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Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

He's famous enough that he can say what he wants, even 'I like to smell my own farts' and he's gonna get something anyway.

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Its strong hamster logic when you say game can trump fame because the guy can be a dick and turn her off and call him lame. You dont listen to women on any other subject regarding sex and dating so why start now?

If a girl says a guy is lame it is because he didn't show her the energy and commitment she believes she is worth.

When a woman meets a famous guy she likes she will ignore all other avenues that would bring down ordinary guys. Dressed a certain way? Earrings? beard? Haircut is shit? They ignore that. What they don't ignore is the hundreds of other women out to get him.

The only exception is women who are surrounded by famous men but they're alpha widows anyhow. You still shouldn't listen to them.

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-25-2014 04:45 AM)DVY Wrote:  

I don't think its lame at all. He says it w/a smirk and a sly smile. Give him time, hes still young.

Being an actor means basically zero(excepting groupies) in most international cities. There are tons of them. Even A-list guys have some issues.

I swooped Ms Vancouver the other night. She was talking so much shit about these other actor guys. How lame they are, blah blah blah. She asked me if I wanted to be friends w/her (first) and I laughed at her. 30 mins later, swooped her at my pad.

Afterwards, she said "you are wayyy more interesting than the Hollywood types". Just another affirmation that fame means v. little to most girls. Its how much they dig you, and you can make them feel.

Fame might give you access and 30 seconds of breathing room BUT after that its all on you.

These models deal w/shallow, ego-centric bullshit all day long. If you are a breath of fresh air, they'll LOVE YOU. You should be her break from work.

My recent escapades mean that I completely agree with you.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-26-2014 08:44 AM)catoblepa Wrote:  

He's famous enough that he can say what he wants, even 'I like to smell my own farts' and he's gonna get something anyway.

Like this
[Image: south-park-fart-smelling-o.gif]

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Would bang. Haters gonna hate, she does look like princess jasmine. I want me some hot models!

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-27-2014 01:59 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

Would bang. Haters gonna hate, she does look like princess jasmine. I want me some hot models!

Is this her?

[Image: 463623_10151614473699217_1336759047_o.jpg]

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

I could see girls saying he is lame simply because they were pumped and dumped.

It's like girls telling everyone you have a tiny dick after you breakup.

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Just looked through her MM and the accompanying article about the incident with Bieber. She's definitely a hot bitch, highly fuckable, and I'm not even normally into middle eastern chicks. I agree with a previous poster that she'll fatten up in another 3 years though. Middle eastern women age terribly for some reason. 27-28 and they're toast. So sad. Of course, that's also true for many white/black/hispanic/asian women, but the middle easterners in particular seem to hit the wall like a hammer more often than not.

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-25-2014 03:39 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Mr Gatsby Actor tries to remain incognito (wears a baseball cap out usually at the owners table...Although in Cannes he was with one of my boys who is known to know tons of models) which their is a high probability that he has his share of FUN. (1 of my girls slept over at his place, no clue if anything happened)

Quote: (10-26-2014 04:15 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

I'm not saying "Game" is the end all be all BUT when it comes to this guy specifically I know 1st hand that he is horrible at meeting new chicks. I don't know 1 chick that was receptive to him, flipside Wolf Of Wall Street actor is ALWAYS incognito and he's approached/met a handful of my gals.

1. Is there a reason you don't just say his name?

2. Leo has been one of the biggest movie stars in the world since Bieber was 3 years old. No shit he pulls more girls. He's still getting residual pussy from Titanic.

The funny thing is that guys fucking HATED DiCaprio too when he was Bieber's age.

How quickly a few Scorcese movies and VS models make people forget.

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Some of the posts in this thread remind me of the posts fat chicks make on FB claiming how happy she is with her CURVES and accusing anyone that doesn't find her attractive "insecured".

Here's the thing about status. Almost everyone who reads/practice PUA knows that it's all about PERCEIVED status within whatever environment he and the girl is in. They would encourage you to AMOG other guys, tip bouncers well, dress "high status", etc... All of these, for what?

We all know the answer. It is to raise our perceived status so girls are more likely to FUCK YOU.

So when a man with insane amount of status already entered the room, all he has to do is make it known WHO HE IS and that he has arrived, and the girls would flock into him.

