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Are you guys tired of hearing about rape culture yet?

Are you guys tired of hearing about rape culture yet?

The below story caught my eye. For some unknown reason it was "picked" by the Guardian from the comments.


Exactly what I felt last year at university, my first term, my first night of freshers, had a few drinks and was bullied for not drinking more, my housemate ran off to sell weed and I was left alone with a group of men, each one taking me to a different party thinking they could try something.

Translation: Girl puts herself in a situation with alcohol and men. Sensing an easy lay, they each try to get in her pants. Unfortunately they are all still inexperienced with girls and bring bad game. They aren't her type and girl feels violated. Feeling that way is, like, the same as rape. Obviously.


After taking myself out of that situation, I got myself home (tipsy wandering around a dark place called 'home' that you only just arrived at that day) got chatting to my housemate who was also home. Next thing I new there were all these people barging their way into our house, I call my boyfriend he arrives, I go to my room, he goes to the toilet. Theres a knock on the door, some guy wants to 'see his old room' I dont let him in, he gets violent and forceful, luckily my boyfriend intervenes and we lock the door whilst he starts kicking and punching the door. Housemate (male by the way) did nothing. Violent dickheads friends did nothing.

Translation: Some drunk guy is fucking around in our dorm. He also senses the easy pussy and tries his luck. My boyfriend is there but "intervenes" by locking the door (fucking hit the guy if he is really assaulting your girlfriend). He is obviously too much of a pussy to protect me. I will be cutting him loose soon.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

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