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London Observations

London Observations

I have been back in London since early June. Despite being born and raised here, I only started learning game a couple years back. Which meant that I had to experience what the city was like from a picking up perspective.

This is not really a data sheet just a summary of my thoughts on the city.

- Money & Location, London is divided up into zones, the higher the number, the further away you are living. If you are living in anywhere past zone 3, you are going to have a harder challenge bringing women back. taxis are expensive, night buses are full of degenerates and the tube (Metro) closes around midnight to one.

Which plays into the next point, money is very important. The best looking girls will usually go to the most expensive clubs, exceptions to this may be special ethnic nights around the city, I.e. a Brazilian night in some chain bar.

The nature of the city on the most part, is that poor and rich people live side by side, meaning that plenty of rich guys will have that advantage over you if you are average, in terms of logistics, social standing. Its extreme but I know some businessmen, simply name a price for the girl and increase it until she says yes.

Belonging to a niche, music scene, day game, student social scene, going through a social group, or having a lot of money, will defiantly be a better shot.

- The Women
English women are really something else, yesterday this creature walking around barefoot at 2 in the morning, groped my arse and then proceeded to taunt every man down the street, if they were going to be "man enough to fuck her". Biologically being a male its just not in my genes to know how to deal with such women, hell I think my ancestors would have freaked out.

I started chatting to this "attractive" english women on the bus, turned out she was into weight lifting and a feminist. In all my travels, British women are an all time low, really you can't comprehend how bad they are. The best looking english girls you will find come from the the country side, preferably the home counties. Many of them go down hill quickly though, after the binge and cock fest which is the higher education system in Britain.

However London is full of foreigners, and the big positive of that, is that you have many different types of women to chose from. If you go to the right bar or pub you can find different nationalities. Even if they are "westernised" you will find it a lot more easy to get on with them and they do flake a lot less.

Flaking is a big issue next to logistics, due to settling for number closes as its hard to get a girl you just met in club back to your place in a completely different part on a night bus full of drunks and skagheads.

Places to go out)

Mayfair/Knightsbridge: This is the most expensive part of the city, where you will find the Russian/Arab Millionaires. Assuming you have a high income, you will be able to find the best looking girls here, models, socialites, wags etc. Entry for these sorts of clubs and bars are sometimes exclusive, so it depends on who you know, or if you are willing to pay high entrance fees. These are good locations to do networking for business etc, if your game is feeling tight. This is the creme de la creme.

Shoreditch/Hoxton: This area is like the Williamsburg of London, it used to be a dive a decade or two back but now it is buzzing. Lots of small bars, and underground clubs, again in terms of pricing its expensive. You will find good looking hipster girls around, some essex girls and foreign students. For some reason there are always Spanish and Italians there. I can't talk much about the location because i've only been there a few times, but this is the impression I get. There is a lot of potential to do "street game" there if you are around the main square.

Leicester Square/West End: This is a real cattle market, a lot of tourists will be around here, there is a hierarchy of clubs. You have Tiger Tiger, which is just a complete cattle market, tourist girls, Indian tourist men, african immigrants from inner London and lots of hen parties. If you try hard enough you will be able to pull but its jam packed all the time.
Piccadilly Institute is the same as this, but a bit better club in my opinion.

The top end clubs are like Distrik, Cafe De Paris apparently fits into this. They require guest lists but the girls who turn up are a lot better looking. I wouldn't even bother with the other ones you have dotted around, which you will be bombarded with promoters for.

Inner London)

Camden, Brixton, Peckham, Clapham. These sort of places will all have bars and pubs, catering for different music scenes and sub cultures. Back in the day I used to go to raves around these areas before they were gentrified, good times for being a teenage boy [Image: whip.gif]. But they are very different now, high end. You will find better than average looking girls in these parts, as there are a lot of international students and middle class women from overseas who are working in the big city. Be warned there are a lot of disgusting feminists around however.


