other girls, but don't want your main girl to do the same?

Quote: (11-15-2014 12:27 AM)LeBeau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-14-2014 10:34 PM)Tactician Wrote:  

No, not really. You offer her terms, she can walk or accept. It's a free market.


This is one of the last blue pill mentalities for many guys to lose.

You have to understand it's much more natural for a man to want variety than a woman, this is simple biology.

Further, despite society trying to tell you that you're taking advantage of a woman, she's an adult, if she wasn't getting enough out of the arrangement, it's her call to leave.

I'm not advocating having an official GF and then lying and cheating on her, but if the relationship isn't exclusive, the terms are much more flexible.

I didn't really understand this point until I heard Patrice O'neal's take on this. As a man, you bagging many bitches requires some super skills, which makes you sexier in the eyes of other women, including your main GF. But it's the total opposite for her: Getting dick requires no skill on her part, so it's not something that fulfills them on a deeper lever at all.

Some women think it does, but they hamster themselves into thinking that they're getting men, while the reality is that they're simply giving away their real estate aka their pussy. Simple thinking so far but then when he said this part I was like Damn... and here it goes

So you want to fuck other men sweety go ahead!! Giving away your pussy is so easy it's not even a challenge babe! You could fuck a guy every day of the week if you'd like, but if you do, I won't be upset, I' ll just bring you back down to ho status No staying over after I bust my nut, from now on it's I might call you, maybe of maybe not,

I don't know
, possibly we might go out. And if you decide to leave, I'll be hurt, but I'll make sure to fill the void with a whole lot of bitches to replace you! I soon as I heard that, it made sense to me. It's hard, but you cannot be attached to the sexuality of a woman because it'll make you paranoid and unconsciously needy, which will create in her mind the alley to go ahead and cheat!

If you're managing the situation correctly, she ain't going nowhere! And if your leadership is on point and she still goes after other men, she's acting like a men and is not ready or not willing to be a good soldier. I'm such a shitty writer, so listen to Patrice and what I wrote will actually make sense

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