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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-01-2014 06:59 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

No matter what anyone is saying in these forums, right now is not a good time to be a foreigner in China. There are HUGE swaths of Chinese men not getting pussy and when something goes wrong in China, the first ones to be blamed are the foreigners. I am getting TONS of dirty looks all day. Usually its not so bad, usually its about 1 or 2 an hour, now its EVERY other guy and then all his friends too. They are hurting for pussy from the massive imbalance.

Last week we went to a nightclub, my wife tagged along and sat down as usual. Some guys invited us to a table and gave us drinks but stopped after they found out we were teachers, not business people. My wife also told them that she was married to me which resulted in them telling her how garbage foreigners were and how evil we were and then them trying to secretly get her phone number. She said she refused a few times and they started getting quite pushy so that's when she grabbed me and we left (I had no idea what was going on, I'm usually off dancing and I don't speak enough Chinese).

As for me, I'm getting the fvck out of China at the earliest opportunity... the only people that really like it here are people that have it WAY worse back home (usually Americans).

Interesting, thanks for posting this, where are you based ?

The Chinese guys are a lot more effeminate, most of the women I met who could speak English, would often say bad things about them and ridicule them. I did feel bad them but english guys lose out a lot to foreign guys back home, so its just one of those things.

I was based in Shenzhen and Guangzhou.

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