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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-26-2014 12:25 AM)clever alias Wrote:  

this forum has ti make up its mind in whether or not chinese guys have game or are pussies and whether or not chinese girls are submissive or materialistic. im getting whiplash here.

I don't care what the forum says.

Every boy wakes up with a hard on @ 13, and some of those boys figure out how to stick it in a chick without being famous or rich.

Doesn't matter the culture, there will always be sneaky fuckers out there who say the right shit to get a chick in the sack, period. That's just biology and the law of large numbers.

Now does this mean most guys, or even a lot of guys, know how to talk their way into some trim? No. But there are always going to be naturals, because that's what biology requires.


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