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Suey Park Is Back: Hashtag #NotMyChristianLeader On Racism And Sexism In Christianity

Suey Park Is Back: Hashtag #NotMyChristianLeader On Racism And Sexism In Christianity

Quote: (08-11-2014 12:39 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

And the "Protestant work ethic" is representative of all Christianity? Catholicism in particular emphasises giving and supporting the homeless, the infirm and the disabled -- traits that would pigeonhole them as "SJWs" in your book. Christ Himself hung out with lepers and beggars; but I guess he'd be shunned as a pinko socialist by the 'Murrican Christian Right.

Perhaps the most insidious way in which progressives have corrupted Christianity is by equating government welfare with Christian charity. Charity is only meaningful if you sacrifice your own means and wealth to give to the poor. Voting to have someone else's money taken and given to the poor isn't charity at all, because there's no personal sacrifice involved.

Furthermore, "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and give unto God what is God's" is another dictum which states that the political world has nothing to do with the spiritual world.

A progressive Christian is nothing more than a hypocrite, who are among the ones listed as not inheriting the kingdom of heaven.

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