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Antalya, Turkey

Antalya, Turkey

I really didnt attempt to go to any nighlife venues.
There didnt seem to really be nightclubs in the city.
They are located further away where all the all inclusiv resorts are.. I was just staying in the old town.

I don't know the names of anywhere..But You can just walk around until you find a bar.
Most of them are open air/open street places.. Live bands playing.. or a Tv somewhere playing music or a sports game.

People don't really walk around gaming here.
Turkey is really liberal for a Muslim country... but still conservative in a lot of aspect.
That doesnt mean..Girls were walking around in short shorts.

Id have to say.. a lot of these girls are the most beautiful ive ever seen... sexy beyond reason.. but at the same time.. you know they are pretty wholesome.
Girls here arent giving it up easy...not even to foreigners.
The faces here... are so exotic and striking... almost all the young girls has the best legs ive ever seen.
Even better than slavic girls legs.
Only downside was the lack of ass..Turkish girls dont have much gotta look long and hard for a meaty assed girl.
But in reality... the faces make up for it.

I had a hell of a time just going to hole in the wall Hookah bars.. smoking hookah drinking beer and playing chess with the old guys hanging around.

Every now and then a group of beautiful girls would walk by and the men would point them out to us.
Haha.. me.. a guy in my 20s sitting around smoking hookah laughing with a 60 year old man.. watching girls pass us by.

neither of us can speak each other languages.. but we both understand the concepts.

I am the cock carousel

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