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Feminist protesters seek attention...Russia responds with horse whips

Feminist protesters seek attention...Russia responds with horse whips

Thing is, the members of Pussy Riot are members of the art group Voina, who have done some interesting and funny (albeit kinda juvenile) stuff like filming themselves trying to french kiss female cops and painting a giant phallus on a bridge.

It would have been good if Voina would have used the Sochi olympics to actually express something significant or just plain cheeky or funny, rather than just have the gals just donn their masks and do their wack dance which inevitably ends up being shutdown by the authorities. Pretty boring really.

I'm not supportive of cossacks with horsewhips ending the filming of their video clip, but this sort of thing can be expected in Russia.

I watched the interview with them, it is good that they are highlighting the conditions in Russian prisons. But apart from that, the gals might want to learn something from Maddonna who knew the art of reinventing herself and her image constantly.

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