Croydon, Kingston, Bromley, Romford, Sidcup, if you want to find English girls then go to these territories. These towns are where all the native Londoners and cockneys moved out to. London has sprawling suburbs, so you will have to book into a travel lodge nearby, they will have a fair number of pubs and bars, along with the chain clubs like "Tiger Tiger". There will be good looking english girls there, as these locations verge on to the territories of the home counties. But it will be rough at the same time. Especially Croydon, a lot of fights around midnight to 2am in the morning. I would personally avoid.


- Foreign women are all around, so you don't have to rely on the natives.
There will be British Indians/Pakistanis too, East Asian chicks all around and not fogetting big booty black chicks in the West End, without having to go to the centre. Rumba is a good club for this, although its terrible for everything else.

- Its a cool city to be in, you can really carve your own individual niche here, there are plenty of spots to do this. If you like Salsa then you can find a salsa place, if you like blues then you can go to the blues place, etc. These places in general will have more interesting people as well.


- Hypergamy is crazy here, if you are an average guy, you will just sink here. It's necessarily to have some form of game, however if you can do well here, I'm sure you can do well anywhere in the world.

- Expensive, for what you are getting the prices are very high, however if you are running your own business, it won't be a problem.

-Women, aside from the foreigners who reside around the centre, it is really a wasteland. Especially in the suburbs, for the amount of guys who go to the gym, work out and have good jobs, compared to the amount of women who are attractive, let alone have some good characteristics, it can be pretty depressing.


I am probably desensitised to the city because I have lived here for a big chunk of my life and now have been living abroad in the last year. But I think its really overrated. In terms of women, if you have good game and decent logistics you will be fine and be able to make the most of it.

But personally for myself I am just looking forward to moving back out to the East, where I don't have to jump through hoops for some average looking chick who has more testosterone than me.


London Observations

Am a Londoner can confirm everything said is true

Terrible place for night game but great for day game

London Observations

Londoner here.

If a guy can set himself up with a bachelor pad in the centre/zone 1 and then takes the time to build a social network in the elite circles/elite london nightlife scene then he will get laid a shit ton and with grade A quality girls. I personally don't have the funds to drop 2.5 / 3k a month on rent for a 1 bed west end flat but if i did i wouldn't be moving to eastern europe.

London Observations

You said everything. Terribly expensive, social circles, cattle market and in general a bad nightlife (except for a few clubs sometimes).
I can see a lot of pro only during the summer, if you like spend your holiday in a big capital city, this is the place to be. London in summer is the only city among the European metropolis to have such an incredible choice of options for going out and find girls from all over the world. But except for the two months, July and August...the atmosphere is negative, and you seriously need to have a solid game in order to be successful.
What was very strange for me, it's the strong influence of social circles, as opposed at the size of the city. You can see in club groups of 12-15 girls, and frankly I found them the most difficult girls to approach.
As you said London is like a gym for you game, if you are good there, you won't have problems abroad.

London Observations


True, I know of a club promoter who has a docklands pad stetted up and you can imagine the types of girls he is bringing back. A lot of the banker types, high end city workers usually use escorts; the escort business in London is very huge. interpersonal relationships aside from money and a quick bang don't really form well in this city.


Haha yeah tell me about it, a good testing ground, although I'm going to opt for the oversea option when the time comes, been here for too long.

London Observations

Thanks for the data sheet OP. +1 from me.

As a New Yorker, I've always thought of London as a sister type of city across the pond. But the general consensus on NYC is thumbs up for game, while London gets thumbs down. At least on this forum. Personally, I've never been a fan of NYC at all. Love the "idea" of London, but I was overwhelmed during my short stay.

Are there any guys here making London work? As in, able to stack cash, know the right spots, and getting laid on the regular?

