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Are you for or against Obamacare, and why?

Are you for or against Obamacare, and why?

Quote: (05-24-2014 04:50 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Unless you're a Social Darwinist, you probably agree that people should get health care, even if they are too old, retarded, crazy or crippled to work. It would seem to be a step backwards in human development to have people dying of appendicitis because they could not pay for the surgery. On the other hand, why pay $500,000 for a heart transplant for an 85 year old guy?

Social Darwinism is necessary to a certain extent. You cannot forever use the strong to support the weak.

Eventually the strong run out of resources or fail to breed in sufficient numbers to support the weak, or the weak simply outbreed the strong.

Dysgenics is real and it's happening at a breakneck pace in America. It is part of the reason America is doomed to go broke at current trends.

I support free healthcare for children, which is really cheap and has a large return on investment, but to say older people have some kind of right to healthcare is just nonsense. Fully functional adults should be expected to take care of themselves.

What perplexes me more than anything is that you have people who claim to be atheists running our government, yet they also claim people have fundamental rights. What are they talking about?

Without God, the only policy that makes sense is utilitarianism. Maximize pleasure, minimize pain. Giving healthcare only to children accomplishes this, because children just need some vaccines, a bit of care from the mother, and bam they are good to go for nearly 60 years after reaching adulthood.

Supporting some guy with 1 million dollar treatments so he can live for another 2 years is an absurd waste of public resources.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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