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Dominican Republic for the New Year

Dominican Republic for the New Year

Yea, I'll break down some of my trip expenses so far.

I was at the airport, and I was looking for a wifi to use my phone, some taxi guy helped me find one, then wanted a tip for it, I gave him $5 USD, this was before I knew anything about converting to pesos.

Got dinner at a pizza place by Napolitano, they barely had anything, and only gave me 210 pesos, even though my change was supposed to be 240 pesos. Each place arbitrarily decides their own currency conversion. It varies from dividing by 35, all the way to 42.

Went to a strip club, seemed sketchy so we left, pimp tried to get us to go into a car and drive around some corner to a better club. Our driver later said pimp was trying to fleece us for cab fare.

JCall007 had two girls he pipelined join us at the hotel. Got drinks at the hotel, and they're mad expensive, I think we paid $20. Bounced them to club mint, and as soon as our girls sit down, the bar tender brings two drinks to our girls, and we think they're on the house, cause the girls never asked for them. When we try to leave, the bar tender tells us we have to pay for the drinks the girls had, even though no one asked for them. That cost us another $20.

All the girls we invite to our hotel, want us to pay their cab fare. The two girls from mint, didn't want to bounce back to our hotel room for some lovin' after spending over $40 on drinks on them, yet had the nerve to ask us to pay for their cab fare to get away from us. I don't know about you guys, but I don't believe in financially supporting my own cockblock. We told them to wait for us outside while we go get change at the casino for their taxi, and just ditched them outside, to contact other girls.

I also had to pay the cab fare for the girl I flagged. She tried to hustle me for a new mobile phone, lied to her ass and said we can meetup tomorrow and I'll get her one; I plan to just flake on her. I invited her straight to the hotel room, and she at first wanted me to take her out to dinner. I lied and told her I tried the hotel dinner earlier this week and it made me very sick, so we shouldn't grab dinner. After day one, we were prepared. Our driver took us to a local guy that gave us a great conversion rate for USD to pesos, it was 42.4. We then went to the local super market and bought some vodka, and snacks, at a much better rates than the touristy places. No need to take girls out now, we have drinks and food at our place.

DR is not bad, just be ready for everybody to want a piece of your money. It's my first time doing this kind of thing, so maybe I'm just a newb who expected his USD to go a long way here haha idk.

Most girls you invite ask for about 400 pesos each way, so about 800 pesos both ways. Sounds like chump change, but if you're inviting 3 or 4 different girls a day, it quickly adds up. After learning our lesson from day one, we agreed to only pay for cabs when girls put out. Or just go pick them up with our driver, since we're already paying him for the whole day.

Looking forward to tomorrow morning, got two girls lined up. One girl from Haina wants to join me for breakfast, robert, our driver said it's far away and didn't want us to pick her up, b/c he is not sure about the neighborhood. I told her ass to take the bus to our hotel...let's see if she actually follows through. If she actually does, then this truly is a poosy paradise!

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