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Feminist protesters seek attention...Russia responds with horse whips

Feminist protesters seek attention...Russia responds with horse whips

Quote: (02-19-2014 05:00 PM)Nemausus Wrote:  

Here's a great clip from 2012 that gives some background on the aforementioned orgy in the museum and sex act with a frozen chicken.

Things pick up at the 2:15 mark.

At 2:55 an opposition MP says he would deal with these girls by "spank(ing) them properly."

Then Putin comes in at 3:15 being all wise and alpha.

So Pussy Riot have invited the media to film an orgy of theirs, one of them has had sex with a frozen chicken at a supermarket on camera, and they basically desecrated an orthodox church, among other things.

Meanwhile, in the West they are political activists and freedom fighters!

Do our western journalists every do any research on any of these attention whores/nut jobs that come out of the woodwork, or are they merely so in the bag for progressive "Feminism" and 'expression of sexuality' no matter how perverse that their masters simply don't allow them to do anything other than support this kind of lunacy?

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