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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Just my two cents. Yeah, Japan is prime hunting grounds for Black dudes. There's even a club in Roppongi in Tokyo that caters to Japanese girls who like Black dudes. I think it's called Club 99.

But I think people are overplaying the Chinese racism thing. Yeah everyone everywhere is racist but I sensed that in commie countries like China people don't grow up with the engrained prejudice that say white girls in America grow up with. That is just my opinion from traveling, I can't prove it. So I really think if you connect with a Chinese chick it would work out. And remember that Chinese kids are into hip hop (and NBA for that matter) and alot of the DJs in Chinese clubs in large cities are actually Black so I am sure there is a segment of the chick population that is into hip hop and would be open to blacks. In other words, to say Chinese have a negative view of blacks I think is missing a lot of the trends that have happened in the last ten or so years with hip hop and the NBA.

And finally, I think this is true in all of Asia, but no country is that foreigner friendly. Even in Japan or South Korea something like 99% of local chicks would not be caught dead dating a foreigner, even a "handsome" white guy. You are always targeting the other 1%, who often are girls who for various reasons the local guys don't want or who are looking to rebel against their rule based society.

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