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Trouble making male friends

Trouble making male friends

Quote: (12-07-2013 06:08 PM)Peregrine Wrote:  

MikeCF wrote a solid post on the effects of selfishness and male friendships.

I read this post a month ago and honestly, it is one of the best posts I have ever read.

I was always very selfish when it came to other people. I can remember being that way as far back as when I was 12. Outside of a couple friendships, all of my friendships had been transient. I always wondered why and that post helped me find the "missing ingredient" so to speak.

Over the past month, I bought every single one of my friends a drink or a meal and it added a level of depth that was never there. Doing this helped me understand what Mike meant by "give freely".

When you live purely for yourself and never give back or give freely to anyone, your friendships can only be as shallow as a puddle.

When you give to others out of good will, your friendships can have the depth of the oceans.

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