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Where do you learn your game?

Where do you learn your game?

I got better by reading material and trying it out in night clubs. Specifically, I read a lot of what was on Alt.Seduction.Fast back in the early 00's. is kinda what I cut my teeth on. You'll notice the early writings of a lot of Gurus. It's the non-gurus that are interesting. Peep A2DAMir if you want some good club stories.

The basic plan of Find, Meet, Attract, Close (FMAC) is the same, but the landscape is very different.

In terms of guides
- practical - bang, day bang, mystery method, rsd blueprint, lovedrops - revelations
- philosophy of game - Models by Manson
- evo-psych - Red Queen, The Selfish Gene, Sex At Dawn
- role of men - The Superior Man, The Rational Male
- historical - Ovid, Don Juan - same basic issues we face now, they faced then.

In 2014, Another book could easily be written, dividing things into 5
- overall philosophy
- passive game/over all attraction - fitness, style, money, social circle...
- night game - bars and dance clubs
- day game - everyday life and going out specifically to find girls
- online game - profile building, picture taking, opening messages, getting them on the phone, texting, closing


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