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How to game girls with boyfriends

How to game girls with boyfriends

Quote: (05-13-2014 03:21 PM)Amsterdao! Wrote:  

All the other threads about gaming girls with bf's are in the newbie section, but i would like to have some advanced advice about my case.

This is the story: I know this girl (22 and hot) already for 7 years, but not personally. She is now in her 3rd relationship i know of with a guy of her age (im 32) i have her on my facebook, but i have never contacted her before. Lately she is liking most of my updates on fb a lot....that doesn't have to mean anything, but i have a feeling it might be possible to cut her loose from the boyfriend. Her whatsapp is public on her fb page. Would you contact her? And if so, how would you proceed? Send a pm? Or use the phone number on her page to start messaging out of nowhere? In this last case what would you say in your first message? I hope to hear from you me out! Ha!

Here's the most advanced advice I have to offer on the topic.

1. Delete your facebook.
2. Go out and hit on some young chicks.

If you choose ANY alternative route, I'd suggest you...

1. Remove her from your friends list.
2. wait for her to friend request you again (she will because FB will suggest you two know each other)
3. Do not accept, instead, message and spit any standard text game like you were on an internet dating site.
4. Assume she doesn't have a boyfriend. If she brings it up, do not acknowledge it and ESPECIALLY, don't mention it.

Hope that helps.

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