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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Definitely not trying to become an English teacher if possible to stay afloat as I have heard what you are saying and agree with it.

What about pipe-lining?

And China? (I hear it is worse)

Do you think pickup would be different for Black-Americans? I really don't look African since I'm 1/8 Canadian (Asians can't tell that at all as far as I can see but it's REALLY obvious to Westerners. The girls here act confused when they hear my accent and ask where I'm from since most have never met a Black American before and have no idea that Black folks can be from the US too.) - I'm about Tiger Wood's complexion.

I hope it's not the case that the only two Chocolate friendly countries in Asia are Japan and the Philippines (and that's only due to US occupation).

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