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London Observations

London Observations

Quote: (07-28-2014 11:52 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

I'm on Right Move at the moment, it's so expensive to rent in all those places people have been mentioning. Is the only option a house share in most cases (considering a lot of us don't earn lots and are in our twenties), or do you just have to actually live far away or have loads of kids and go on to benefits [Image: tongue.gif]

House sharing is not always a bad option, if you want to live close to the centre, obviously you will see who you are living with and chances are you will have lots of space. Even in the newly reformed bad parts of town, the houses are massive and dating back to the Victorian and Edwardian period.

If you are really on a budget, you can find plenty of places in zone 3-5 that will be a lot cheaper. In terms of south of the river, I am thinking about the East London line, Croydon, Penge, Anerley, Sydenham, New Cross. All these areas are relatively unknown but transport is a good plus and the rent will be considerably cheaper, so you won't' have to live with a bunch of French students.

The big mistake a lot of people make in renting in london, is thinking that they have to get close to the centre. You have decent areas around further out and it will take you no time to get in the centre, although the traveling back from nights out can be a pain.

If you are looking for cheap inner London places close to the centre, then I recommend Surrey Quays, Whitechapel, Deptford, Woolwich, Finsbury Park, Peckham, Hackney Central. Funny enough when I was younger, these areas where places you just wouldn't go to. Now though people are flocking there because they are a lot cheaper. I suppose I'm getting too old haha

London is the new Paris, in terms of the crime and poverty moves out to the suburbs, where as the inner city areas are just some weird mix now. Some are verging on being well established nice areas. However as I said before, I strongly recommend looking further afield, it really makes little difference.

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