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Why women should train BJJ (not what you think)

Why women should train BJJ (not what you think)

Quote: (08-20-2014 01:06 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2014 12:33 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Ricardo Almeida affiliated eh? I wonder if he knows about this video. It's so ridiculous, bullshit, and fake I don't know where to begin.

I used to teach a woman's self defense class for years. I would only teach certain BJJ for ground situations, but only for getting away. Attempting to choke a man larger than you is too fucking risky and works in certain key situations. Most stuff I taught was Japanese Jujitsu type stuff like Kinjutsu's video link. It's true that BJJ can help a woman avoid being raped, but I used to tell my female students all the time that if that male knocks you out, no amount of BJJ will save you from getting raped. I taught them how to avoid getting hit in the first place. I taught them to think like a rapist. Would a rapist grab you with his penis hanging out? No. They would secure the victim first and render defense useless then proceed to rape the victim. They were to avoid/deflect/redirect and/or eliminate the threat first and escape second. I would teach them that if they were drugged or drunk, no martial art can fix that.

Alot of these schools are getting too overzealous about BJJ and street defense. Royce Gracie is to blame. He started doing that in the mid 2000s. He started BJJ for street defense classes/marketing. I was expecting him to utilize the Judo that BJJ comes from, but instead he was teaching people to drop to the ground for chokes and nonsense like that and I lost all respect for him as a martial artist. That is a disingenuous cash grab and he knew it. Self defense from the mean streets of Brazil. Bull fucking shit. You need a gun, a knife, and to stay on your feet in Brazil. I called certain Gracie and a few Machado people out for it years ago in front of lots of people and some of them still hate me for that.

BJJ is not good for street defense, but is it better than nothing? Sure. I guess a dull pair of scissors is better than inexperienced bare hands if someone was trying to rape you as well, but that does not ensure any level of success either.

A lot of BJJ schools these days tend to focus on super specialized tournament techniques that assume you're going against another guy in a gi who's going to be playing the same game you do. I've been to my share of schools and I've only been to on that actually deals with self-defense situations; it's mostly the latest De La Riva sweep that's the rage in the tournament circuit or whatever.

I love BJJ and MMA but personally if someone told me their number one priority was self-defense rather then any of the other many benefits of training in a martial art I would suggest that the most efficient use of their time and money is to get a taser or some sort of other weapon. I would say that the bare minimum of training for a person of average athleticism to be able to take out a person his size in an one on one unarmed fight is at least 3 times a week for 6 months. And remember this is against an UNARMED person. Even as a trained martial artist who's done MMA bouts I would never fight against a guy on the street that had a weapon even if he was some scrawny dweeb.

I would not go that far with that if I were you. Use common sense. Anyone within 3 feet can be intercepted and grabbed, unless they got Floyd Money May's foot speed. If a dude has a stick, fuck him. See if that stick can match a Muay Thai kick. Use a double switch kick, one to the leg to break his balance, the second to the head to put him out. Muay Thai kicks are your own baseball bat.

If he has a knife, don't get cornered, and keep moving until you can escape. If his reach isn't longer than yours even with that knife, throw a straight/cross or a long jab and side step out in the direction he is not moving in.

If he has a gun and you know he wants to shoot you no matter what, close the gap as fast as possible and attack the hand with the gun while running toward his non shooting arm, do not line up with his shooting arm. If you aim for the pistol itself, you might miss, and if you take a shot, it will place higher on your body. Use Small Joint manipulation to get the gun out of the hand. If I could I would show you some Silat/JJ techniques that make it easy to turn his pistol to fire at his body within 2 movements. The principal is the same in Philippine knife fighting styles, take the knife and while disarming, grab the knife with the other hand and slice his wrist with it to make him wince and back off. Then of course follow up with tendon slices and finish with repeated vital stabs, etc. Except with the gun it will be follow up shots.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

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