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Dominican Republic for the New Year

Dominican Republic for the New Year

So today was not as productive as yesterday, no flags, although I think I was close. The girl I flagged last night messaged me on whatsapp wanting to go shopping for the "cell phone". I never responded to any of her messages, so it looks like I got away scott-free.

Breakfast girl flaked, but no biggie. I was messaging another girl from tagged since yesterday, and she was a pain to convince to come out. I first tried to get her to come to my room, she refused saying she barely knows me. I said, ok how about the bar in the hotel, she refused. I said, ok, how about we grab food, with the intention of having her join me for pizza at the pizza place right next to the hotel, she refused again.

I get frustrated and forget to translate my English to Spanish in Google translate and just respond back in English. To my surprise she responds back in English.

We start speaking English, I keep on pushing for the meetup, but she tells me something about her step dad talking to her about this the other day, I have no idea what she is talking about, her English isn't great.

She still kept on resisting, but for some reason despite my directness she kept on messaging back, so I persisted thinking she would eventually crack.

I build some more comfort and find out she's an actress. I immediately smell blood in the water, and tell her I'm a video producer and send her the link to my production companies website portfolio. I tell her to come over and we'll shoot some videos since I have my camera equipment with me. She's down and immediately comes over in an hour.

This is where things got problematic. JCall007 and I are sharing a two bed room, and he had another girl over in the hotel. I go grab my camera bag and head to the hotel pool where the actress girl joined me.

I hang out and stall with her by the pool, by taking photos, video and hitting on her for about 30 minutes. She keeps saying she loves my camera. I text JCall007 to see if he's done with the room, no response.

I put my camera away, we hang out by the pool and talk. To my surprise she loves Nietzsche, which turned me on so much! JCall is taking forever, and the girl tells me she came with her male friend who was outside the hotel waiting for her. I decided this isn't going anywhere, and I will have to go for a second meetup.

I tell her to practice some more at home, and we can meet up and take more video and party, she told me she occasionally drinks.

A while later JCall finally finished up, he ended up getting his flag, at the expense of me loosing mine haha, but no biggie. We would later find out the girl I had, JCall had also been communicating with her on Tagged lol.

He leaves the room and I get another girl from Tagg to show up. This one is fine, and I have her come straight to the room. She speaks some English so I don't bother much with talking through my translator. I put on some Romeo music since the last girl I flagged liked it, she also loves it, guess he's a popular singer here.

She doesn't like vodka, so we take Black label shots from the minibar. I do the usual and dance with her, and start making out. She pushes away, a while later I makeout with her again, lift her up and put her on the bed. I start taking her top off, and she says she only has sex for money. I pretend I didn't understand, tell her no comprende and keep making out. She gets up and starts asking for money, saying her mother is ill and she wants $500 USD. I am speechless, I tell her she can't be serious, even pros in USA don't charge that much. I try to lie to her and say I don't have any cash, only visa card, she can trust me, I'll pay her tomorrow. But it didn't go anywhere, she eventually lives.

At this point I am now getting tired/frustrated with Tagged, seems there are a lot of semi-pros on there. I took a break from it the rest of the day, might give it another shot, next few days, idk.

In terms of breaking down my Tagged strategy, there really isn't much to it. It is not as efficient as JCalls. He pipelined girls ahead of time by talking to them for weeks, via whatsapp and Skype I think. I came on this trip last minute and I am too busy and lazy to bother messaging and pipeling.

What I've been doing so far is just finding girls that are "currently" online, the ones with the green circles. I message them with anything, from asking if they speak English, to whatever. Then try to get them out. It's basically just a machine gun numbers game approach. Not efficient by any means.

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