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Low-Carb Lifestyle

Low-Carb Lifestyle

Quote: (08-15-2011 09:24 AM)amistod Wrote:  

Chad pic 1 looks to be about where I am now. I am down ~30 lbs so far, with an untold amount of muscle being built. I had pretty much never worked out in 28 years.

Are you concerned about ballooning once you get off atkins? Do you feel like you can transition in to a normal paleo style after the 'detox' of straight atkins?

I'm not a woman, so yes. [Image: tard.gif]

I've heard a lot of horror stories about people having this issue, and to me its just like dieting in the first place, its all about how much you want it. I want it, bad, and really now that I've seen "the light" about how terrible for you bread and starch is, I dont think I'll every willing eat any of it again.

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