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French Protesting Declining Economic Conditions by Throwing Vegetables [retitled]

French Protesting Declining Economic Conditions by Throwing Vegetables [retitled]

Quote: (11-07-2014 11:21 AM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

God bless them. Some of the only people willing to stand up for themselves and put up a fight.

I suppose it is obvious which party might gain from all this dissatisfaction.

Are we talking about French people here? [Image: banana.gif]

I'll add that these people deserve everything they get. Spoilt, arrogant and up their own arse on their self-importance. The farmers especially. If you want to know anything about French farmers is that they're some of the most cushioned and coddled farmers in human history.

They have so much trough cash from the EU they merely dump millions of gallons of milk down the drain "just because".

They voted in these socialists by a good margin and what do they do? They fuck the class of people who actually made production possible, you know, the well-off?

They taxed these wealth generators to high hell and were genuinely surprised that these same wealthy people fled to other countries and hid their fortunes.

This isn't taking into account cheap migrant labour, of which France has a huge surplus of.

It is funny seeing this from England. They and the rest of those in the EU who are drowning are struggling to make sense of it all after their scorched earth policy and a belief in punishing those with wealth. Its like burning down the government and getting pissed your weekly bin collection doesn't happen.

I hope it sets of a motion to destroy the EU in its current form. If only the UK could abandon it.

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