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Where do you learn your game? - LucidDayDream - 01-27-2014


I have studied game for a few years, off and on. I have not practiced much in real life until recently.

I am now approaching and just making small talk, and want to soon get better at conversations and stuff.

I hope I am not being an annoyance -- but I was just curious to where most people have learned their stuff ?

I have listened to Bang by roosh, and read soem of Dead Bat in Paraguay.

But, I am curious to hear what the general consensus is on the best guides to it all?

Personally I'd say approaching is what is really needed, more than anything.. but I'd like to complement it with the best resources.


Where do you learn your game? - commiejoe - 01-27-2014

Learn by experience. Go out and do it A LOT.
You won't learn in one day, go out, try what you've read up on, and see what works for YOU.

Where do you learn your game? - LucidDayDream - 01-27-2014

Yeah I totally agree with that.. but are there any guides we can refer back to ?

Where do you learn your game? - gringochileno - 01-27-2014

Bang is still the best guide available. It's really all you need (with Day Bang if you want to do day approaches). Getting practice doing approaches is far more important than learning theory so I would limit myself to 1-2 books max to use as references.

Where do you learn your game? - WestIndianArchie - 01-27-2014

I got better by reading material and trying it out in night clubs. Specifically, I read a lot of what was on Alt.Seduction.Fast back in the early 00's. is kinda what I cut my teeth on. You'll notice the early writings of a lot of Gurus. It's the non-gurus that are interesting. Peep A2DAMir if you want some good club stories.

The basic plan of Find, Meet, Attract, Close (FMAC) is the same, but the landscape is very different.

In terms of guides
- practical - bang, day bang, mystery method, rsd blueprint, lovedrops - revelations
- philosophy of game - Models by Manson
- evo-psych - Red Queen, The Selfish Gene, Sex At Dawn
- role of men - The Superior Man, The Rational Male
- historical - Ovid, Don Juan - same basic issues we face now, they faced then.

In 2014, Another book could easily be written, dividing things into 5
- overall philosophy
- passive game/over all attraction - fitness, style, money, social circle...
- night game - bars and dance clubs
- day game - everyday life and going out specifically to find girls
- online game - profile building, picture taking, opening messages, getting them on the phone, texting, closing


Where do you learn your game? - XXL - 01-27-2014

If you like very simple and straightforward pickup info with no bullshit then Todd is unmatched. Period. You will find tons of practical tips and tactics [everything from opening to closing] there that you can try right away. It's updated like once a week so info keeps on coming.

Where do you learn your game? - The Beast1 - 01-27-2014

I learned the best by being with someone who was better at pick up than I was. They have a certain way of living that helps me break down my own barriers which happens every now and then. Not to mention it is a ton of fun.

Where do you learn your game? - LucidDayDream - 01-27-2014

I have studied Simple Pickup and Mark Manson, along with many other people, but those are my favorites.

XXL tahnks for the Todd stuff. I've seen some RSD stuff. These guys seem pretty.. stimulated. But todd says some good stuff.

Where do you learn your game? - J.B - 01-27-2014

Chase Amante no doubt. His website is a goldmine of great information on seduction and lifestyle. Check him out, u wont be disappointed.

Where do you learn your game? - Giovonny - 01-27-2014

The best "guide" is your own experience and trial and error.

Study theory = 10% of your gaming time

Practice, experiment with, and execute the theory = 90% of your gaming time

That's my advice but I know that everyone learns differently. Find the learning style that works best for you.

It's all just "theory" until you can experience it for yourself.

Where do you learn your game? - LucidDayDream - 01-27-2014

I have found that I learn a lot more when I go out and talk to women, and THEN read because I can then relate the stuff to an actual experience I had.

Ok I will check out this Chase Amante.

Where do you learn your game? - Valhalla - 01-27-2014


but I think there's a core to you personality that won't change much even with game

your goal is to maximize certain aspects of your core to appeal to an audience

Where do you learn your game? - LucidDayDream - 01-28-2014

Is RSD the biggest pickup community on the internet?

Where do you learn your game? - SwayMe - 01-28-2014

Also take a look at Sinn. He explanes things pretty well.
His blog hasn't bee updated forever but still good insight.

Where do you learn your game? - Mind Trip - 01-28-2014

Just be yourself and work in improving yourself, "game" is stupid, and women that need to be "gamed" doesn't worth the effort it seems to require.

Where do you learn your game? - pheonix500000 - 01-28-2014

Quote: (01-28-2014 07:11 AM)Mind Trip Wrote:  

Just be yourself and work in improving yourself, "game" is stupid, and women that need to be "gamed" doesn't worth the effort it seems to require.

That's one of the dumbest things i've seen here. Dude dont listen to this dude, take WIA advice.

Where do you learn your game? - Mind Trip - 01-29-2014

Quote: (01-28-2014 09:41 AM)pheonix500000 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-28-2014 07:11 AM)Mind Trip Wrote:  

Just be yourself and work in improving yourself, "game" is stupid, and women that need to be "gamed" doesn't worth the effort it seems to require.

That's one of the dumbest things i've seen here. Dude dont listen to this dude, take WIA advice.

I think that being yourself, and most importantly, discovering yourself and realising everything you are capable of is the most important thing in life, but I know that very few people would really understand it.

In this forum there are some good advices I agree, but most of the good ones are just based on self-development, the ones about some crap "game" bullshit MAY work for getting laid more often but I say that the dumb ones are those who think that THAT is what they should be aiming in life.

Where do you learn your game? - commiejoe - 01-29-2014

Quote: (01-28-2014 07:11 AM)Mind Trip Wrote:  

Just be yourself and work in improving yourself, "game" is stupid, and women that need to be "gamed" doesn't worth the effort it seems to require.

Yeah, my mom used to tell me all this when I was in high school too. Totally worked for me then, was getting laid left and right.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of pussy and I found myself in the midst of it.

Where do you learn your game? - Frontenac - 01-29-2014

Agree with all of the practice advice. Only way to do it is to get out and do it. Approaches are similar to lifting at the gym: if you're afraid of going past your pain barrier, then you'll never get any stronger. You need to have the guts to go through the wall if you want to make the most of it. Gaming is the same thing. You'll never get better than if don't go to that uncomfortable area. Even if you fail, you at least tried, and you'll be better next time.

If you're to afraid to try, get your confidence levels up. Have workout, go for a run. You'll be much more willing to attempt something if you've already attempted and bested something else that was difficult.