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Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-27-2014 06:27 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2014 03:39 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Mr Gatsby Actor tries to remain incognito (wears a baseball cap out usually at the owners table...Although in Cannes he was with one of my boys who is known to know tons of models) which their is a high probability that he has his share of FUN. (1 of my girls slept over at his place, no clue if anything happened)

Quote: (10-26-2014 04:15 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

I'm not saying "Game" is the end all be all BUT when it comes to this guy specifically I know 1st hand that he is horrible at meeting new chicks. I don't know 1 chick that was receptive to him, flipside Wolf Of Wall Street actor is ALWAYS incognito and he's approached/met a handful of my gals.

1. Is there a reason you don't just say his name?

2. Leo has been one of the biggest movie stars in the world since Bieber was 3 years old. No shit he pulls more girls. He's still getting residual pussy from Titanic.

The funny thing is that guys fucking HATED DiCaprio too when he was Bieber's age.

How quickly a few Scorcese movies and VS models make people forget.

I do it purely for search purposes...

Wouldn't want someone to coincidentally get linked to this and realize how much stuff I disclose.

As for the "lame" factor this was solely based on dude trying to PICKUP. Majority of these chicks are very open with me, the way they described his whole "presence" was sort of a "I could see that BUT I'm surprised he came at you like that."

Quote: (10-28-2014 01:44 AM)DVY Wrote:  

I've heard multiple stories of Leo (through my party people). He's smooth and flies super under the radar.. Most girls have no idea that its him. Drunk girls, sigh.

Whatever happened to that old rumor that he got a rib removed so he could blow himself. I laughed so hard at that one. It was so ridiculous even I got sucked into that discussion.

Yep you would never be able to tell he's in the venue...

He wears a baseball cap and chills at the table. Every so often he'll chat to the women at the surrounding tables which is how the chick will even realize.


Here's the thing about status. Almost everyone who reads/practice PUA knows that it's all about PERCEIVED status within whatever environment he and the girl is in. They would encourage you to AMOG other guys, tip bouncers well, dress "high status", etc... All of these, for what?

We all know the answer. It is to raise our perceived status so girls are more likely to FUCK YOU.

So when a man with insane amount of status already entered the room, all he has to do is make it known WHO HE IS and that he has arrived, and the girls would flock into him.

But I could emphasize how we all need to protect our fragile ego. Carry on...


If this were true then all the sports players, rappers, and celebs would be getting laid like crazy...

(I'm at :37)

When I first started hanging in the "high end" scene I used to OBSERVE to see who was actually "doing it up". Sadly, it turned out I was doing it up more than MOST. Only a select few were actually "solid". This really shocked me and changed my outlook on pop culture.

I've been out on the rare night when usher, Jemarine Dupri, Lil Jon and some other guy was out...All celebs do is cause the venue to "spectate". (Which is why I try my best to avoid celebs)

The real people actually making moves "women" wise are a sub-niche of unknowns. I'm not 100% sure where I mentioned it BUT cannes of this year when leo was partying...In a tabloid picture, right next to him was a guy I used to hangout with. That specific guy has more than 600+ model types in his phone mainly due to tons of daygame. (There were actually 2 other friends that were out there at the time)

Again nothing against dude BUT when it comes to women he is not a good reference...Give him a few years to humble out and not use a shtick [Image: wink.gif]

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