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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (03-19-2014 11:54 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Not that I'm interested in living in Asia or even Asian women in general, but I'm curious, how do black ESL teachers get treated in Japan vs China and Korea?

I've heard that Japan is generally less racist to blacks than China and Korea. Any theories on why?

Its mostly due to the fact that Korea and China weren't occupied by The west, There's a lot more to it, but that's the short version.

Japan was closed off by its government to froeigners for a long time leading up to WWII (even though there was trade etc with outsiders) But the Japanese government was pretty damn oppressive, and pretty much forced war on its citizens. . .

But yeah short story, they were pretty much exposed to Western culture and embraced it. . .oh and the Marshall plan had a lot to do with it as well. . .at that was pretty much the first time in History that a country REBUILT the country it just defeated in war.

Also because they were isolated from the rest of the world for so long, AND are really homogenous, all these elements pretty much combine to what it is now.

Also, there's the whole thing of the U.S. "protecting Japan from China" There are suprisingly a LOT of Japanese people who are happy the U.S. Military is there, and really think that if the U.S. military leaves that China will attack them or something. . .this was very ..very very suprising to me, pretty much the only people who really don't like the U.S and the military are the Okinawans. . .but that's a whole pandora's box of issues there. Like Taiwan and China but 50x more complicated.

And yes, this is also taking into account the whole white skin =not a farm worker cultural thing as well. . .

Also Japanese folks believe themselves to be pretty much superior to all of Asia. So much so that, most people either love black folks/and white folks or are just indifferent to black folks/foreigners in general. I can go on and on about it but put it simply, Japan got better exposed to the west (black and white people) than China and Korea did. First through the war, and rebuilding, and basically Ending their terrible and oppresive WWII government, then from there, the culture permeated through as well.

Oh and yeah When America Opened up the ports (Perry). . .that was a BIG thing and really made the Japanese fall in love with the west (before their government went batshit crazy).

Quote: (03-19-2014 05:08 PM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

I've heard nothing but good things about Japan for chocolate guys - I just can't afford to live there, I ball on a budget haha. Plus, I would 100% get turned off by a Japanese girl in bed. I can't stand that squealing and the whole dead starfish thing they seem to like.

= The squealing loud stuff happens a lot less than you think, the Dead Tunafish thing. . .sometimes happens, but you just gotta lead in the bedroom. I rarely got that kind of thing.(I can only remember really ONE lay like

Quote: (03-19-2014 04:21 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Whites get rented in China. Must be the easiest paid gig in the world.

That article is pretty damn funny, especially when I think of my time as an RA in college and going throuhg all the "racial sensitivity training" with my co-workers (I'm black but the majority of the co-workers are white) I found it to be a waste of time, as they were trying to convince us that we can"change the world" or whatever nonsense by being overly PC. . .when the rest of the world "ain't havin' that noise" - as a freind of mine used to say. Personally, my opinion on race is . . .especially as a black guy is, "just deal with it." Sure there's some stuff that goes down that isn't right for us, but. . .so what? Now that doesn't mean I'm going to head off to China or Korea (that goes against my philosophy of finding your own niche and going there) but what it means to me is that I'm just going to let people be who they are, and keep on moving as best I can.

Life's too short to get bent out of shape over it. . .but on the same token I am always on the lookout for places that are my "niche" or Poosy paradise for guys like me: Which for Black guys seems to be Germany,Sweeden, EE, Japan, Austrailia, and the Philipines. . .

To me, that's more than enough places, for me to visit in my lifetime.

Isaiah 4:1

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