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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-19-2014 12:04 PM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

Well, I'm here in ground zero now. I got my flag - but it was through social circle game and I feel like that really cheapens the achievement. It was pretty much "Hey, I'm gonna give this chick your number and she'd probably like to fuck you, give it a shot." - I still had to game her quite a bit but it isn’t something I want to high five someone over.

I have only had two nights to work with in Taipei. I will have to go to another city to meet more sets from another social circle. With that being said – my experience in Luxy on a Wednesday was BRUTAL. It’s like being back in the USA. Put on your fucking helmet and body armor boys, if your frame is not good – this place will kick your nutsack into your throat.

I met up with another game aware guy (RSD fan) and we did a lot of club approaches. We basically spent the whole night gaming in Chinese. Most of these girls either don’t speak English or are not confident enough to do it. I’d say it’s mandatory that you have that or something else going for you or you’re going to go home completely destroyed. I’m not a fan of club game at all but I can do it.

My perceived value wasn’t high enough to pull anyone in the club but my wing scored with a thicker girl with me running interference on the friends. The guys there ranged from pathetic to “high-value” but I really got the impression that not a whole bunch of guys were pulling anyone that night. A lot of these girls are there for the attention and validation only. It’s not impossible but with this specific crowd and my value, I didn't have any luck with a SNL.

I am SURE if I had more time here, I could make it happen. The truth though is, I like “good girls” and good girls don’t go to clubs – which brings me to the following:

I agree that pipelining is almost completely a waste of time here. It works but the return on investment for your time is not a good deal. There are plenty of opportunities for day gaming. You can simply just practice your Mandarin and the average girl (that DOES NOT go clubbing) isn’t bitchy. In fact, they’re friendly and pleasurable. As for night game, there are a bunch of different scenes but there’s a completely different dynamic at play when it comes to foreigners getting action. The local guys have different challenges. I haven’t been here long enough to observe the dynamic.

TLDR: Taipei is full of girls that are 8’s and above – they can be banged but the high quality requires tight game - learn Mandarin.

I remember you said that speaking Chinese during the day got a big response. For a non-white/non-ABC, is there a significant difference between the response you get speaking Chinese during the day vs. at night? According to what you wrote it seems like with the ratios and bitch shields unfavorable in the clubs, something that would peak interest during the day just doesn't cut it at night?

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