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Most 8+ women 23 and older have boyfriends or say they do...

Most 8+ women 23 and older have boyfriends or say they do...

Quote: (05-29-2014 10:52 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Not even 1/1000 girls will say "You're too old for me." She might not even consciously think it.

If you're going after 8+ , under 25 white American chicks, and are in your early 40s and aren't clearly special in some way-- looks, height, fame, game, IQ-- you're right at the point where you're going to start getting more rejections even if you do stuff right.

Hard truth here from a guy who's seen the excuses gradually increase since then.

NO, it's not just all in your mind, if it was there would be 70 years olds on this board. To my knowledge there are none. I'm one of the only 50+ posters on here, because other older guys don't want to be wet blankets.

You can still get great chicks, but the odds get lower after about 45, all other things being equal.
Especially for hot white young American chicks.

But the answer is try MORE not less-- it will be SO Much harder in 12 years in USA for you.

I think this may be right. I just turned 44. Fortunately, I'm 6'3 with somewhat lean build. I still get smiles and looks from women from time to time since I stand out with my height. Also...I guess you could call me somewhat decent looking fella. Above average but no model chiseled jaw kind of guy.

Maybe the age thing is something picked up subliminally in conversation...I don't know. However, I believe I could still get away with telling people I'm 36 -37ish.

What another poster just above was that "women don't cheat as much as you think" I am in agreement with this. Some say if the woman is attracted to you she won't even care if she has a boyfriend of 4 years. I know women are controlled by their emotion...but damn...they are people who are going to often have a sense of loyalty and commitment and I'm sure they are able to overcome some attraction or emotions and remain ....or at least try for the time remain loyal to their bfs. Another thing is I live in a more conservative part of the USA. The south...what you might call the bible belt. Three of the last 4 good looking girls I hit on made mention of their relationship with God...or were reading Christian oriented books in the bookstore. I think this may play into a little tougher type of girl as opposed to a 25 year old transplant to NYC or Dallas where they've got a more secular adventurous outlook.

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