But I could emphasize how we all need to protect our fragile ego. Carry on...

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Dude, it's BIEBER, he can do whatever he wants and say whatever he wants and STILL get the girl.

It's simply his status.

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

I've heard multiple stories of Leo (through my party people). He's smooth and flies super under the radar.. Most girls have no idea that its him. Drunk girls, sigh.

Whatever happened to that old rumor that he got a rib removed so he could blow himself. I laughed so hard at that one. It was so ridiculous even I got sucked into that discussion.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-27-2014 06:27 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2014 03:39 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Mr Gatsby Actor tries to remain incognito (wears a baseball cap out usually at the owners table...Although in Cannes he was with one of my boys who is known to know tons of models) which their is a high probability that he has his share of FUN. (1 of my girls slept over at his place, no clue if anything happened)

Quote: (10-26-2014 04:15 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

I'm not saying "Game" is the end all be all BUT when it comes to this guy specifically I know 1st hand that he is horrible at meeting new chicks. I don't know 1 chick that was receptive to him, flipside Wolf Of Wall Street actor is ALWAYS incognito and he's approached/met a handful of my gals.

1. Is there a reason you don't just say his name?

2. Leo has been one of the biggest movie stars in the world since Bieber was 3 years old. No shit he pulls more girls. He's still getting residual pussy from Titanic.

The funny thing is that guys fucking HATED DiCaprio too when he was Bieber's age.

How quickly a few Scorcese movies and VS models make people forget.

I do it purely for search purposes...

Wouldn't want someone to coincidentally get linked to this and realize how much stuff I disclose.

As for the "lame" factor this was solely based on dude trying to PICKUP. Majority of these chicks are very open with me, the way they described his whole "presence" was sort of a "I could see that BUT I'm surprised he came at you like that."

Quote: (10-28-2014 01:44 AM)DVY Wrote:  

I've heard multiple stories of Leo (through my party people). He's smooth and flies super under the radar.. Most girls have no idea that its him. Drunk girls, sigh.

Whatever happened to that old rumor that he got a rib removed so he could blow himself. I laughed so hard at that one. It was so ridiculous even I got sucked into that discussion.

Yep you would never be able to tell he's in the venue...

He wears a baseball cap and chills at the table. Every so often he'll chat to the women at the surrounding tables which is how the chick will even realize.


Here's the thing about status. Almost everyone who reads/practice PUA knows that it's all about PERCEIVED status within whatever environment he and the girl is in. They would encourage you to AMOG other guys, tip bouncers well, dress "high status", etc... All of these, for what?

We all know the answer. It is to raise our perceived status so girls are more likely to FUCK YOU.

So when a man with insane amount of status already entered the room, all he has to do is make it known WHO HE IS and that he has arrived, and the girls would flock into him.

But I could emphasize how we all need to protect our fragile ego. Carry on...


If this were true then all the sports players, rappers, and celebs would be getting laid like crazy...

(I'm at :37)

When I first started hanging in the "high end" scene I used to OBSERVE to see who was actually "doing it up". Sadly, it turned out I was doing it up more than MOST. Only a select few were actually "solid". This really shocked me and changed my outlook on pop culture.

I've been out on the rare night when usher, Jemarine Dupri, Lil Jon and some other guy was out...All celebs do is cause the venue to "spectate". (Which is why I try my best to avoid celebs)

The real people actually making moves "women" wise are a sub-niche of unknowns. I'm not 100% sure where I mentioned it BUT cannes of this year when leo was partying...In a tabloid picture, right next to him was a guy I used to hangout with. That specific guy has more than 600+ model types in his phone mainly due to tons of daygame. (There were actually 2 other friends that were out there at the time)

Again nothing against dude BUT when it comes to women he is not a good reference...Give him a few years to humble out and not use a shtick [Image: wink.gif]

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-28-2014 01:44 AM)DVY Wrote:  

Whatever happened to that old rumor that he got a rib removed so he could blow himself. I laughed so hard at that one. It was so ridiculous even I got sucked into that discussion.

Interesting choice of words. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-28-2014 10:41 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (10-28-2014 01:44 AM)DVY Wrote:  

even I got sucked into that discussion.

