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I have never had a girlfriend - is that weird?

I have never had a girlfriend - is that weird?

I´m married. When I wanna fuck I just roll over and bang my wife. what can be better than that?
A book? a coffee?

If I miss having my space? Yes. I have a kid. So I´m only peaceful when I´m taking a shit. That´s the only time I get peace of mind.

But I hated the gaps between player euphoria. The downs when your lonely sucked.

You gotta get some thrill in your life. You consider girls to be dull. One thing I think is clear about woman They are not dull. They are exactly the oposite. Woman are always scheduling dinners with friends setting up things to do, being invited to wedding, etc, etc. Women are much more social than man.

My grandmother united the family. When she died the entire family broke up. She was like the intermediary between all people.

When you die. And you will who will be there next to you? I expect my wife and sons and grandsons. When things will flash through your eyes will it be the coffee or book. It will be your wedding, your son, your son wedding, if so the divorce, your son divorce, etc. etc. Just don´t hide away from life.

I had one client he passed away last year. An old man. The 3 years I´ve worked with him were the best. He became my roll model. Except for one thing he was really rich but was cheap as hell to his sons. So they looked if they wanted him dead to collect his money. Anyway that guy enjoyed life. There are people who truly enjoy for what it offers.

Sometimes I just want to be alone and browse webpages. For me going out is like studying. I hated studying but loved the feeling of knowledge afterwards.

When I travelled alot I didn´t feel like travelling but when the plane took off it was great.

When I starting sleeping everyday with my wife I wanted a bigger bed. I told her I couldn´t sleep. Now my son sleeps in the midle of us in the same bed and I sleep like a baby.

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