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Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Another thing about mentioning travel is that it gets you more "illusion of having money" than you really have.

Since many chicks do not travel, except to the same common/popular places...many do not know too much about the costs and how to find deals. Hell, I remember during the early 2000's that flying from DC to Brazil was $430 round-trip. We were staying at these apartments where the owners gave us good rates because we were going so often.

Some chicks are like "wow Brazil?...and you went for a week?" They are thinking thousands of dollars spent when you KNOW you only busted up a grand or $1500.

Hell, one Brazil flight actually had a stop in Venezuela. I extended the layover to 3 days and went to Brazil after that. The average chick thinks "money" since they do not know about "niche" travel agents and the such.

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