Interesting choice of words. [Image: dodgy.gif]

[Image: pause-button.jpg]

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-28-2014 05:36 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2014 07:36 PM)startup__ Wrote:  

So when a man with insane amount of status already entered the room, all he has to do is make it known WHO HE IS and that he has arrived, and the girls would flock into him.

But I could emphasize how we all need to protect our fragile ego. Carry on...


If this were true then all the sports players, rappers, and celebs would be getting laid like crazy...

This was what I suspected, but I kept quiet as I don't have much in the way of celebrity/very high status people experience. Thanks for clarifying DL. Smells trollish to me too.

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"Failure is just practice for success"

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

I'm of the opinion that Game can conquer Fame.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

^ You're right, it's an opinion.

I wonder if game (assuming we talking at the highest level) can cause women to swirl around you and beg for your attention anytime you go out in public simply for being there?

Any top of the top dudes with game you know with 4,800 chick notch counts?

Lets be real with ourselves here. Game can do a lot (as fame and game are somewhat interrelated), but fame (and arguably money) will get you much further, much more consistently with women.

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-24-2014 11:54 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Quote: (10-23-2014 08:33 PM)PrimeTime32 Wrote:  

I mean well he's worth well over $100 million, world famous, and ain't even old enough to drink yet. I think chicks will give him a pass even beautiful ones [Image: icon_lol.gif]

This video just reaffirms what a handful of my girls have said, he's overall lame when it comes to interacting with women. When he was in NY on a few occasions chicks I know were like "WTF, lame" and he even got rejected at one club.

P.S...I have no hate/dislike for the guy as most people tend to do BUT the way the chicks described the interaction it's like "really?"

Your girls say he is lame at interacting with women.

Real world results say he has had sex with VS supermodels and a variety of 8+ women.

Personally, results and not gossip are what matter to me.

J-Biebs may not have the tightest game in the world, but he is a shining example of what creating a solid persona and having it amplified by fame can do for a man.

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-30-2014 08:09 PM)OkStudies Wrote:  

^ You're right, it's an opinion.

I wonder if game (assuming we talking at the highest level) can cause women to swirl around you and beg for your attention anytime you go out in public simply for being there?

Any top of the top dudes with game you know with 4,800 chick notch counts?

Lets be real with ourselves here. Game can do a lot (as fame and game are somewhat interrelated), but fame (and arguably money) will get you much further, much more consistently with women.
Yep it's an opinion, it comes from personal experience, I know for a fact many of these 'A listers' aren't banging even 8's. They are rolling in 6's and 7's, if Gene Simmons fucked 4,800 5's, 6's and 7's, I don't think that would even compare to fucking 100 8's.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"


Your girls say he is lame at interacting with women.

Real world results say he has had sex with VS supermodels and a variety of 8+ women.

Personally, results and not gossip are what matter to me.

J-Biebs may not have the tightest game in the world, but he is a shining example of what creating a solid persona and having it amplified by fame can do for a man.

This is is a lose-lose situation for me because no matter what I say it will sound like I'm "hating" on the guy, which I'm not... (I'm completely neutral)

I'm speaking solely on his time in "new york" last year...

He tried talking to a handful of girls I know on different occasions AND they thought his "Schtick" was really lame almost as if they were saying "Damn dude can't you just be normal".

An it wasn't like the girls said it to me all at once in the same setting. In the span of that week or 2, it was like randomly "o yea last night beiber came up to me" and I'd probe to see if it was a good experience.

Ironically, during the sametime he got rejected getting into 1 venue which is their best night AND he had 2 "Shady" drunk BS that I can't recall in detail but made me think "damn why do people bother the kid so much"

Read below if you want to see guys I personally know who gets massive results... (Exception being the dan guy, I don't personally know him)

I've been in the "high end" scene for 3 years now, I have a good eye for spotting the RIGHT GUYS. Like other poster said, he's still young and has alot of growing to do. Also were in 2014 now, alot could've changed [Image: wink.gif]

P.S...The VS Models are apart of 2 or 3 social circles. (some are in pics below) The guys who keep those circles together have hooked up with much hotter women on a much more consistent basis...That would explain why they're "just friends" [Image: wink.gif] (Although 3 or 4 of them used to actually date VS models)

Quote: (10-30-2014 08:09 PM)OkStudies Wrote:  

^ You're right, it's an opinion.