London Observations

Hey cheers CR

Yes well I'm actually going to be in NY later this summer, so will be able to make a better comment on that. There are a lot of similarities and a lot of big positives surrounding London is the "idea" of the place in the first place. Hence why people are willing to put up with high prices for little in return, in terms of accommodation, standard of living, nights out.

There is one user on here who has lived in London for a long time and has a very good thing going on by the things you mentioned but I don't know if he would want me to post his name up.

Some guys are able to kill it, you have the models, gangsters and club promoters, very easy to spot if you go to the top Central London clubs, if you are talking about game, status has a lot to do with it. You can make good money in London although I have never thought about start ups around here. The guys I knew personally who did very well, often had a very high level of game, which usually came naturally because of their background.

London Observations

Quote: (07-27-2014 01:26 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

Thanks for the data sheet OP. +1 from me.

As a New Yorker, I've always thought of London as a sister type of city across the pond. But the general consensus on NYC is thumbs up for game, while London gets thumbs down. At least on this forum. Personally, I've never been a fan of NYC at all. Love the "idea" of London, but I was overwhelmed during my short stay.

Are there any guys here making London work? As in, able to stack cash, know the right spots, and getting laid on the regular?

Krauser makes it work there but focuses entirely on day gaming the best looking foreign girls around town. He's also probably the best of the day gamers out there IMO so it's not like it's easy - plus London is pretty much the day game capital of the world and I'm sure that you'd have lots of competition running around chatting up girls. With your day game expertise I think you shouldn't have a problem but man it's expensive as hell and would you really want to?

I have spent a lot of time there on business and what the OP rings pretty true for me.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

London Observations

Hi guys. I visit London for business and spend there five-six months per year. It's really all about social circles if u are over 30. On the other hand its a crazy city. This spring i pulled four girls in one month, but I remember last year when nothing happened for six months..Anyway I thank London because my last girlfriend a french-senegaleze student was 17 years younger and i lived a great experience:-)

London Observations

I moved to London 5 weeks ago from North America and agree with mostly everything.

It's great that Krauser can do day game, but I simply don't have the time right now. I'm not afraid of day game, I just prefer night game because I can mix partying, drinking, and dancing - three things I greatly enjoy - with chasing tail.

On that note, I've had really good success so far in London. I've pulled every night out except one. I even got laid my first night out in London (just lucky though). Still, logistics are a motherfucker. Such a motherfucker! Cabs are insanely expensive and you don't want to take the night bus home with a girl.

Nightlife in general is super expensive and it's tough to walk the line between not being cheap and not spending a ton of money on nothing.

One of my best friends here is a great looking guy, has a great job, dresses well, speaks well, is actually just a genuinely good person, and has probably slept with under 10 women at age 23. He can't figure it out, and neither can I. I do know, however, that if he lived in Canada/America he would be over 25, with better looking girls, and have put in much less effort (so long as he keeps that ever-fawned after English accent of his).

Still, I'm blown away by how many amazing things there are to do. I love this city! There are an endless number of places to go to and things to do.

I want to write more but am exhausted and need to sleep, so in a sentence I would say the following: the women are difficult and overrate their looks greatly, but there is an abundance of women so it feels like the opportunities to keep trying will never run out.

6/10 so far.

London Observations

London is hard primarily due to logistics and high costs in my opinion.

There is no real central nightlife.

Leicester Square is terrible.

Mayfair is expensive.

Shoreditch doesn't really have clubs

Camden has only Proud and Koko, neither are amazing.

Dalston has some good clubs but they're small.

There's a lot of druggie dance clubs like Fabric, Ministry of Sound, etc but girls are unreachable in these environments.

I had success harvesting numbers of Tinder and banging on dates in Shoreditch. I have a mate who gets dates on Tinder mostly and bangs.

Contrast with Melbourne where 70% of nightlife is concentrated in the CBD or Bangkok where taxis are small change or Las Vegas where you get thousands in a venue.

London is ok for banging dates but one night stands are basically unaffordable and logistically too challenging most of the time.

