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Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (05-12-2014 06:19 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

As it isn't the easiest place to make local friends in medellin, I visited the gentlemans bars whenever in feel bored in medellin. I've found a disproportionate number of girls are from bello. Then as corroncho said the area in mayorista us by Fahrenheit disco which is an after hours bar till 6am. Well, I wanted ti check out this mayorista place at night. Talked to 3 girls, they want something like 30 mil ($15) for a fling, didn't partake but they were all from bello. Mayorista is a strip with a bunch of hotels and a few bars. Not that dangerous but not that safe either. Don't go there hammered. This has led me to the conclusion and as a dude who scored a lot of girls has told me that Bello is the place to go. The talent is there, the whoreness if you will is there, it's perfect. Go to niquia station to the mall during the day. You will see.

That's what I like to see, boldly stepping outside of the drawn borders to game! Colombia is the wild west, a place for adventurers- everyone will tell you that the north side of Medellin is a gang war, but most of that city is cool to visit during the day. I'm not saying wander around aimlessly, but with a destination in mind like tomtud is saying. I went past Bello, up to the highest part of Niquia once to bang a 22 y/o Paisa while her dad was at work, it was so far up the mountain that the road literally stopped just past her apartment complex, like ended off the side of the mountain. And the area wasn't that bad, little parks, beautiful views, I mean I didn't stay after dark- I barely stayed through lunchtime- but during the day little kids were out playing in the street, just a neighborhood where people live. Medellin is a gold mine, but like all mines you have to explore its deeper recesses for the real payoff.

In fact, some of you might like this story, it's a good example of how not giving a fuck will get you laid sometimes. I lived in Medellin for over a year, and by the end I was spoiled as hell. I was daygaming with regular success, I was flying Cupid girls in from around the country to bang (vivacolombia air makes this affordable), basically I just gamed everywhere except Babylon, Blue and the rest of Upper Poblado. So one night I was chatting up this girl who lived in Niquia and convinced her to go out. But when the time came to go out I was feeling kind of tired so I was like, why don't you just come by the apartment and let's screw, I'll take a nap and then we'll go out. She got pretty offended, we didn't really even know each other and I was obviously breaking all the rules of civilized behavior here. She said no, of course she wasn't just going to come over and screw, she wasn't a whore (I don't think they even have a word for slut in Colombia, so they all say whore) so I was like, nah forget it then, I'm just gonna sleep. Oh MAN was she pissed, 'I got all dressed up to go out and now you're standing me up?' she yelled and called me a baboso and some other shit before hanging up on me, so I went to bed, this was at maybe 10 pm.

At like 1:30 in the morning I was awakened by my phone ringing, it's her, and I didn't answer because I figured she was just pissed and wanting to rant but she called like 3 times in a row, so I finally picked up and she asked "do you still want to sleep with me?" So now I'm awake, and she's like, okay, I'm in a cab like 5 minutes from you. She shows up and we just immediately go at it, it took like 45 minutes because I was still coming out of REM sleep but finally came and then she said, "okay, you promised, let's go out." We went out dancing until dawn at some collection of bars right next to the river, she was happy as she could be, like none of my assholery had ever happened. Then after all that, I put her in a cab back to Niquia and head back to my apartment, then she called me 30 minutes later saying that her dad's leaving for work and I should come over.

Colombia is so awesome for women, almost all of my best experiences there were random and unlikely like that. I definitely think the chaotic nature of the country rewards bold and crazy behavior.

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