I wonder if game (assuming we talking at the highest level) can cause women to swirl around you[/url] and beg for your attention anytime you go out in public simply for being there?

Any top of the top dudes with game you know with

Lets be real with ourselves here. Game can do a lot (as fame and game are somewhat interrelated), but fame (and arguably money) will get you much further, much more consistently with women.

It's hard to "test" objectively, only thing I can say I've personally experienced is that at my peak...
- 1 to 3 different girls were always looking for me and/or trying to meet up
- There were a HANDFUL of women who wouldn't go out unless I was going out (the fun they have with me didn't compare to a typical night)
- Through a "joke" I sorta stumbled into a situation where girls wanted me to host sex parties

As for fame/money getting you further I'd have to "challenge" this...
- Fame = A "potential" fastlane within the right circles depending on your PR (which at some point will allow you to cross path with "connectors" behind the scenes who are REALLY KILLING IT)
- Money = A fastlane within the right circles via "buy your way in" (Think middle eastern royalty)

To put things in perspective I'm NOT "rich nor famous" and still USED TOO live a much crazier social/sex life than most.

That is contrast to a friend of mine stating a "community" dude trying to break into the "high end" scene ended up buying a table. You know what happened?

He became a "client" and kept buying a table every week in hopes of finally getting in FOR FREE. Eventually to bypass that he decided to BUY a promotional company. Now he has abit of access in relation to the promotional company. #Fail

What People Aren't Seeing...
The people "behind the scenes" is who knows both the "celebs" and the "women" because they're much more socially savvy and/or influence a vast amount of people's social lives within that realm. Without these guys MOST celebs wouldn't be getting laid nor meet certain chicks. (That I know for a fact)

The "Plot Twist"
Why does this guy have so many fans?

[Image: 10561025_281887585328244_826896444_n.jpg]

The "irony" about this guy is that beyond the excessive luxury he can afford...He hangs with LOTS OF WOMEN...Women are like a cops sidearm for connectors "behind the scenes". This is NORMAL

Take note of the guy with him...

[Image: 10547889_10100388115071309_3180580514814300824_o.jpg]

I've partied with him a few times back in 2012...Prior to us partying together, I would ALWAYS see him leaving with a chick. Again this is normal... [Image: smile.gif]

[Image: 156029_260548344082174_1882364416_n.jpg?...e=54E667ED]

Maybe just a fluke? Negative, one of my boys I met late 2013 who I ended up having some epic nights with...In cannes he met Dan...

[Image: qw12.jpg]

An again, what does everyone "behind the scenes" have in common? They know TONS OF WOMEN...

[Image: zw13.jpg]

3 Modelizers...
These 3 men were big inspirations for me and how I lead my life. I don't think there is a single celebrity that even comes close to what they've done in the past 10-15 years in terms of their social/sex life.

[Image: 537483_250439001759775_241721152_n.jpg?o...e=54DE60EF]

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Part 2 - Image Restrictions

[Image: 313302_251431994993809_1740933298_n.jpg?...1ae5e05e3c]

[Image: 549907_260540730749602_193458011_n.jpg?o...e7ba709330]

The "irony" is that this is simply 3 UNKNOWN men...I personally know 50+ different guys like them. How did I connect with them? The simple fact because I was ONE OF THEM.
- I didn't hangout with any guys (sometimes I would meetup with other "connectors") back then I was known as "that guy who has no guy friends" (hahahaaha)
- I almost exclusively only hungout with tall women (5'8+) because not only did I like chicks who were 5'10+ but the clubs loved them
- People seeked me out because I knew lots of hot chicks (I spend $0 on nightlife used to get dinners free EVERY NIGHT if i so choose)

It's a whole different world

Most people used to assume/think my "game" is awesome which is why I fooled around with hot women...NEGATIVE...

If I wasn't amongst the "high end" scene it would be near impossible...

Due to "Access and Connections" alone I was 100% guaranteed to be able to go out and meet and/or fool around with gorgeous women EVERYDAY.

Exploring "game" not only allowed me to "break into the scene", it also enabled me to learn/understand myself enough to know that GENERALLY most women will find me fascinating. So all I had to do was "show up"...