London Observations

I visited two weeks ago two dive bars in Dalston with a 19y.o Australian backpacker and you could hardly breathe down there. I could run game with an oxygen mask maybe. The young guy liked it a lot and that gave me the impression that the Dalston scene is for U25.

London Observations

Basically I suggest London only for a few months - particularly in summer - if you want to do an outgoing experience/improve your english for the not english speaker/etc. and why not because saying that you lived in London is always a plus (in your career, in your life, etc.). Because living in a place like this requires really to be strong.
But then it's better to move away: quality of life in South or expecially EE is definitely better, because you can have better services with prices that are 1/4 compared with London, better nightlife, and having better looking girls.

Also for the day game I am skeptical: ok you can pick-up girls if you are good, but you will have always the problem of logistics when you will arrange appointments. And you have also to fight with limited time that busy girls can offer you. In the weekend they normally go out with friends (or work) so you won't have time to get laid.

Yes, it's definitely better EE, do I repeat?

London Observations

Quote: (07-27-2014 05:29 PM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

Basically I suggest London only for a few months - particularly in summer - if you want to do an outgoing experience/improve your english for the not english speaker/etc. and why not because saying that you lived in London is always a plus (in your career, in your life, etc.). Because living in a place like this requires really to be strong.
But then it's better to move away: quality of life in South or expecially EE is definitely better, because you can have better services with prices that are 1/4 compared with London, better nightlife, and having better looking girls.

Also for the day game I am skeptical: ok you can pick-up girls if you are good, but you will have always the problem of logistics when you will arrange appointments. And you have also to fight with limited time that busy girls can offer you. In the weekend they normally go out with friends (or work) so you won't have time to get laid.

Yes, it's definitely better EE, do I repeat?

I think it's a pretty universal forum belief that you'll always be better gaming on the ground in EE as opposed to trying to pick up say Estonian girls in London. But it's nice to have the tourist option in London.

The one exception that's good in London I would say is the Polishdating online game as if you live there you can benefit from that (at least that's what my English buddies have told me). But the local girl scene is an utter wasteland of fatties and entitled drunken slags. The higher class "Sloan Ranger" type girls in the West End can be pretty cute but you'd need to have good game, $$$$s and logistics to game them effectively (it's pretty expensive to live in that area).

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

London Observations

What kind of a lifestyle would you have with 60,000 pound annual income (pre tax) ?

London Observations

Quote: (07-28-2014 06:18 AM)ponzored Wrote:  

What kind of a lifestyle would you have with 60,000 pound annual income (pre tax) ?

pretty good

Word of warning, EE is more difficult than London. London is a pretty easy place to pick up in general. The key is not to visit clubs but hit bars, there's thousands of bars in the suburbs of London where chicks are looking to get hit on but alas the poor fools in them don't have enough alcohol to get courage to approach.

Camden, Clapham, Shoreditch, Angel and even Oxford St are great places for nightgame in bars. tip - try Aqua, its got a nice circle bar, you can work around it, me and MattC have done well there a few times.

Thursdays and Fridays night, you can find city whores (not p4p) around Bank, Moorgate, St Pauls, Liverpool St area. Though note it's not an all night scene there as those people start drinking at like 6pm, so you can be doing a takeaway pretty early.

Daygame there is competition but seriously, they aren't that good and many quit after testing the waters and not having the fortitude to continue on. There's always time for daygame, you don't have to actively go out to daygame, stuck in a job? You can daygame that hot girl on the tube on the way to work. Out for lunch? see an 8? stop her.

Note even though the OP recommends not staying further than Zone 3. The zones aren't that critical in a logistical sense.

Some places in Zone 4 are closer to the action than some places in Zone 2. Some tube lines run much faster than others. Taxis can be expensive but well worth the bang.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

London Observations

On 60k you probably have 40k after tax.

If you''re trying to save for a place to buy you'd be saving as much as you could and therefore wouldn't be in a position to blow it on huge rents.

