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The Ultimate Truth Of Our Age: There Are No Consequences For Women

The Ultimate Truth Of Our Age: There Are No Consequences For Women

Quote: (03-15-2014 05:17 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

I was with you up until you said this part

Quote: (03-15-2014 05:02 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Women learning to settle for a man is an old theme you often see repeated in literature. But before, if a woman had a drunken romp at her town's bar, there would still be the threat of pregnancy or STD's, let alone possible social humiliation. In today's world none of those consequences exist.

We still have unwanted pregnancies and STDs(most are treatable, but HIV is still alive and well). So I am not really sure what you are thinking here, I agree that there is no social humiliation for women that have had a lot of dick and ride the cock carousel.

But first and foremost, this is a site about helping guys who want to get laid to get laid. The fact that most American women have no problem having sex right away with a man they don't know at all is something that we should consider to be a good thing, is it not?

A modern woman who gets an STD or preggo is just stupid. Morning after pill, abortion, and STD checks means only stupidity can doom a woman today. And the only uncurable STD is AIDS, which is notoriously hard to get if you're straight non-drug user.


The consequences are all around us.

At work, I'm surrounded by 30-ish professional women who are wailing and gnashing their teeth that there are "no good men" any more.

My neighborhood and workplace are filled with miserable women divorcing their beta husbands. In generations past, these women would have been content with a reliable, honest provider.

There is no shortage of surveys of women showing that modern women are unhappy compared to conservative stay-at-home moms. Surveys show that women who slut around have less satisfying sex and are emotionally damaged by their lifestyle.

Aren't these consequences? The modern lifestyle itself is empty and unsatisfying for women. The reason so many of them are making false allegations of assault is because they feel terrible about what they have done and want to absolve themselves of responsibility.

Others have already pointed out the fallacy in assuming that there have been "no consequences" simply because a woman found somebody who would marry her.

In what sense do the women suffer for their consequences? These women fucked up every step of the way - they were raised poorly into selfish materialistic whores, they slut up their college years, and then casually slut up their post-college years, GET MARRIED dispite their slutty background, GET DIVORCED and nothing happens to them afterwards except some kind of vague sense of regret.

In the old days, you couldn't even get divorced or children would go to the husband. In the old days, women were used up by 25. A lot of guys say women still suffer and I ask: Where?

MikeCF echoed these sentiments:


I'm on the older side and I'm seeing girls (well, they are my age so let's call them middle-aged women) completely alone and struggling.

Some of them were actually pleasant and decent. They just didn't have the sense to know that the party was about to end.

In a way, I view women as as much (and in some way) bigger victims of feminism than men.

We men can start over in our 30s. It might be hard and we might have an alimony/child support hole to get out of. But we can do it.

A woman can't do the same thing. If they screw up and listen to feminist lies, their lives are pretty much over.

When this stuff starts happening to girls you grew up with/went to college/grad school with and you had good interactions with (and knew that they weren't bitches), you might even find the situation somewhat sad.

How do you know these women weren't bitches and didn't deserve what they got? Did you bang these chicks? How a woman acts towards the man she's sleeping with is almost always completely different than how she acts towards others in polite society.

Furthermore, in what way are these women suffering? They basically had a life of partying and now they die single with money? In what way is this punishment?


However, I also think that the manosphere overstates, or at least misstates, the problem. Marriage is still very much alive and well among the college-educated middle and upper middle classes. The main difference is that people get married closer to 30 than 20. And in those extra years that women are spending being single, I don't think there is as much slutting it up as people think. The sort of shit you read on Jezebel or Salon or Vice or whatever, is mostly bullshit. Those chicks are fronting. Plus, internet feminism is a very small corner of a larger world in which most upper middle class women aren't spending their nights fucking DJs.

It's like that thread about the chick who felt shamed by her gynecologist, people were guessing her notch count at 80 and above. It was probably more like 15. It's cool for chicks to pretend that they are slutting it up right now, but most of them aren't really built for it. They are mostly about attention whoring, not actual whoring. Every once in a while you come across a chick who really is about that life and you can spot the difference. Real recognize real, as the saying go.

I'm talking about the upper middle class world.

Most of my bangs are girls from the upper middle class, so this is where I base most of my experiences from. "Upper middle class" girls aren't any better than lower class girls, and some of them range to massive sluts that fuck 3-4 dudes per week (maybe at least the same dudes) to shy girls who find an alpha every year or so to bang just for fun.

Without a doubt, these over educated women are some of the worst. They ignore the question of men entirely, thinking there is always plenty of time to get a man (and she's right), so they are very selfish. I have dated plenty of these chicks and I don't think I've ever had one lift a finger for me on her own. 90% of the time, in order to make anything work with a college girl from the upper middle class, I must command the relationship with an absurd amount of game.

Sure, she'll fold my laundry... but I have to tell her to do it.
Sure, she'll fuck the same night... then the next day deny all accountability and make it sound like you raped her.
Sure, she'll take time to date men... by sacrificing her sleep so she can make it to her class or exam the next day.

And when they make it to the workplace, they keep the same habits without changing their personality much. I lost my virginity to a 29-year old woman who told me she had dumped her fiancee a few months prior to meeting me. She was pretty, and I saw no reason why she wouldn't get more men in the future considering how many disparate men are out there. But also, she was doing fine in the money department, making close to 100K per year as an editor. Said she got in "with the Jews so she was set."

And just recently, I was fucking a 19-year old girl who wasn't much different - believed that having a career was the best way through life, and there was nothing I could do to convince her otherwise. I would argue to her, "My dream job is not to have a job at all." And she said, "And that's why we're so different."

So really, upper middle class women are probably the ones worst afflicted with the disease, since more than anyone they have it set in life. They have a job coming their way, either through connections or school, and they have access to tons of high value males who are willing to serve. And even if they fail to get married in time and have children, it doesn't matter for them since they have plenty of money.

Nothing is of consequence for them.

I have also seen firsthand consequences of lower class women who live as single mothers (I worked with kids for a few years and I was inside the homes of many single mothers) in their 40's, who still had men taking care of them, either because the state forced the husband via child support, or because some guys are just THAT desperate for sex they will take a single mom of 2-4 kids from different fathers.

I'll never forget one family I visited, a white mother of 5 kids, from 4 different fathers, where during the visit the youngest child, a little blonde girl of 4 said, "Mommy, I like him, can he be our new Daddy?" See, it is the kids who suffer, it is the men who pay $$$, but the women receive no punishment other than having to go to some easy ass job 5 times a week or fill out a bunch of paperwork.

Lower class, or upper class, the outcome for women is basically the same: Endless attention, endless bailouts, and endless sex until menopause (not that women care about sex). But in no sense can we say that women receive punishment for their actions.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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