[Image: zz2.png]

[Image: Fotor0100565856.jpg]

Thing is with the "community" perspective is that it still has major blindspots ESPECIALLY based on the assumption of how things are "suppose to be".

If most guys stopped going out their sex life would collapse, my sex life would take AGES to collapse because there will always be women who are still hoping/waiting for me to hookup with them.

On top of that, back then those 50 "connectors" in my phone, if at any point I texted them I'm coming out BAM!! I'm surrounded by atleast 7 gorgeous women. I already knew if I give chicks a chance to meet me they'll most likely hope I hookup with them.

Power Of Connections
My good friend is an ex-intern for RSD Nathan... (He dislikes the community)

Due to his business partner being a model scout, for the whole year he's been hooking up with only models. This is the "perk" that SOME celebs have. Prior to this when he had a 9 to 5 (when we 1st started hanging in this realm) he still managed to bang 12 chicks in the span of 1 week.

The vast amount of women makes "lay counts" not so bizarre because if you're "Smart" about how you do things, you can have sex everyday multiple times a day from different women. (I don't know anyone who would honestly do this though)

To Paint A Picture
Take note of the hat and who that person is. This was a random night hanging with one of my crazies. (next to me) While this night I randomly ran into him, if he ever was doing something socially he'd "take care of me". (and the girls I'm with)

Last year, this guy used to get 2 free hotel rooms and would invite tons of chicks to vegas or AC. A simple roadtrip would have me right there in the mix.

[img][Image: 0000f7ec-470a-4f8d-851e-8917523cbf83.jpg][/img]

P.S...You'll probably know by now I favor discretion and incognito than "attention" and "fame". I have zero pictures with celebs, only reason I have above picture is due to the fact that me and this guy used to party alot together in 2012 and abit of 2013. Which is why you see him in my own personal videos just "out and about" no camera.

Disclaimer: Usually I'm very selective about what I talk about in terms of this stuff BUT I felt it was valid to bring this up because these "behind the scenes" people are like war veterans THE REAL unsung heroes. When I see threads like this I tend to laugh at the disinformation. (always be skeptical of pop culture news) Even worst, less and less men are living it up like this and it's slowly becoming a dying breed. (Mainstream EDM and big name DJs are killing the essence of the "high end" scene)

Or maybe I turned into a shallow douche BUT nothing was better than rolling into a venue that actually played AWESOME MUSIC and when you look around it's nothing but gorgeous women. Being in those realms living how I live changed my inner game drastically.

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Alright Distant Light, you've piqued my interest. When are you gonna drop a datasheet on this?

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

That's boss Distant Light, I've been making inroads into Croatian society and I've noticed 2 guys like this (one is gay - neither are famous/rich) who only hang out with hot women and just association with them gets you bangs.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Bieber's Pickup Line to Model: "You Look Like Princess Jasmine"

Quote: (10-31-2014 07:14 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2014 08:09 PM)OkStudies Wrote:  

^ You're right, it's an opinion.

I wonder if game (assuming we talking at the highest level) can cause women to swirl around you and beg for your attention anytime you go out in public simply for being there?

Any top of the top dudes with game you know with 4,800 chick notch counts?

Lets be real with ourselves here. Game can do a lot (as fame and game are somewhat interrelated), but fame (and arguably money) will get you much further, much more consistently with women.
Yep it's an opinion, it comes from personal experience, I know for a fact many of these 'A listers' aren't banging even 8's. They are rolling in 6's and 7's, if Gene Simmons fucked 4,800 5's, 6's and 7's, I don't think that would even compare to fucking 100 8's.

So a guy with game will fuck 100 8+ women over a celebrity? Really? You allegedly know for a "fact" but it is all anecdotal. Dan Bilzerian (money/fame) has 900 chicks send him titty pics every week. Let that sink in for a minute.

Here is the facts for you. All you have to do is visit the front page of any celeb gossip site and see most of the chicks you would typically find them with. Hint: They are not 5, 6, and 7's.

Distant light, guys like Charlie Sheen have harems of pornstar-hot women living with them (3 at any given time). I haven't even touched the surface.

To make it even worse they don't even have to try. It just happens to them. It's an entirely different plane of existence from cold approaching models/networking. That works obviously, but come on, to get pussy thrown at you on autopilot is a minor superpower. Any decent celeb could get this if he wanted.

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