Maybe after 6-8 years of saving you'd have enough for a deposit on a 1 bedroom flat

On the other hand if you already owned a place, 60k would do quite nicely.

London Observations

i would say 100k pre tax is more like it. that would allow an existence without needing to watch the pennies when you hit the vip clubs, want to buy nice clothes, go on holiday etc. but yes, you can live decent on 60k. i don't know how the people who work in starbucks/bars/restaurants etc survive in london. they must be living 10 to a house in some shit hole like peckham.

London Observations

Quote: (07-28-2014 06:47 AM)Que enspastic Wrote:  

On 60k you probably have 40k after tax.

If you''re trying to save for a place to buy you'd be saving as much as you could and therefore wouldn't be in a position to blow it on huge rents.

Maybe after 6-8 years of saving you'd have enough for a deposit on a 1 bedroom flat

On the other hand if you already owned a place, 60k would do quite nicely.

I wouldn't buy a property in London personally there's plenty of decent places where you can live for a fair rent even around picadilly circus.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

London Observations

60k is ok if you're early 20s.

Let's get real here…this is London we're talking about. Like all the great capital cities, you need high income to really enjoy all it has to offer.

The NYC comparisons are invalid really for Brits as our game gets pushed up a couple of notches purely by being British. Shooting fish in a barrel over there!

London Observations

Quote: (07-28-2014 06:42 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

Quote: (07-28-2014 06:18 AM)ponzored Wrote:  

What kind of a lifestyle would you have with 60,000 pound annual income (pre tax) ?
Thursdays and Fridays night, you can find city whores (not p4p) around Bank, Moorgate, St Pauls, Liverpool St area. Though note it's not an all night scene there as those people start drinking at like 6pm, so you can be doing a takeaway pretty early.

Assume that these are the infamous "Essex Girls" mostly trolling around for rich English/foreign guys in the City et environs? [Image: smile.gif]

Is it pretty widely aknowledged that those "Revolution" bars/clubs are just about as awful as you get for pickup? I've been a couple times and they were just terrible - probably some of the worst nightclub scenes I've have ever seen. I think Shoreditch has potential lot of foreign broads there when I went.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

London Observations

Quote: (07-28-2014 06:42 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

Quote: (07-28-2014 06:18 AM)ponzored Wrote:  

What kind of a lifestyle would you have with 60,000 pound annual income (pre tax) ?

pretty good

Word of warning, EE is more difficult than London. London is a pretty easy place to pick up in general. The key is not to visit clubs but hit bars, there's thousands of bars in the suburbs of London where chicks are looking to get hit on but alas the poor fools in them don't have enough alcohol to get courage to approach.

Camden, Clapham, Shoreditch, Angel and even Oxford St are great places for nightgame in bars. tip - try Aqua, its got a nice circle bar, you can work around it, me and MattC have done well there a few times.

Thursdays and Fridays night, you can find city whores (not p4p) around Bank, Moorgate, St Pauls, Liverpool St area. Though note it's not an all night scene there as those people start drinking at like 6pm, so you can be doing a takeaway pretty early.

Daygame there is competition but seriously, they aren't that good and many quit after testing the waters and not having the fortitude to continue on. There's always time for daygame, you don't have to actively go out to daygame, stuck in a job? You can daygame that hot girl on the tube on the way to work. Out for lunch? see an 8? stop her.

Note even though the OP recommends not staying further than Zone 3. The zones aren't that critical in a logistical sense.

Some places in Zone 4 are closer to the action than some places in Zone 2. Some tube lines run much faster than others. Taxis can be expensive but well worth the bang.

It will be best if someone does a more in-depth data sheet. I do know the city well but have only been applying game in the last couple of years, and a lot of that time was spent overseas. So I am probably missing some important points.

Most of my experiences came from night game, or when I was a teenager, although I was lucky to tap into a niche back then, via doing small scale promoting for events South of the river. The one thing that is hard to comprehend, is how this city constantly changes. I am only 22 years old but its really difficult to keep up.

I agree that bars are a better option, the more low key areas where the thirsty fools don't relentlessly bombard. There is a good Brazilian bar (The Guanabara) in the West end that I have been going to after Harday took me. It has a good vibe, lots of nice foreign girls and I have been getting some success there.

I am surprised you said EE is more difficult, for me I find it to be the complete opposite. I suppose a lot of different factors probably come into play. From what people have been saying on here, the conservatism in Croatia changes the dynamics incredibly.

London Observations

The EE is more difficult in my opinion even though I have no difficulties getting laid out here but it's false premise for guys that can't get laid in the liberal cesspool of foreign pussy that is London. It's not a magic fairy land and getting dirt in your boots on the streets and in the bars of London really sets you up for the hard grind that EE girls can give. However I've learnt from the best luckily so I've been well prepared and been working on it for over 5 years now.

Guanabara used to be brilliant around 4-5 years ago as it was just brazilians, dominicans and spanish girls and guys, now it's been a bit more mixed as thirsty dudes got to hear about it.

I have loads of recommendations that need recalling but it'll take a long time for me to do it.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

London Observations

Quote: (07-28-2014 10:28 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (07-28-2014 06:42 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

Quote: (07-28-2014 06:18 AM)ponzored Wrote:  

What kind of a lifestyle would you have with 60,000 pound annual income (pre tax) ?
Thursdays and Fridays night, you can find city whores (not p4p) around Bank, Moorgate, St Pauls, Liverpool St area. Though note it's not an all night scene there as those people start drinking at like 6pm, so you can be doing a takeaway pretty early.

Assume that these are the infamous "Essex Girls" mostly trolling around for rich English/foreign guys in the City et environs? [Image: smile.gif]

Is it pretty widely aknowledged that those "Revolution" bars/clubs are just about as awful as you get for pickup? I've been a couple times and they were just terrible - probably some of the worst nightclub scenes I've have ever seen. I think Shoreditch has potential lot of foreign broads there when I went.

Revolutions are fucking awful but also sometimes you can get quite lucky. Problem is they do cheap vodka and they are in nearly every city so attract fucking trash like the Yates pub/bars.

Essex girls do troll around for rich english and foreign guys in the city, however there are lots of foreign women who work there themselves. A hell of a lot of Antipodeans, South Africans, French, Spaniards, Swedish, Swiss, Baltic girls and Germans.

I've found girls from Kent are actually fairly attractive and quite feminine, they are normally found out in the city area too as many of the girls working in the big firms are from the South East and beyond.

Clapham you'll find the antipodeans out in force and around Wimbledon it is little Saffa land. You'll find all these little foreign pockets around everywhere, my notch count of antipodeans and saffas is quite high as they really like their alcohol and no regrets fun.

I'd stay away from turkish areas in the North around Southgate and Tottenham as well as Golders Green which is a Jewish town.

Hampstead has a few nice watering holes but the quality can really vary, you'd be working hard to find something nice. Belsize Park again has nice watering holes but you'll be hitting on mixed groups though the girls are quite pretty. Chalk Farm and Camden Town is where you can see the diversity of the entire population of Britain in one night, from indian girls to fat white girls to chavvy white girls to sexy white girls to latinas, asians, black girls, geordies, scousers, hipsters. I always enjoy going there because the hot girls there don't get the attention they do in other places. You see the best, the worst and the average in Camden.

If you truly want to get fucking with ease, get invited to house parties where there will be cocaine and lots of booze.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

London Observations

I'm on Right Move at the moment, it's so expensive to rent in all those places people have been mentioning. Is the only option a house share in most cases (considering a lot of us don't earn lots and are in our twenties), or do you just have to actually live far away or have loads of kids and go on to benefits [Image: tongue.gif]

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

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